File Management System (Efile) : Diary Files
File Management System (Efile) : Diary Files
File Management System (Efile) : Diary Files
eFile is a workflow based system that replaces the existing manual handling of files with a more efficient
electronic system.
This system involves all stages, including the electronic diarization of inward correspondence, creation of
files, movement of correspondences and files, electronic signing of noting & drafts using Digital Signature
Certificates (DSC), eSign, and finally, the archival of records.
Diary Files
Dispatch Reports
• Templates Selection • MIS Reports
• Digital Signatures File/Diary Register Report
• Advanced Search on metadata File/Diary Movement Report
• Reminders and Follow-ups File/Diary Pendency Reports
• Dispatch sent through email and post ….. many more
e F i l e P ro c e s s
eFile – File Inbox
eFile – Inner Look