Physics PP1

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The remaining core of natural philosophy and

concerns itself with questions of what underlies
the interactions of matter, energy, space, and
time, and even with what constitutes reality.
 Model- an analogy to objects or phenomena
that are generally familiar and can be
experienced directly. Models serve as very
useful mental images to help picture what is
going on in a system that cannot be sensed
 Example- planetary model of an atom
 Theory- it is a model that is widely successful
in its application.

 Example- wave theory of light

 Scientific Law- describes what happens in
nature in a general way. They are observed to
describe nature accurately in so many
circumstances that they are thought of as being
absolutely true and immutable.

 Example. Newtons Law of Motion

 Importance of experiments
Validity of models, theories and laws is judged on their
success through experiments.
 Realms of Physics
 1. Classical Physics – deals with objects larger than molecular
size and moving slower than about 1% of the speed of light.

 2. Quantum mechanics – appilicable in dealing small objects.

 3. Relativity- dealing with objects that are moving at very

high speeds.

 4. Relativistic quantum mechanics- dealing with small-fast

moving objects.
The basic units
 Basic entities:
1. Length 2. Mass 3. Time

Basic units
1. Length – meters
2. Mass – kilograms
3. Time – seconds
 British System (apothecary system)
 SI units (Systeme Internationale)

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