It Encompasses Three Principles: Design Out Toxins, Waste and Pollution Keep Products and Materials in Use Regenerate Natural Systems
It Encompasses Three Principles: Design Out Toxins, Waste and Pollution Keep Products and Materials in Use Regenerate Natural Systems
It Encompasses Three Principles: Design Out Toxins, Waste and Pollution Keep Products and Materials in Use Regenerate Natural Systems
The concept of circular
It encompasses three
economy offers an principles:
alternative to the current Design out toxins,
linear “take, make, use,
dispose” economy
waste and pollution
model, and aims to keep
Keep products and
resources in use for as materials in use
long as possible, to
Regenerate natural
extract maximum value systems
from them whilst in use,
and to recover and
regenerate products and
materials at the end of
In India nearly 700
Collecting waste
ragpickers, many of became a significant
whom are socially source of livelihoods
marginalized for local communities,
and illiterate women, allowed for health
have been organized insurance Plastic
and trained in waste waste used as fuel in
collection and recycling furnaces and road
activities, which has construction
also improved their
Establishment of pilot
livelihood. plastic recovery
Approximately 10 center Government
tonnes of plastic Madhya Pradesh
waste are collected at introduced policy on
five recovery centres in
Banana-tree Bark as an Alternative
to Plastic for Seedling Transport
Replace the use of plastic The use of bark bags in all
protected area
consistent system of
Protection of 200 ha of marine and coastal area
Gender and youth outreach and awareness
recycling that would divert raising, 50 women involved in all project activities,
500 households, 2000 students and 30
tonnes of plastic materials businesses
Collaboration and partnerships established with 5
from the ocean.