Write Your Own Story: Lecturer: Elena PRENDJOVA
Write Your Own Story: Lecturer: Elena PRENDJOVA
Write Your Own Story: Lecturer: Elena PRENDJOVA
• https://www.dpreview.com/articles/73539439
• Instead, it's this serendipitous wedding photo that has
spread across the Web like wildfire—a once- or twice-in-
a-lifetime kind of photograph that captures the power
of nature as a backdrop to the human experience.
• But after five intense days of photography, he needed a
• I needed to run some errands and since the volcano was
quiet it seemed a good day to do that.
• The volcano had been quiet all day that Thursday, so it
was a risk, but as Kurtz told us: "nothing ventured
nothing gained, and off to the church I went.
• When he got to the church, there was no sign of an
eruption and clouds were obscuring the cone.
1. serendipitous (adj)
2. backdrop (n)
3. intense (adj)
4. run some errands (ph)
5. nothing ventured nothing gained (saying)
6. obscure (v)