Chapter 3 Torsion: The Constant of Proportionality Being G, The Shearing Modulus of Elasticity
Chapter 3 Torsion: The Constant of Proportionality Being G, The Shearing Modulus of Elasticity
Chapter 3 Torsion: The Constant of Proportionality Being G, The Shearing Modulus of Elasticity
-the twisting of circular bars and hollow shafts acted upon by torsional moments.
First, we consider uniform torsion which refers to the case in which torque is constant over the length of a prismatic shaft,
while non uniform torsion describes cases in which the torsional moment and/or the torsional rigidity of the cross
section varies over the length.
As for the case of axial deformations, we must relate stress and strain and also applied loading and deformation.
For torsion, recall that Hooke’s Law for shear states that shearing stresses, τ, are proportional to shearing strains, γ, with
the constant of proportionality being G, the shearing modulus of elasticity.
Both shearing stresses and shearing strains vary linearly with increasing radial distance in the cross section, as
described by the torsion formula.
The angle of twist, φ, is proportional to the internal torsional moment and the torsional flexibility of the circular bar.
Most of the discussion in this chapter is devoted to linear elastic behavior and small
In Chapters 1 and 2, we discussed the behavior of the simplest type of structural member—namely, a
straight bar subjected to axial loads.
Now we consider a slightly more complex type of behavior known as torsion.
Torsion refers to the twisting of a straight bar when it is loaded by moments (or torques) that tend to
produce rotation about the longitudinal axis of the bar.
For instance, when you turn a screwdriver (Fig. 3-1a), your hand applies a torque T to the handle (Fig.
3-1b) and twists the shank of the screwdriver. Other examples of bars in torsion are drive shafts in
automobiles, axles, propeller shafts, steering rods, and drill bits.
The first pair consists of the forces P1 acting near the midpoint of the bar and the second pair
consists of the forces P2 acting at the end. Each pair of forces forms a couple that tends to twist
the bar about its longitudinal axis.
As we know from statics, the moment of a couple is equal to the product of one of the
forces and the perpendicular distance between the lines of action of the forces; thus, the
first couple has a moment and the second has a moment .
The arrow is perpendicular to the plane containing the couple, and therefore in this
The direction (or sense) of the moment is indicated by the right-hand rule for
moment vectors— namely, using your right hand, let your fingers curl in the
direction of the moment, and then your thumb will point in the direction of the
An alternative representation of a moment is a curved arrow acting in the direction of
Both the curved arrow and vector representations are in common use.
Moments that produce twisting of a bar, such as the moments T1 and T2 in Fig. 3-2, are
Cylindrical members that are subjected to torques and transmit power through rotation are
called shafts; for instance, the drive shaft of an automobile or the propeller shaft of a ship.
We pass a section perpendicular to the axis of the shaft through some arbitrary point C
(Fig. 3.3).
The free-body diagram of portion BC of the shaft must include the elementary shearing
forces , which are perpendicular to the radius of the shaft.
The conditions of equilibrium for BC require that the system of these forces be equivalent
to an internal torque T, as well as equal and opposite to T'(Fig. 3.4b).
Fig. 3.4 (a) Free body diagram of section BC with torque at C
represented by the contributions of small elements of area carrying
forces dF a radius from the section center. (b) Free-body diagram of
section BC having all the small area elements summed resulting in
torque T.
Denoting the perpendicular distance from the force to the axis of the shaft and expressing that
the sum of the moments of the shearing forces dF about the axis of the shaft is equal in
magnitude to the torque T, write
Since dA, where is the shearing stress on the element of area dA, you also can write
Although the net torque due to the shearing stresses is known, the distribution of the stresses
is not
Distribution of shearing stresses is statically indeterminate – must consider shaft
Unlike the normal stress due to axial loads, the distribution of shearing stresses due to
torsional loads can not be assumed uniform.
The torque applied to the shaft produces shearing stresses on the faces perpendicular to
the axis of the shaft.
However, the conditions of equilibrium require the existence of equal stresses on the faces
That such shearing stresses actually occur in torsion can be demonstrated by considering a
“shaft” made of separate slats pinned at both ends to disks, as shown in Fig. 3.6a.
If markings have been painted on two adjoining slats, it is observed that the slats will slide
with respect to each other when equal and opposite torques are applied to the ends of the
While sliding will not actually take place in a shaft made of a homogeneous and cohesive
material, the tendency for sliding will exist, showing that stresses occur on longitudinal
planes as well as on planes perpendicular to the axis of the shaft.
3.1B Deformations in a Circular Shaft
Deformation Characteristics. Consider a circular shaft attached to a fixed support at one end (Fig. 3.7a).
If a torque T is applied to the other end, the shaft will twist, with its free end rotating through an angle
called the angle of twist (Fig. 3.7b).
Also, is proportional to the length L of the shaft. In other words, the angle of twist for a shaft of the
same material and same cross section, but twice as long, will be twice as large under the same torque T.
Fig. 3.7 Shaft with fixed support and line AB drawn showing
deformation under torsion loading: (a) unloaded; (b) loaded
When a circular shaft is subjected to torsion, every cross section remains plane and undistorted.
In other words, while the various cross sections along the shaft rotate through different amounts, each cross
section rotates as a solid rigid slab.
This property is characteristic of circular shafts, whether solid or hollow—but not of members with
noncircular cross section.
The cross sections of a circular shaft remain plane and undistorted because a circular shaft is axisymmetric
(i.e., its appearance remains the same when it is viewed from a fixed position and rotated about its axis
through an arbitrary angle).
Square bars, on the other hand, retain the same appearance only if they are rotated through 90 or 180.
Theoretically the axisymmetry of circular shafts can be used to prove that their cross sections remain plane
and undistorted.
Fig. 3.8 Comparison of deformations in (a) circular and (b) square shafts.
Shearing Strains
Consider the distribution of shearing strains in a circular shaft of
length L and radius c that has been twisted through an angle (Fig.
Fig. 3.9 Shearing strain deformation. (a) The angle of twist . (b) Undeformed portion of shaft of radius . (c)
Deformed portion of shaft; angle of twist and shearing strain share the same arc length AA.
Here the shearing strain in a given element is measured by the change in the angles formed by the sides of that element (Sec.
Since the circles defining two of the sides remain unchanged, the shearing strain must be equal to the angle between lines AB
and A'B.
Figure 3.13c shows that, for small values of , the arc length AA' is expressed as AA'=L. But since AA'=, it follows that L, or
from (3.2)
This equation shows that the shearing strain at a given point of a shaft in torsion is proportional to the
angle of twist .
It also shows that is proportional to the distance from the axis of the shaft to that point.
Thus, the shearing strain in a circular shaft varies linearly with the distance from the axis of the shaft.
From Eq. (3.2), the shearing strain is maximum on the surface of the shaft,
where .
Eliminating from Eqs. (3.2) and (3.3), the shearing strain at a distance from
the axis of the shaft is
Fig. 3.9 Shearing strain deformation. (a) The angle of twist . (b) Undeformed portion of shaft of radius .
(c) Deformed portion of shaft; angle of twist and shearing strain share the same arc length AA.
3.1C Stresses in the Elastic Range
When the torque T is such that all shearing stresses in the shaft remain below the yield
strength , the stresses in the shaft will remain below both the proportional limit and the elastic
Thus, Hooke’s law will apply, and there will be no permanent deformation.
Recalling Hooke’s law for shearing stress and strain from Sec. 2.7, write
where G is the modulus of rigidity or shear modulus of the material. Multiplying both members
of Eq. (3.4) by G, write
or, making use of Eq. (3.5),
This equation shows that, as long as the yield strength (or proportional limit) is not exceeded in any part of a
circular shaft, the shearing stress in the shaft varies linearly with the distance from the axis of the shaft. Figure
3.10a shows the stress distribution in a solid circular shaft of radius c. A hollow circular shaft of inner radius c 1 and
Fig. 3.10 Distribution of shearing stresses in a torqued shaft: (a) Solid shaft, (b) Hollow shaft.
Recall from Sec. 3.1A that the sum of the moments of the elementary forces exerted on any cross section
of the shaft must be equal to the magnitude T of the torque exerted on the shaft:
The integral in the last part represents the polar moment of inertia J of the cross section with respect to its
center O. Therefore,
or solving for ,
Substituting for from Eq. (3.9) into Eq. (3.6), the shearing stress at any distance from the axis of
the shaft is
Equations (3.9) and (3.10) are known as the elastic torsion formulas. Recall from statics that the
polar moment of inertia of a circle of radius c is . For a hollow circular shaft of inner radius c 1 and
When SI metric units are used in Eq. (3.9) or (3.10), T is given in N.m, c or in meters, and J in
m4. The resulting shearing stress is given in N/m2, that is, pascals (Pa). When U.S. customary
units are used, T is given in, c or in inches, and J in in 4. The resulting shearing stress is
given in psi.
Concept Application 3.1
A hollow cylindrical steel shaft is 1.5 m long and has inner and outer diameters
respectively equal to 40 and 60 mm (Fig. 3.11). (a) What is the largest torque that can be
applied to the shaft if the shearing stress is not to exceed 120 MPa? (b) What is the
corresponding minimum value of the shearing stress in the shaft?
Recalling that the polar moment of inertia J of the cross section is given by Eq. (3.11), where and , write
The minimum shearing stress occurs on the inner surface of the shaft. Equation (3.7) expresses that and are respectively
proportional to and
The torsion formulas of Eqs. (3.9) and (3.10) were derived for a shaft of uniform circular cross section
subjected to torques at its ends.
However, they also can be used for a shaft of variable cross section or for a shaft subjected to torques at
locations other than its ends (Fig. 3.12a).
The distribution of shearing stresses in a given cross section S of the shaft is obtained from Eq. (3.9),
where J is the polar moment of inertia of that section and T represents the internal torque in that section.
T is obtained by drawing the free-body diagram of the portion of shaft located on one side of the section
(Fig. 3.12b) and writing that the sum of the torques applied (including the internal torque T) is zero.
Fig. 3.12 Shaft with variable cross section. (a) With applied torques and section S.
(b) Free-body diagram of sectioned shaft
Normal Stresses
Our analysis of stresses in a shaft has been limited to shearing stresses due to the fact that the element selected
was oriented so that its faces were either parallel or perpendicular to the axis of the shaft (Fig. 3.5).
Now consider two elements and located on the surface of a circular shaft subjected to torsion (Fig. 3.13).
Since the faces of element a are respectively parallel and perpendicular to the axis of the shaft, the only stresses
on the element are the shearing stresses.
Fig. 3.13 Circular shaft with stress elements at different orientations.
On the other hand, the faces of element b, which form arbitrary angles with the axis of the shaft, are
subjected to a combination of normal and shearing stresses.
Consider the stresses and resulting forces on faces that are at 45 to the axis of the shaft.
The free-body diagrams of the two triangular elements are shown in Fig. 3.14.
From Fig. 3.14a, the stresses exerted on the faces BC and BD are the shearing stresses .
The magnitude of the corresponding shear forces is , where A0 is the area of the face.
Observing that the components along DC of the two shear forces are equal and opposite, the force F
exerted on DC must be perpendicular to that face and is a tensile force. Its magnitude is
Fig. 3.14 Forces on faces at 45 to shaft axis.
The corresponding stress is obtained by dividing the force F by the area A of face DC. Observing
that ,
A similar analysis of the element of Figure 3.18b shows that the stress on the face BE is
. Therefore, the stresses exerted on the faces of an element c at 45 to the axis of the shaft (Fig.
3.15) are normal stresses equal to .
Thus, while element a in Fig. 3.15 is in pure shear, element c in the same figure is subjected to a
tensile stress on two of its faces and a compressive stress on the other two.
Also note that all of the stresses involved have the same magnitude, Tc/J.
• Ductile materials generally fail in shear. Brittle
materials are weaker in tension than shear.
Fig. 3.15 Shaft elements with only shearing stresses or normal stresses.
c2 c14 0.060 4 0.045 4
Tc Tc 6 kN m
max 4 65MPa
13.92 10 6 m 4 J c c3
2 2
TBC c2 20 kN m 0.060 m
max 2
J 13.92 10 6 m 4 c 38.9 103 m
86.2 MPa d 2c 77.8 mm
min c min 45 mm
max c2 86.2 MPa 60 mm max 86.2 MPa
min 64.7 MPa min 64.7 MPa
In this section, a relationship will be determined between the angle of twist of a circular shaft and the torque T
exerted on the shaft. The entire shaft is assumed to remain elastic.
Considering first the case of a shaft of length L with a uniform cross section of radius c subjected to a torque T at
its free end (Fig. 3.16), recall that the angle of twist and the maximum shearing strain are related as
Fig. 3.16 Torque applied to fixed end shaft resulting in angle of twist .
But in the elastic range, the yield stress is not exceeded anywhere in the shaft. Hooke’s law applies, and . Recalling
Eq. (3.9),
Equating the right-hand members of Eqs. (3.3) and (3.14) and solving for , write
where is in radians.
The relationship obtained shows that, within the elastic range, the angle of twist is proportional to the torque T
applied to the shaft.
As long as the yield stress of the material is not exceeded, the points obtained by plotting against T fall on a
straight line.
The slope of this line represents the quantity JG/L, from which the modulus of rigidity G can be computed.
Equation (3.15) can be used for the angle of twist only if the shaft is homogeneous (constant G), has a uniform cross section, and
is loaded only at its ends.
If the shaft is subjected to torques at locations other than its ends or if it has several portions with various cross sections and
possibly of different materials, it must be divided into parts that satisfy the required conditions for Eq. (3.15).
For shaft AB shown in Fig. 3.17, four different parts should be considered: AC, CD, DE, and EB.
The total angle of twist of the shaft (i.e., the angle through which end A rotates with respect to end B) is obtained by algebraically
adding the angles of twist of each component part.
Using the internal torque Ti , length Li , cross-sectional polar moment of inertia J i , and modulus of rigidity Gi , corresponding to
part i, the total angle of twist of the shaft is
where J is a function of x. Integrating in x from 0 to L, the total angle of twist of the shaft is
Fig. 3.23 (a) Gear assembly for transmitting torque from point E to
point D. (b) Angles of twist at disk E, gear B, and gear A.f
There are situations where the internal torques cannot be determined from statics alone.
In such cases, the external torques (i.e., those exerted on the shaft by the supports and
connections) cannot be determined from the free-body diagram of the entire shaft.
The equilibrium equations must be complemented by relations involving the deformations of
the shaft and obtained by the geometry of the problem.
Because statics is not sufficient to determine external and internal torques, the shafts are
statically indeterminate.
Sample Problem 3.4
• Apply a static equilibrium analysis on
the two shafts to find a relationship
between TCD and T0
• Apply a kinematic analysis to relate
the angular rotations of the gears
• Find the maximum allowable torque
on each shaft – choose the smallest
• Find the corresponding angle of twist
Two solid steel shafts are connected by gears. for each shaft and the net angular
Knowing that for each shaft G = 11.2 x 106 psi and rotation of end A
that the allowable shearing stress is 8 ksi, determine
(a) the largest torque T0 that may be applied to the end
of shaft AB, (b) the corresponding angle through
which end A of shaft AB rotates.
SOLUTION: • Apply a kinematic analysis to relate the
• Apply a static equilibrium analysis on the angular rotations of the gears
two shafts to find a relationship between
TCD and T0
rB B rCC
M B 0 F 0.875in. T0 r 2.45 in.
M C 0 F 2.45 in. TCD rB 0.875in.
TCD 2.8 T0 B 2.8C
• Find the T0 for the maximum allowable • Find the corresponding angle of twist for each shaft
torque on each shaft – choose the smallest and the net angular rotation of end A
A / B AB
561lb in. 24in.
J ABG 0.375 in. 4 11 .2 106 psi
0.387 rad 2.22o
TABc T 0.375in.
max 8000 psi 0 T L 2.8 561lb in. 24in.
C / D CD
J AB 0.375in. 4
2 J CD G 0.5 in. 4 11 .2 106 psi
T0 663lb in.
0.514 rad 2.95o
TCDc 2.8 T0 0.5 in.
8000 psi
0.5 in. 4
B 2.8C 2.8 2.95o 8.26o
The principal specifications to be met in the design of a transmission shaft are the power to be transmitted and the
speed of rotation of the shaft.
The role of the designer is to select the material and the dimensions of the cross section of the shaft so that the
maximum shearing stress allowable will not be exceeded when the shaft is transmitting the required power at the
specified speed.
To determine the torque exerted on the shaft, the power P associated with the rotation of a rigid body subjected to a
torque T is
where is the angular velocity of the body in radians per second (rad/s). But , where is the frequency of the rotation,
(i.e., the number of revolutions per second).
The unit of frequency is 1 and is called a hertz(Hz). Substituting for into Eq. (3.18),
When SI units are used with f expressed in Hz and T in N.m, the power will be in N.m/s—that is, in watts(W).
Solving Eq. (3.19) for T, the torque exerted on a shaft transmitting the power P at a frequency of rotation f is
After determining the torque T to be applied to the shaft and selecting the material to be used, the designer carries
the values of T and the maximum allowable stress into Eq. (3.9).
When SI units are used, T is expressed in N.m, in Pa (or N/m2), and J/c in m3. For a solid circular shaft, ,and ;
substituting this value for J/c into Eq. (3.21) and solving for c yields the minimum allowable value for the radius of
the shaft.
For a hollow circular shaft, the critical parameter is J/c2, where c2 is the outer radius of the shaft; the value of this
parameter may be computed from Eq. (3.11) to determine whether a given cross section will be acceptable.
When U.S. customary units are used, the frequency is usually expressed in rpm and the power in horsepower
Before applying Eq. (3.20), it is then necessary to convert the frequency into revolutions per second (i.e., hertz)
and the power into or using:
When the power is given in, Eq. (3.20) yields the value of the torque T in
Carrying this value of T into Eq. (3.21), and expressing in psi, the parameter J/c is given in in3.