Time Series Analysis Elective-III: Suraj Lamichhane Ast. Professor Department of Civil Engineering Pulchowk Campus

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Time Series

Suraj Lamichhane
Ast. Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Pulchowk Campus
Chapter 1:- Introduction
Time series is
• Series of values of variable collected over time.
• event based series of data with corresponding time period.
• events data are taken with the sequence of the equal time interval.
• Time is an independent variable in the series.
• Such type of the data was taken for the future analysis of the
events in the various sectors (like, business, economic analysis,
hydrology, earthquake sequence, electrical frequency, geological
sequences, Data analysis for censes, etc).
Chapter 1:- Introduction
Time series
widely used in Hydrology.
Examples of hydrological
events time series data are:  
• Temperature • River water level
• Precipitation • Evaporation
• Discharge water • Groundwater level
• Tide level readings
Chapter 1:- Introduction Some definition
A model is a simplified representation of reality of the events and its
associates with output or result.
The real situation of the events is expressed either physical or
numerical (mathematical) based.
Type of the model is defined as the concept and analysis
characteristics of the model boundary.
The events that describe the reality of its are called the state
variables or the events are the function of state variables.
Chapter 1:- Introduction Some definition
• So the variables value can be changed both in space and time and
its is always observed or generated.
• Model outputs are generating normally through the
parameters/coefficients/constants and it is found by using the
known variables.
• Parameter represents the properties of the model that occurred
through the observed events.
A population is a collection of all possible values of a variable.  
A sample is a group of values chosen from a population.  
Random variable
A random variable is a variable which is associated with chance with
random phenomenon.
Chapter 1:- Introduction Some definition
Deterministic and stochastic (random, probabilistic) process
If the value of a variable can be predicted with the unique value
referred with its observed sequence, then the process is known as
deterministic process.
The equations in deterministic process are based on the physical
phenomenon and the outputs are found through the constant
Such process does not involve any randomness.
Therefore, a given set of input always generates same set of outputs.
For example, the equation for rating
curve is Q = Cr (H)B
Where Q = sediment discharge, H =
stage, Cr and b = constants. This
equation represents deterministic
Chapter 1:- Introduction Some definition
Deterministic and stochastic (random, probabilistic) process
• If the value of a variable cannot be predicted uniquely, then the
process is known as stochastic process.
• The outputs in the stochastic process are governed through the
inherent randomness of the events.
• The value of random variable is associated with probability
• Therefore, a given set of input generates different set of outputs in
each trial.  
For example, sediment discharge at time t is predicted as
Qt = kQt-1+et where et is a random component. 
• Most of the natural events are representing the stochastic
properties and the perfect predictions of such events are
considerably more complicated.
Chapter 1:- Introduction Some definition
Time series model
It is a mathematical model which represents and analysis of the time
series data.
It is also known as stochastic model but it consist the deterministic as
well as stochastic events in the natural process.
It has specific mathematical form and a set of parameters.
The knowledge of statistics is widely applicable in time series
So the time series has two component one is deterministic and other
is stochastic.
Chapter 1:- Introduction Some definition
Time series model  
a. Let Xt = normally distributed random variable with mean µ and
variance σ2
Xt = f(et), where et = independent random variable, normally
distributed with mean=0 and variance = 1
A form of time series model:
Parameters: µ and σ2
Qt = Discharge at time t, et = independent random variable
Qt depends on Qt-1
Chapter 1:- Introduction Some definition
Time series modeling
A technique and procedure for fitting time series data is known time
series modeling.
The following are the steps to be followed in time series modeling.
• Selecting types and forms of model among several alternative
• Parameter estimation of selected model
• Testing the goodness of fit of model data
Realization is an outcome of an experiment in which the process is
It is a single time series events in stochastic process.
The process of river runoff due to precipitation is a single event with
observed data.
Chapter 1:- Introduction Some definition
Ensemble (group) is a collection of all possible realizations of a
process (group of the process).
The process of river runoff event occurred due to precipitation,
temperature, soil type, humidity, etc.
Ergodic property
Time average properties are based on single realization, whereas
ensemble average properties are based on several realizations. If time
average properties and ensemble average are same time period, the
time series is said to be ergodic.
The process of river runoff event occurred due to precipitation,
temperature, soil type, humidity, etc in the same time period is
represents ergodic.
Chapter 1:- Introduction Some definition
Normalization is the process of converting time series data into
normal distribution  
1.2 Application of time series analysis in Hydrology
• To generate synthetic hydrologic records
• To forecast hydrologic events
• To fill in missing data
• To extend the records
• To detect trend and shift in records
Chapter 1:- Introduction Some definition
1.3 Physical basis of time series modeling in Hydrology
Deterministic models are based on the physics of the system, but
stochastic or time series models are based on the statistical
characteristics of historical data.
The data contain value has considered to generating mechanism of
the process, the time series modeling represents some physical basis
in an implicit way.
The parameters of time series model can be considered to be
analogous to physical based parameters by comparing the form of
equations of two models.
Chapter 1:- Introduction Some definition
a. Equation for Recession
  limb of
Equation for recession curve

Q0: initial discharge, Qt: discharge at a

time interval of t days, K : recession
Analogous equation with time series is
represented as

Qi =discharge at any time i, = mean

discharge, ei = random component
Φ = constant, which is equivalent to (-K ) .
Chapter 1:- Introduction Some definition
Conceptual representation of Precipitation-runoff process
 Consider the watershed system as shown in the figure.
Precipitation =Xt , Evaporation = b*Xt, Infiltration = a*Xt
Surface runoff = PPT- Evapo - Infil = (1-a-b) Xt = d*Xt
Groundwater storage = Gt-1, Groundwater flow = C *(Gt-1)
Total stream flow (Zt) = C*Gt-1+ d*Xt
Continuity equation for Groundwater storage is
Gt = Gt-1+a*Xt – C*Gt-1 = (1-C)*Gt-1+ a*Xt
According to Salas and Smith written as
Zt = Zt-1+ d*Xt - δ Xt-1 This is a conceptual model
Analogous model in time series considering of physical processes.
representing this form of equation is
Where e = random variable
representing variable X
Chapter 2:- Characteristics of Hydrologic Series
2.1 Types of hydrological time series
a. Full series and partial duration series
If a time series contains all recorded observations over time, the
series is known as full time series, e.g. daily rainfall.
If a time series contains selected observations, the series is known as
partial duration series, e.g. 1 day maximum rainfall (for each year).
b. Continuous and discrete time series
If time series data are recorded continuously with time, the series is
called continuous time series, e.g. water level data recorded
If time series data are recorded at discrete points in time, the series is
called discrete time series, e.g. daily rainfall, daily discharge.
Such time series is obtained by integrating continuous time series
over successive intervals.
Chapter 2:- Characteristics of Hydrologic Series
2.1 Types of hydrological time series
c. Univariate (single) and multivariate (multiple) time series
Univariate time series is a time series of one variable at a given site,
e.g. rainfall measured at each site, mean rainfall of a basin.
Multivariate time series is a set of two or more time series, e.g.
discharge data of different stations in a river.
d. Uncorrelated and correlated time series
If value of a variable at time t does not depend on the past values, the
series is called uncorrelated or independent.
Otherwise, the series is called correlated (auto-correlated or serially
correlated), e.g. autocorrelation of stream flow due to storage effects
causing the water to remain in the system.
Chapter 2:- Characteristics of Hydrologic Series
2.1 Types of hydrological time series
e. Intermittent and counting time series
If a variable has zero and non-zero value throughout the length of the
record, the series is called intermittent time series, e.g. rainfall data.
If a time series is derived by counting the number of occurrences of
event, it is called counting time series, e.g. count of rainy days in a
f. Regularly (evenly) and irregularly (unevenly) spaced time
If data is recorded on regular time interval, the series is known as
regularly spaced, e.g. daily discharge data.
If data is not observed on regular time interval, the series is known as
irregularly spaced, e.g. water quality measurements
Chapter 2:- Characteristics of Hydrologic Series
2.1 Types of hydrological time series
g. Stationary and non-stationary time series
If statistical properties of a time series, such as mean, variance
remain constant with time, the series is called stationary series, such
as annual rainfall, annual discharge.
Otherwise, the time series is non-stationary, e.g. monthly rainfall.
First order stationary: only mean remaining constant with time
Second order stationary: mean and variance remaining constant
with time
Weak stationary: second order stationary
Strong stationary: stationary in mean, variance and other statistical

Chapter 2:- Characteristics of Hydrologic Series
2.2 General properties of hydrological time series
Homogeneity: If data in series belong to one population or single
events of data, the series is homogeneous.
The non-homogeneity in a time series is due to multiple set of
observation like natural or manmade causes, such as land-use
changes, urbanization, and deforestation.
Inconsistency in time series occurs due to systematic error in
observation. The longer the time series, the greater the chances of
Persistent: if value of variable depends on past values, the series is
persistent or consistent.
Time dependence in hydrological series is due to the geophysical
process of water storages in basin, their random fluctuation from
year to year and periodic fluctuation within a year.
Chapter 2:- Characteristics of Hydrologic Series
Components of time series
A hydrological time series contains both deterministic and stochastic
components. The deterministic components are: trend, jump and
periodicity. Trend is a long term movement in time series. The trend
in time series exists due to natural or manmade causes, such as land-
use changes, urbanization, deforestation.
Periodicity is regular fluctuations (cyclic behavior) in time series. If
the fluctuation in times series is for a period of less than a year, the
property is called seasonality. The seasonality is due to the rotation
of the earth around the sun.
The abrupt change in time series is referred to as jump or shift,
which occurs due to sudden change in basin characteristics.
Chapter 2:- Characteristics of Hydrologic Series
Non-parametric test: no particular probability distribution is
considered or followed by the events (in parametric test it is simple,
the events follow the normal distribution curve and test like t-test, z-
test, Anova etc.)
Level of significance: probability of being incorrect (P > 0.05 is the
probability that the null hypothesis is true). A statistically significant
test result (P ≤ 0.05) means that the test hypothesis is false or should
be rejected.
Detection of trend
1. Regression test for linear trend
Fit a straight line in the form of y = at+b.
y = given variable, t = time, a, b = constant
From linear regression analysis,
If  a is not close to zero, then there
is presence of linear trend in time
Chapter 2:- Characteristics of Hydrologic Series
b. Spearman’s rank correlation test
It is a statistical measure to show the strength of a relationship
between two variables. Minimum 10 nos is required for the test.
List the data, Xi, i = 1,2,………,n, in date order, and the rank (ri) in
ascending order of magnitude (with smallest allocated rank 1 and
largest rank n)
Compute spearman’s rank correlation (Rsp)

Compute t test statistic

Find tabulated value of t for α/2 level of significance (say α = 5%)
and (n-2) degree of freedom.
If computed t<tabulated t, then there is no trend.
Chapter 2:- Characteristics of Hydrologic Series
C. Mann -Kendal test
Rank (R) the time series data in ascending order of magnitude (with
smallest allocated rank 1 and largest rank n).
Compute S as

Sgn (x) = 1 for x>0, sgn (x) = 0 for x = 0, sgn (x) = -1 for x<0
Standard deviation of s is

Z- test statistic is
Find tabulated value of Z for level of significance (e.g. α = 5%, Z =
If computed Z<tabulated Z, then there is no trend.
Chapter 2:- Characteristics of Hydrologic Series
Removal of data  
1. Moving average method
Moving average is the average of n successive intervals of data.
Compute moving average and subtract it from original data.
(discussed in subsequent chapters) 
2. Linear trend
Fit a straight line of the form y = at+b. At time t, subtract the values
of the line from the original data.  
Detection of periodicity
By visual inspection of time series: noticing effect of periods in the
By performing autocorrelation and spectral analysis (discussed in
subsequent chapters)  
Detection of jump
By visual inspection of time series
Chapter 2:- Characteristics of Hydrologic Series
Split record test for checking stationarity
Testing whether mean and variance of subsets of a series are not
significantly different.
Divide the record into two non-overlapping sub-sets, j=1, 2,……, m
and j = m+1, m+2,…..,n.
Compute mean and variance of each sub-set.
Examine the variance (V) first using F test  
F=V(a)/V(b) where V(a)>V(b)  

Compare the computed F with the tabulated value of F for m-1 and
n-m-1 degree of freedom at level of significance.
If the computed F < tabulated value of F, then the variances of
subsets can be accepted as estimates of the same population variance.
Chapter 2:- Characteristics of Hydrologic Series
Split record test for checking stationarity
Compute pooled estimate of variance (Vp) as
Test statistics for mean is
Compare the computed t with the tabulated value of t for n-2 degree
of freedom at α/2 level of significance (two tailed test).
If the computed t < tabulated value of t, then the mean zero
difference between two subsets is accepted.
Double mass curve analysis for checking consistency
• Compute cumulative sum of data (mostly annual data is sufficient)
of base stations (A).
• Compute cumulative sum of mean value of neighbouring stations
• Plot A versus B and fit points by a straight line. If there is no break
in the line, the data is considered to be consistent.

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