Session 4 - Introduction To Risk Management

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Theory and Practice

DCU Risk & Compliance Officer (November 2015), Ollscoiil Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, Dublin City University
What is a RISK?

 A risk is an uncertain event which may occur in the future

 A risk may prevent or delay the achievement of an
organization’s or units objectives or goals.
 A risk is not certain- Its likelihood can be estimated

Note: Not all risk is bad, some level of risk must be taken in order to progress.

DCU Risk & Compliance Officer (November 2015), Ollscoiil Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, Dublin City University

It is a process to:

 Identify all relevant risk

 Assess/ rank those risks
 Address the risks in order of priority
 Monitor risks & report on their management

DCU Risk & Compliance Officer (November 2015), Ollscoiil Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, Dublin City University
DCU Risk & Compliance Officer (November 2015), Ollscoiil Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, Dublin City University
Risk Management Cycle

MISSION Define Purpose

STRATEGY High Level Plans

GOALS are statements of what needs to be accomplished to implement the strategy. 

DCU Risk & Compliance Officer (November 2015), Ollscoiil Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, Dublin City University
Risk Management Cycle

 What are the threats and uncertainties associated with my organization’s or units

 Separate out the risk into its cause & possible effect
• Be concise & clear
• Do not concentrate on symptoms only

DCU Risk & Compliance Officer (November 2015), Ollscoiil Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, Dublin City University
Risk Management Cycle

Assess the risk’s


Prioritize the risks

Hint: Get input from appropriate individuals
DCU Risk & Compliance Officer (November 2015), Ollscoiil Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, Dublin City University
Risk Management Cycle

Challenge & Evaluate Controls

 Control: Policy, action, procedure or process designed to prevent risk or

to limit its impact

Do they work, are they effective?

DCU Risk & Compliance Officer (November 2015), Ollscoiil Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, Dublin City University
Risk Management Cycle

Challenge & Evaluate Controls

 Control: Policy, action, procedure or process designed to prevent risk or to limit
its impact

 Do they work, are they effective?

DCU Risk & Compliance Officer (November 2015), Ollscoiil Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, Dublin City University
Risk Management Cycle

Take Action!
 For serious risks where controls are
A) Weak
B) Absent

 Examine Cost vs. Benefit

DCU Risk & Compliance Officer (November 2015), Ollscoiil Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, Dublin City University
Risk Management Cycle

Types of Action


DCU Risk & Compliance Officer (November 2015), Ollscoiil Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, Dublin City University
Risk Management Cycle

Monitor & Report

 Use a standard format for capturing risk data
 Review all risks at least annually
 Serious risks to be reviewed more often depending on
 Report on risk to senior management / Board
 Make Risk Register available to stakeholders to show good

DCU Risk & Compliance Officer (November 2015), Ollscoiil Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, Dublin City University
Categories of Risks

 Reduction in funding
 Failure to safeguard assets
 Poor cash flow management
 Lack of value for money
 Fraud / theft
 Poor budgeting

DCU Risk & Compliance Officer (November 2015), Ollscoiil Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, Dublin City University
Categories of Risks cont.

 These risks result from failed or inappropriate policies,

procedures, systems or activities e.g.
 Failure of an IT system
 Poor quality of services delivered
 Lack of succession planning
 Health & Safety risks
 Staff skill levels
 No process to track contractual commitments
DCU Risk & Compliance Officer (November 2015), Ollscoiil Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, Dublin City University
Categories of Risks cont.

 Organization engages in activities that could threaten

it’s good name
 Through association with other bodies
 Staff / members acting in a criminal or unethical way
 Poor stakeholder relations

DCU Risk & Compliance Officer (November 2015), Ollscoiil Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, Dublin City University

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