Definiciones Tejidos Jiji
Definiciones Tejidos Jiji
Definiciones Tejidos Jiji
● Potency: measure of how many types of specialized cells a stem cell can make.
● Totipotent cell: cell has the potential to divide until it creates an entire, complete organism.
● Pluripotent cells: cells can give rise to all the cell types that make up the body.
● Multipotent cells: can develop into more than one cell type, but are more limited than
pluripotent cells (ectoderm, mesoderm, or endoderm).
● Cellular lineage: denotes the developmental history of a tissue or organ from the fertilized
● Stem cell niche: Specific anatomic location of a tissue that provides a specific
microenvironment, in which stem cells are present in an undifferentiated and self-renewable
● Cellular plasticity: the ability of some stem cells to give rise to cell types.
● Primary cells: cells isolated directly from human or animal tissue using enzymatic or
mechanical methods. Once isolated, they are placed in an artificial environment in plastic or
glass containers supported with specialized medium containing essential nutrients and
growth factors to support proliferation.
● Cell lines: a cell line is a permanently established cell culture that will proliferate indefinitely
given appropriate fresh medium and space. They differ from primary cells in that they have
escaped the Hayflick limit and become immortalized.
● Cell origin types:
o Autologous: Patients own cells
o Allogenic: Other human source
o Xenogenic: Other species source
● Glycoproteins are the proteins with carbohydrates/sugars attached to them. These
proteins are often secreted by cells.
o The trimeric proteins to form a cross-like structure that can bind to other cell
membrane and extracellular matrix molecules.