Higher Mental Functions
Higher Mental Functions
Higher Mental Functions
Madhavi Gadkari
Student Counselor, NIFT
Meaning of Higher Mental Functions
The “Intellectual” part of human beings; the
“Thinking Self”
Biologically it’s centre is in the ‘new
brain’/frontal lobe
It facilitates the process of planning,
Factors That
Influencing Attention
External Factors
◦ Needs, aims
◦ Interests/liking
◦ Mood
◦ Habits
◦ Learning history
◦ Past experiences
Creative Thinking involves new ideas, insights
Creative thinking proceeds in 5 stages –
to make decision
Using the process of thinking, we are able to
alcohol/cigarette smoking
Operant Conditioning
Reinforcements and learning
Whatever is rewarded is repeated, to receive
the reward
Social Learning Theory
Also called as Observational Learning, involves
observation, imitation and modelling
work culture
Increase in self efficacy i.e. developing I can
do it attitude in observer
Emotional Intelligence