The Factors Involve in The Development of Textbooks
The Factors Involve in The Development of Textbooks
The Factors Involve in The Development of Textbooks
in the development
of textbooks
The factors involve in the development of
Criterial for textbook evaluation
According to Cunningworth (1995) there are 4
criteria for evaluating textbook:
They should correspond to learners’ needs. They should
match the aims and objectives of language program.
They should reflect the uses (present of future) that
learners will make of the language.
Criterial for textbook evaluation
They should take account of students’ needs as learners
and should facilitate the learning process, without
dogmatically imposing a rigid “method”.
They should have a support for learning.
Adapting textbook
Dudly-Evans & St. John (1998) highlight that a good material
provider (teacher) needs to be able to:
1. Select appropriately from what is available
2. Be creative with what is available
3. Modify activities to suit learners’ needs
4. Supplement by providing extra activities
Significant consideration in adapting
Modify content
Adding or deleting content
Reorganizing content
Addressing omissions
Modifying task
Extending task