Digital System Design

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Bus Structure

• A simple way of providing the desired interconnectivity may be to connect each register to a
common set of n wires, which are used to transfer data into and out of the registers. This
common set of wires is usually called a bus.
• If common paths are used to transfer data from multiple sources to multiple destinations, it is
necessary to ensure that only one register acts as a source at any given time and other registers
do not interfere.
Using Tri-State Drivers to Implement a Bus

Outputs of two ordinary logic gates cannot be connected together, because a short circuit would
result if one gate forces the output value 1 while the other gate forces the value 0. Therefore, some
special gates are needed if the outputs of two registers are to be connected to a common set of
wires. A commonly used circuit element for this purpose is a tri-state driver (or buffer). It performs
no logic operation and its output simply replicates the input signal. Its purpose is to provide
additional electrical driving capability.
Using Multiplexers to Implement a Bus
Verilog Code for Specification of Bus Structures (Register swap through bus using tristate drivers)

As a simple example, consider a system that has three

registers, R1, R2, and R3. We will specify a control circuit
that performs a single function—it swaps the contents of
registers R1 and R2, using R3 for temporary storage.
The required swapping is done in three steps, each needing
one clock cycle. In the first step the contents of R2 are
transferred into R3. Then the contents of R1 are transferred
into R2. Finally, the contents of R3, which are the original
contents of R2, are transferred into R1.
To transfer the contents of one register into another buses are used. The control
circuit for this task can be explained in the form of a finite state machine as
shown in Figure 12.2. Its state table is shown in Table 12.1

• In state A and state B, Extern = 1 to load two

different data to the bus and then from the bus to the
registers R1 and R2.
• The states B, C and D change their states if Extern =
• From B, it goes to C state where R1 is copied to R3.
• From C it goes to state D where R2 is copied to R1.
• From D, the next state is E to copy R3 to R2 and an
output Done = 1 to indicate that swap is completed.
• Form E the next state is the initial state A. All
transfers are taking place through the bus.
• We assume that three control signals named RinExt1, RinExt2,
and RinExt3 exist, which allow the externally supplied data to be
loaded from the bus into register R1, R2, or R3.
• When RinExt1 = 1, the data on the bus is loaded into register R1;
when RinExt2 = 1, the data is loaded into R2; and when RinExt3
= 1, the data is loaded into R3.
• We have assumed that an input signal named w exists, which is
set to 1 for one clock cycle to start the swapping task.
• We have also assumed that at the end of the swapping task, which
is indicated by the Done signal being asserted, the control circuit
returns to the starting state.
module regn (R, L, Clock, Q);
parameter n = 8;
input [n-1:0] R;
input L, Clock;
output [n-1:0] Q;
reg [n-1:0] Q;
always @(posedge Clock)
if (L)
Q <= R;
endmodule // Code for 8-bit
module swap1 (Resetn, Clock, w, Data, Extern, R1, R2, R3, BusWires, Done);
parameter n = 8;
input Resetn, Clock, w, Extern;
input [n-1:0] Data;
output [n-1:0] BusWires ,R1, R2, R3 ;
reg [n-1:0] BusWires, R1, R2, R3;
output Done;
wire R1in, R1out, R2in, R2out, R3in, R3out, RinExt1, RinExt2;
reg [2:0] y, Y;
parameter [2:0] A = 3'b000, B = 3'b001, C = 3'b010, D = 3'b011, E = 3'b100;
// Define the next state combinational circuit for FSM
always @(w or y)
case (y)
A: if (w) Y = B;
else Y = A;
B: Y = C;
C: Y = D;
D: Y = E;
E: Y = A;
//F: Y = A;
// Define the sequential block for FSM
always @(negedge Resetn or posedge Clock)
if (Resetn == 0) y <= A;
else y <= Y;
// Define outputs of FSM
assign RinExt1 = (y == A);
assign RinExt2 = (y == B);
assign R3in = (y == C);
assign R1out = (y == C);
assign R2out = (y == D);
assign R1in = (y == D);
assign R3out = (y == E);
assign R2in = (y == E);
assign Done = (y == E);
always @(Extern or R1out or R2out or R3out)
if (Extern) BusWires = Data;
else if (R1out) BusWires = R1;
else if (R2out) BusWires = R2;
else if (R3out) BusWires = R3;
regn reg3 (BusWires, R3in, Clock, R3);
regn reg4 (BusWires, RinExt1 | R1in, Clock, R1);
regn reg5 (BusWires, RinExt2 | R2in, Clock, R2);
Verilog Code Using Multiplexers
• Using the circuit structure shown in Figure 7.4, the bus is implemented
with eight 4-to-1 multiplexers. Three of the data inputs on each 4-to-1
multiplexer are connected to one bit from registers R1, R2, and R3. The
fourth data input is connected to one bit of the Data input signal to allow
externally supplied data to be written into the registers.
• The same FSM control circuit is used. However, the control signals
R1out, R2out, and R3out are not needed because tri-state drivers are not
used. Instead, the required multiplexers are defined in an if-else statement
by specifying the source of data based on the state of the FSM. Hence,
when the FSMis in state A, the selected input to the multiplexers is Data.
When the state is B, the register R2 provides the input data to the
multiplexers, and so on
module swapmux (Resetn, Clock, w, Data, RinExt1, RinExt2, RinExt3, BusWires,
parameter n = 8;
input Resetn, Clock, w, RinExt1, RinExt2, RinExt3;
input [n-1:0] Data;
output [n-1:0] BusWires;
reg [n-1:0] BusWires;
output Done;
wire [n-1:0] R1, R2, R3;
wire R1in, R2in, R3in;
reg [2:1] y, Y;
parameter [2:1] A = 2'b00, B = 2'b01, C = 2'b10, D = 2'b11;
// Define the next state combinational circuit for FSM
always @(w or y)
case (y)
A: if (w) Y = B;
else Y = A;
B: Y = C;
C: Y = D;
D: Y = A;
always @(negedge Resetn or posedge Clock)
if (Resetn == 0) y<=A;
else y<=Y;
// Define control signals
assign R3in = (y == B);
assign R2in = (y == C);
assign R1in = (y == D);
assign Done = (y == D);
// Instantiate registers
regn reg1 (BusWires, RinExt1 | R1in, Clock, R1);
regn reg2 (BusWires, RinExt2 | R2in, Clock, R2);
regn reg3 (BusWires, RinExt3 | R3in, Clock, R3);
// Define the multiplexers
always @(y or Data or R1 or R2 or R3)
if (y == A) BusWires = Data;
else if (y == B) BusWires = R2;
else if (y == C) BusWires = R1;
else BusWires = R3;
module regn(R, L, Clock, Q);
parameter n = 8;
input [n-1:0] R;
input L, Clock;
output[n-1:0] Q;
reg [n-1:0] Q;
always @(posedge Clock)
if (L)
Q <= R;
Simple Processor
Clear = w’T0 + Done
FRin = wT0
Extern = I0T1
Done = (I0 + I1)T1 + (I2 + I3)T3
Ain = (I2 + I3)T1
Gin = (I2 + I3)T2
Gout = (I2 + I3)T3
AddSub = I3
The values of R0in, . . . , R3in are determined using either the X0, . . . , X3 signals
or the Y0, . . . , Y3 signals. In Table 7.2 these actions are indicated by writing
either Rin = X or Rin = Y. The meaning of Rin = X is that R0in = X0, R1in = X1,
and so on. Similarly, the values of R0out, . . . , R3out are specified using either
Rout = X or Rout = Y.
The table shows that R0in is set to the value of X0 in the first step of both the
Load and Move operations and in the third step of both the Add and Sub
operations, which leads to the expression
R0in = (I0 + I1)T1X0 + (I2 + I3)T3X0.
Similarly, R0out is set to the value of Y0 in the first step of Move. It is set to X0
in the first step of Add and Sub and to Y0 in the second step of these operations,
which gives
R0out = I1T1Y0 + (I2 + I3)(T1X0 + T2Y0).
The expressions for R1in and R1out are the same as those for R0in and R0out
except that X1 and Y1 are used in place of X0 and Y0. The expressions for R2in,
R2out , R3in, and R3out are derived in the same way.
module swapmux (Resetn, Clock, w, Data, RinExt1, RinExt2, RinExt3,
BusWires, Done, R1, R2, R3);
parameter n = 8;
input Resetn, Clock, w, RinExt1, RinExt2, RinExt3;
input [n-1:0] Data;
output [n-1:0] BusWires, R1, R2, R3;
reg [n-1:0] BusWires;
output Done;
wire [n-1:0] R1, R2, R3;
wire R1in, R2in, R3in;
reg [2:1] y, Y;
parameter [2:1] A = 2'b00, B = 2'b01, C = 2'b10, D = 2'b11;
// Define the next state combinational circuit for FSM
always @(w or y)
case (y)
A: if (w) Y = B;
else Y = A;
B: Y = C;
C: Y = D;
D: Y = A;
// Define the sequential block for FSM
always @(negedge Resetn or posedge Clock)
if (Resetn == 0) y<=A;
else y<=Y;
// Define control signals
assign R3in = (y == B);
assign R2in = (y == C);
assign R1in = (y == D); assign Done = (y == D);
// Instantiate registers
regn reg1 (BusWires, RinExt1 | R1in, Clock, R1);
regn reg2 (BusWires, RinExt2 | R2in, Clock, R2);
regn reg3 (BusWires, RinExt3 | R3in, Clock, R3);
// Define the multiplexers
always @(y or Data or R1 or R2 or R3)
if (y == A) BusWires = Data;
else if (y == B) BusWires = R2;
else if (y == C) BusWires = R1;
else BusWires = R3;
module regn(R, L, Clock, Q);
parameter n = 8; input [n-1:0] R; input L, Clock;
output[n-1:0] Q; reg [n-1:0] Q;
always @(posedge Clock)
if (L)
Q <= R;
module proc_mux(Data, Reset, w, Clock, F, Rx, Ry,R0, R1, R2, R3, Count,
I, BusWires);
input [3:0] Data;
input Reset, w, Clock;
input [1:0] F, Rx, Ry;
output [1:0] Count, I;
output [3:0] BusWires, R0, R1, R2, R3;
reg [3:0] BusWires;
reg [3:0] Sum;
reg [0:3] Rin, Rout;
reg Extern, Ain, Gin, Gout, AddSub;
//wire [1:0] Count, I;
wire [0:3] Xreg, Y;
wire [3:0] A, G;
wire [1:6] Func, FuncReg, Sel;
upcount1 counter (Reset, Clock, Count);
assign Func = {F, Rx, Ry};
wire FRin = w & ~Count[1] & ~Count[0];
regn3 functionreg (Func, FRin, Clock, FuncReg);
//defparam functionreg.n = 6;
assign I = FuncReg[1:2];
dec2to4 decX (FuncReg[3:4], 1'b1, Xreg);
dec2to4 decY (FuncReg[5:6], 1'b1, Y);
always @(Count or I or Xreg or Y)
Extern = 1'b0; Ain = 1'b0; Gin = 1'b0;
Gout = 1'b0; AddSub = 1'b0; Rin = 4'b0; Rout = 4'b0;
case (Count)
2'b00: ; //no signals asserted in time step T0
2'b01: //define signals in time step T1
case (I)
2'b00: begin //Load
Extern = 1'b1; Rin = Xreg;
2'b01: begin //Move
Rout = Y; Rin = Xreg;
default: begin //Add, Sub
Rout = Xreg; Ain = 1'b1;
2'b10: //define signals in time step T2
2'b10: begin //Add
Rout = Y; Gin = 1'b1;
2'b11: begin //Sub
Rout = Y; AddSub = 1'b1; Gin = 1'b1;
default: ; //Add, Sub
case (I)
2'b10, 2'b11:
Gout = 1'b1; Rin = Xreg;
default: ; //Add, Sub
regn2 reg_0 (BusWires, Rin[0], Clock, R0);
regn2 reg_1 (BusWires, Rin[1], Clock, R1);
regn2 reg_2 (BusWires, Rin[2], Clock, R2);
regn2 reg_3 (BusWires, Rin[3], Clock, R3);
regn2 reg_A (BusWires, Ain, Clock, A);
// alu
always @(AddSub or A or BusWires)
if (!AddSub)
Sum = A + BusWires;
Sum = A - BusWires;
regn2 reg_G (Sum, Gin, Clock, G);
assign Sel = {Rout, Gout, Extern};
always @(Sel or R0 or R1 or R2 or R3 or
G or Data)
if (Sel == 6'b100000)
BusWires = R0;
else if (Sel == 6'b010000)
BusWires = R1;
else if (Sel == 6'b001000)
BusWires = R2;
else if (Sel == 6'b000100)
BusWires = R3;
else if (Sel == 6'b000010)
BusWires = G;
else BusWires = Data;
module upcount1(Clear, Clock, Q);
input Clear, Clock;
output [1:0] Q;
reg [1:0] Q;
always @(posedge Clock)
if (Clear)
Q <= 0;
Q <= Q + 1;
module regn2(R, L, Clock, Q);
parameter n = 4;
input [n-1:0] R;
input L, Clock;
output[n-1:0] Q;
reg [n-1:0] Q;
always @(posedge Clock)
if (L)
Q <= R;
module dec2to4 (W, En, Y);
input [1:0]W;
input En;
output [0:3] Y;
reg [0:3] Y;
always @(W or En)
case ({En,W})
3'b100: Y = 4'b1000;
3'b101: Y = 4'b0100;
3'b110: Y = 4'b0010;
3'b111: Y = 4'b0001;
default: Y = 4'b0000;
module regn3(R, L, Clock, Q);
parameter n = 6;
input [n-1:0] R;
input L, Clock;
output[n-1:0] Q;
reg [n-1:0] Q;
always @(posedge Clock)
if (L)
Q <= R;
A Bit-Counting Circuit

To count the number of bits in a register, A, that have the value 1.

• In a traditional flowchart, when state S2 is entered, the
value of A would first be shifted to the right. Then we
would examine the value of A and if A’s LSB is 1, we
would immediately add 1 to B.
• But, since the ASM chart represents a sequential
circuit, changes in A and B, which represent the outputs
of flip-flops, take place after the active clock edge. The
same clock signal that controls changes in the state of
the machine also controls changes in A and B.
• When the machine is in state S1, the next active clock
edge will only perform the action specified inside the
state box for S1, which is B ← 0. Hence in state S2, the
decision box that tests whether A = 0, as well as the box
that checks the value of a0, check the bits in A before
they are shifted.
• If A = 0, then the FSM will change to state S3 on the next
clock edge (this clock edge also shifts A, which has no
effect because A is already 0 in this case.)
• On the other hand, if A != 0, then the FSM does not
change to S3, but remains in S2. At the same time, A is
still shifted, and B is incremented if a0 has the value 1.
Datapath Circuit
Control Circuit

We assume that external

circuitry drives LA to 1
when valid data is present
at the parallel inputs of the
shift register, so that the
shift register contents are
initialized before s changes
to 1.

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