Mass Spectroscopy: Separation of Ions On The Basis of Mass To Charge Ratio
Mass Spectroscopy: Separation of Ions On The Basis of Mass To Charge Ratio
Mass Spectroscopy: Separation of Ions On The Basis of Mass To Charge Ratio
The ion source accelerates ions to a kinetic energy given by:
KE = ½ mv2 = qV
Where m is the mass of the ion, v is its velocity, q is the charge on
the ion, and V is the applied voltage of the ion optics.
Magnetic-Sector Mass
•The ions enter the flight tube and are deflected by the magnetic
field, B.
•Only ions of mass-to-charge ratio that have equal centripetal and
centrifugal forces pass through the flight tube:
mv2 /r = BqV, where r is the radius of curvature
Magnetic-Sector Mass
mv2 /r = BqV
•By rearranging the equation and eliminating the velocity term using
the previous equations, r = mv/qB = 1/B(2Vm/q)1/2
•Therefore, m/q = B2r2/(2V)
•This equation shows that the m/q ratio of the ions that reach the
detector can be varied by changing either the magnetic field (B) or
the applied voltage of the ion optics (V).
Magnetic-Sector Mass
• easy to use
• simple construction
• fast
• low cost
• can achieve unit to 0.1 m/q resolution
More Benefits
Quadrupole Mass Analyzers
Dean, John A., et al. Instrumental Methods of Analysis. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Company, 1988.
De Laeter, John R. Toronto: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2001. 68-70
Sparkman, O. David. Mass Spec Desk Reference. Pittsburg: Global View, 2000. 47-48.