Title: Adaptations: Starter: 5 Mins Full Sentences: Adapted To Live in A Cold

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Welcome Year 8

Sit in your allocated seat, get out your equipment and

write the title and date, and
begin the starter.

Title: Adaptations
Starter: 5 MINS
Full sentences:
1) How is a polar bear
adapted to live in a cold
2) How is a camel adapted to
live in a the desert?
I will learn: Define adaptation.
How organisms are adapted
to their environment.

I will apply my Relate adaptations to the

learning by: environment of the

Use Key words:

Adaptation Designing an organism that
is adapted to a certain

I will evaluate my learning by:

Completing a quick quiz
What is an adaptation?
What is an adaptation?
• “A thing that makes it better at living where it

• “Something that helps an animal live in its


• “A characteristic, behavioural or physical, that

makes an organism better suited to its
How is the polar bear adapted to
being a hunter?

• Strong muscles for over powering and catching

• White colour to camouflage in the snow.
• Forward facing eyes so it can perceive depth (helps
targeting prey).
• Sharp claws and teeth to grip and prey.
Explain how a camel is adapted to
live in the desert.
Designing organisms
You are going to design new organisms that
need to be adapted to their environment.
1. Predator that lives in the sea.
2. Prey animal that lives in a hot place
that eats fruit found high in trees.
3. Plant that lives in a dark place that has
very few soil nutrients.
Extension: Now describe 3 behavioural adaptations that each of
your organisms have.
E.g. Kangaroos lay in the shade during the hottest part of the day
to keep cool
Evaluate your work
On the mini-white boards:

Write one adaptation for each of the

following organisms.

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