Goal Setting

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When we set goals, we develop direction,
we develop focused and channeled
energy, and we accomplish more in a
short time than we could accomplish
in years.
The third category is your desire for financial
The fourth category is your desire for good health, to be
free of pain and illness and to have a continuous flow of
energy and feelings of well-being.
The 1st step in all goal setting is desire.
Desire is the great motivator, the great
force that impels us toward our goals.

The 2nd step is belief - you must believe

without a doubt that you have the ability
to achieve the goal. So make your goals
challenging but realistic.
The 3rd step is to write the goal in
complete detail, exactly as you wish to
have it. Until a goal is committed to paper,
it is not a goal; it is simply a wish.

The 4th step is to determine how you

will benefit from accomplishing your goal.
Write out a specific list of all the
advantages you are going to enjoy.
The 5th step is to analyze your current
status - where you are right now. If you
wish to earn a certain amount of money,
figure out exactly how much you are
earning today.

The 6th step is to set a deadline - decide

exactly when you are going to accomplish
that goal.
The 7th step is to identify the obstacles
you will have to overcome to achieve your
goal. You will find that the obstacles that
loom large in your mind when you're
thinking about them become small what you
write them down on paper.

The 8th step is to clearly identify the

knowledge you will require in order to
accomplish your goal. It is important that
you determine what you are going to have
to learn.
The 9th step is to identify the associates and
leaders whose cooperation and assistance you
will need to attain your goal Concentrate on
what you can give, how you can serve, how
you can contribute, and how you can
compensate and reward others in return for
what you want.
The 10th step is to take all the details
you've identified in the last three steps and
make a plan; make it complete in every
detail, with all the activities you are going to
have to engage in to accomplish your goal.
The 11th step is to get a clear mental image
of your goal as already attained. Every time
you get the chance, play that picture of your
goal on the screen of your mind.

The 12th step is to back your plan with

determination, persistence and resolve to
never give up. Your persistence is the direct
measure of how much you believe in yourself
and in your ability to succeed.




Goals are critical to success.
All the experts say that you should write-down
your goals.
However, just because something is written down
doesn't mean that it is set in stone forever more.
Goals need periodic revision
and review.
As circumstances change, as you change, goals
may need to be rewritten.
Some goals will be abandoned and replaced with
new goals.
Do not leave your life to chance.
Make your own luck.
Make your own success.

You can make it happen by setting goals and

then going out and achieving them.
So take your pen and paper and get ready to write.

You will need five sheets of paper.

At the top of the first sheet, write the word "Career".
On the next sheet write "Financial".
On the next sheet write "Physical".
On the next sheet write "Mental"
On the last sheet write "Family and Social".
Your career goals will relate to what you want to do with your
RMP business.

Financial goals are how much you want to earn, the level of assets
you want to own, when you want to retire and how much money
you will have then, etc.

Physical goals are those areas you want to improve you physical
appearance or condition.

Mental goals covers the gaining of knowledge, changing attitudes,

self-improvement and cultural.

Family and Social goals may include education of the family, your
role in the family or relationships with others, expansion of your
circle of friends, etc.
You will then need to put the following headings on
each page. Allow enough space between each heading
so that you can write your goals. Do not write your
goals yet - just prepare the sheets.
The headings are:

My long range goal is (five years from now):

I will express my purpose in life in this way:
My plan for achieving is:
My short range goal is (one year from now):
What I will do each day to achieve this goal:
Your long range goals need to express your
ambitions, dreams, hopes and desires. Let your
mind soar and do not place any limitations in
your path.

your purpose in life, that is, the destination you

are aiming for to achieve your success. When I
say your purpose in life, what I mean is the goal
you set for your life. Why are you in this world?
What are you here to achieve? Your answers to
these questions describe your purpose in life or
your life goals.
you state how you intend to achieve your long
range goal. This is where you have to give a lot
of thought to the steps you need to take to
achieve your goal. It is easy to say "I want to be
a millionaire" is my long range goal. But
without a plan on how you will achieve it, it is
nothing more than a wish. Once you outline the
steps you need to take, it then becomes

Your short range goal sets out where you will be

in twelve months time.
The last part of your goal sheet is what you
plan to do each day to achieve your goal.
This must be a specific action. You are
committing yourself to work towards your
goal each and every day.

If you fail to do this, you will not achieve

your goal. Today is the day we lay our
foundations on which we will build our
success. If we do not lay the foundation, our
building will fall over.
Have Take the time now to write out your goals on your sheets of paper.

"Obstacles are those
frightful things you
can see when you
Take your eyes off
your goal." –
Henry Ford

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