Thyroid and Antithyroid Drugs
Thyroid and Antithyroid Drugs
Thyroid and Antithyroid Drugs
Normal human thyroid secretes 60-90 micrograms of T4 and 10-30 micrograms of T3 daily.
Calcitonin is produced by interfollicular C cells; chemically and biologically different from T3 and T4.
Thyroid Hormones
•Two biologically active hormones types released:
• Thyroxine (tetraiodothyronine) and triiodothyronine
• Calcitonin
• * =(degradation of proteins)
Iodine Sources
• Hypothyroidism
• Hyperthyroidism
Hypothyroidism is a disorder with multiple causes in which the thyroid
fails to secrete an adequate amount of thyroid hormones
• The most common thyroid disorder
• Usually caused by primary thyroid gland failure
• Also may result from diminished stimulation of the thyroid gland by TSH
• Hypothyroidism can occur with or without thyroid enlargement (goiter).
• Hypothyroidism usually results from autoimmune destruction of the
gland or the peroxidase and is diagnosed by elevated TSH.
Hypothyroidism: Deficiency in Thyroid Hormones
• Hyposecretion of thyroid hormone during
• Decreased metabolic rate, loss of mental
and physical stamina, weight gain, loss of
hair, edema
• Myxedema coma is a rare but life-
threatening condition
• Enlargement of the thyroid gland (thyromegaly)
• Results from overstimulation by elevated levels of TSH
• TSH is elevated because there is little or no thyroid (NODULAR)
hormone in circulation
• Also thyroid cancers and pituitary disease cause goiter.
• 3 types of goiters: Class I (cannot be seen only found by
palpitation), Class II (can be easily seen), class III (whole
thyroid appearing to be enlarged)
• A clinical syndrome that results when the tissues are exposed to high
levels of thyroid hormone.
• Hyperthyroidism refers to excess synthesis and secretion of thyroid
hormones by the thyroid gland, which results in accelerated
metabolism in peripheral tissues.
• The most common form of hyperthyroidism is Grave’’s disease or
diffuse toxic goiter
Hyperthyroidism: Excessive Thyroid
Caused by several diseases
• Graves’ disease (auto immune, bug eye looks)
• Toxic multinodular goiter
• Excessive iodine intake
• Intake of thyroid hormones
• Medications like excessive iodine containing drugs (Amiodarone,
• Lugol’s solution and some cough syrups).)
• Thyroiditis(The inflammation of the thyroid)
Graves’ disease
• Graves disease is a thyroid disorder characterized by goiter, exophthalmos, "orange-peel" skin,
and hyperthyroidism.
• It is caused by an antibody-mediated auto-immune reaction. A genetic defect in suppressor T
Lymphocytes. Helper T Lymphocytes stimulate B lymphocytes to synthesize antibodies to
thyroidal antigens.
• It is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism.
• Laboratory diagnosis includes elevation of T3, T4 whereas TSH is suppressed.
Exophthalmos :Abnormal protrusion of the eyeball
Note: These drugs have no effect on thyroglobulin already stored in the gland. Therefore, clinical effects of
these drugs may be delayed until thyroglobulin stores are depleted
Methimazole is preferred over PTU because it has a longer half-life, allowing for once-daily dosing, and
a lower incidence of adverse effects.
PTU is recommended during the first trimester of pregnancy due to a greater risk of teratogenic
effects with methimazole.
Thioamides : Side effects
Glucose control
• Increased hepatic glucose production and glucose intolerance in hyperthyroidism;
impaired insulin action and glucose disposal in hypothyroidism
Cardiac drugs
• Higher doses of digoxin required in hyperthyroidism; lower doses in hypothyroidism
Sedatives; analgesics
• Increased sedative and respiratory depressant effects from sedatives and opioids in
hypothyroidism; converse in hyperthyroidism
Thyroid storm