Family Health Counselling

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Ms . Neethu Vincent
Asst Professor
KVM College of nursing

• Counselling is face to face communication by

which you help the person to make
decision or solve a problem and act on them.
• Counselling is a series of direct contacts with
the individuals with aim to offer him assistance
in changing his attitude and behaviour.
Purpose of organizing counselling services

To help adolescents with normal

developmental problem
To help individuals through temporary
To identify signs of disturbed/problem
behaviour at the earliest
To refer cases needing specialist treatment
To facilitate communication within and
between home , the communities and
The objectives of counseling program

Making help and assistance to various people in

 Making help available to pupils/individuals for
coping with temporary crisis
Prompt and early detection of deviant
/disturbed /problem behaviour in adolescent
Establishment of referral services
Development of effective communication system
within the school
Effective and appropriate services to counselors
NICE Recommendations

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

recommends certain types of talking therapies for treating a
number of health conditions
Qualities of a good counselor

Counselor as a person Counselor in relationship to the client

Friendly Understanding

Good listener Empathy

Helpful Patience

Knowledgeable Sensitive

Credible Observant

Good communicator
Techniques of counseling

Focus of attention
Skills of counseling

Eye contact
Appropriate facial expression
Body movement cues
Body posture
Verbal prompts
Easy to understand language
Phases of counselling

• 1. Rapport-building

• 2. Assessment and analysis of the problem

• 3. Provision of ongoing supportive counselling

• 4. Goal setting.

• 5. Counselling intervention

• 6. Termination and follow-up

Stages of Counselling -GATHER

• G = Greet client in a friendly, helpful, and respectful manner.

• A = Ask client about needs, concerns, and previous use.
• T = Tell client about different options and methods.
• H = Help client to make decision about choice of method
s/he prefers.
• E = Explain to client how to use the method.
• R = Return: Schedule and carry out return visit and follow-
up of client
Approaches in doing counselling
1.Directive or Counsellor –centred or authoritarian style:-
• Simplest to do
• Counsellor give advices, make decision based on what
she thinks is in the the best interest of client.
• Expects the client to follow her advices
• Completely directed by counsellor.
2. Non-directive counselling or client-centred :-
• Counsellor is passive mainly listener.
• Client is active ,expresses herself freely and tells
the counsellor what he/she wants.
• After careful reflection and clarification , makes her
own decision.
• The main function of the counsellor is to create an
atmosphere in which the client can work out his problem.
3.Non-authoritarian style:-

• Neither counsellor nor client controlled.

• Methods of counselling may change from client to

client or even with the same client from time to time.

• It is highly flexible.

• Freedom of choice and expression is open to both

the counsellor and the counselee.
Counselling and health education

Counselling Health education

1. Confidential Not confidential

2. One to one process or a small group. For a group of people

3. Focused, specific and goal directed Generalized

4. Facilitates change in attitude and Information is provided to increase

motivates behavior change the knowledge
5. Problem oriented Content oriented

6. Based on needs of client Based on public health needs.

• Counselling is a process and not merely a technique
through which clients are helped to modify their behaviour
and cope with their status effectively.

 Counselling is not
• Telling or directing
• Giving advice
• A casual concern
• A confession
• Praying
Thank you

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