Types of feedback
2 types: Intrinsic feedback- It is the body’s internal feedback
1. Intrinsic feedback mechanism which uses visual, auditory, vestibular
2. Extrinsic feedback- 2 types: and proprioceptive mechanism.
- Knowledge of results
- Knowledge of performance Extrinsic feedback- It is derived from external
source.e.g., biofeedback signal, external therapists
Biofeedback in rehabilitation
The closed loop mechanism: When using biofeedback the patient should,
When attempting to learn a new skill or modify a learnt Understand the relationship of the electronic signal
motor skill, constant error correction is necessary in to the desired functional task
order to complete the intended task without error. The
Practice controlling biofeedback signal
CNS constantly needs input from the various feedback
mechanisms before issuing each motor command and Perform the functional task until it is mastered and
modifying the command by analyzing the feedback patient no longer needs biofeedback.
obtained constantly. Since there is no open execution,
the mechanism is said to be closed one. Eg- learning to
walk or trying to balance on a cycle.
Video display
Positional BF is especially used in the training of balance and
Positional BF is used to expose the convenient timing and coordination Force monitoring can be used when information
needed to control a movement. about force being transmitted through a body
There are several examples where positional BF was used such as head segment is needed.
control training in cerebral palsy and postural trunk control training in In balance deficits, patients can be informed by
hemiplegic patients. providing feedback from a force platform while
In our trunk control training study, the BF system depends on a balance activities are performed.
multidimensional, round on-off mercury switch placed on the midline of The feedback can take visual and/or auditory form.
the upper back portion of the body.
When the patient tilts from the erect position in any direction, shifting
For training of symmetrical standing or gait, a limb
of the mercury causes a short circuit, and the loudspeaker and the load monitor can be used to monitor the force
warning lamp give feedback to the patient. transmitted through an extremity.
In this study, angular BF intervention provided earlier postural trunk
control compared to controls.
This BF system gives knowledge to patients about range Temp BF device monitors skin temp and can be helpful
of motion of their joints that are monitorized during gait in certain circulatory disorders.
training. Raynaud’s disease is an example that can be benefited
By comparing their own goniometric traces with the by this technique.
normals, patients try to normalize their gait patterns. Usually, a sensor is attached to the foot or to the middle
Or the goniometer can be set up to give signals on or small finger of dominant hand.
determined angles. It is based on the assumption that when a person is
For example regarding genu recurvatum in hemiplegic tense or anxious, his skin temperature drops as blood is
patients, the device can be adjusted to give feedback redirected inward to muscles and internal organs.
if the knee of the patient hyperextends (genu It is a useful tool in learning how to manage stress.
This method may also reduce the frequency of migrane
headaches, and is also used to promote relaxation.