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Photochemical Smog

Sayed Monshurul Alam

Kashfia Saif

Nishat Sultana

Sadia Afrin

Shajnin Alam Sarnali

Smog is a mixture of Smoke + Fog

If So,
Then, What does The Photochemical Smog
• Photochemical smog first came into prominence in July 1943, in Los
• It was caused by a combination of poor atmospheric ventilation, strong
solar radiation, confining topography, and generally uncontrolled pollutant

In 1950s,Professor Arie J. Haagen-Smit of the California Institute of

Technology, who concluded that ozone and other photochemical oxidants
were not emitted directly, but were formed in the atmosphere when precursor
emissions of oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbons reacted with each other in
the presence of sunlight.
It forms in the morning when a tremendous
number of people are driving their vehicles to
work. Hotter days mean more photochemical
smog. As more and more urban population arise
around the globe, this problem is only expected to

Photochemical smog over Shanghai

Cities that experience this smog daily

include Los Angeles, Sydney, Mexico City,
Beijing, and many more.

Photochemical smog over New York

Mechanism Of Photochemical Smog
Formal Definition:
Photochemical Smog is an air
pollution ,formed when photons of
sunlight hit molecules of different
kinds of pollutants in the
Reasons behind Photochemical Smog

Vehicles emitting smoke:

Vehicles emitting smoke can be
formed just Nitrogen oxides and
sunlight – caused
photochemical smog.

Industrial emitting

Sulfurous smog, which release

released into the air by suffer

bearing fossil fuels like coal.

Burning of fossil fuels:
Fossil fuels are
hydrocarbons primarily
coal ,fuel oil or natural gas,
formed from the remains of
dead plants and animals,
which caused
Photochemical smog.

Manufacturing of chemicals:
The chemical industry comprises
the companies that produce
industrial Chemicals which
converts raw materials (oil,
natural gas, air, water, metals) –
caused photochemical smog.
Effects Of Photochemical Smog
Health Issues:
• It can cause health problems related to respiratory system.Such as-
asthma,emphysema,chronic bronchitis and other respiratory system
• It reduces resistance to colds and lung infection.
• It causes eye irritation.
• It can lower the immune system.
Environmental Issues:
• The ozone in smog can cause widespread damage to crops and forests.
• These substances can reduce or even stop growth in plants by reducing
• Some plants such as tobacco, tomato and spinach are highly responsive to
ozone, so photochemical smog can decimate these sensitive crops, trees
and other vegetation.
Solution to Photochemical Smog:
Smog is still a problem in many places. Everyone can do their
part to reduce smog by changing a few behaviors, such as:
• Drive less:
Walk, bike, carpool, and use
public transportation whenever
possible. Take care of cars.
Getting regular tune-ups,
changing oil on schedule, and
inflating tires to the proper level
can improve gas mileage and
reduce emissions.
• Take care of cars:
Getting regular tune-ups,
changing oil on schedule, and
inflating tires to the proper level
can improve gas mileage and
reduce emissions.
• Use of environmentally friendly
consumer products:
The use of environmentally friendly
consumer products such as eco-
friendly paints, paper, sprays, solvents
and plastics therefore provides a basis
for addressing smog pollution.

• Purchase renewable energy:

By purchasing renewable energy, it helps in the
reduction of emissions from power generating
plants that heavily depend on fossil fuel. In
other words, the use of renewable energy not
only reduces environmental impacts but also
trims down the presence of smog
causing pollutants in the.
Government’s Initiatives
• Many countries, including The United States have created laws to reduce

• The Ministry of Environment has taken measures to address the rising

smog levels.

• Some governments impose alternate no-driving days for public servants,

with half of them banned depending on whether their cars have odd or
even licence plates.

• The government encourages everyone to use the Eco- Friendly products

therefore provides a basis for addressing smog pollution.

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