Data Response: Wells Field Studies Centre

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Data Response

Wells Field Studies

Pg. 92
At wells, these activities cater for sustainable development: Earth stewardship
(exploring beach, grow crops and this encourage the good use of natural There education plan
resources; as an educational centre they We exceeds far beyond
The wells Field take a geographical enquiry approach bookish knowledge.
studies centre is
place where day and Why? Because they
residential seminal learn about sustainable
activities are carried development- how to
out for students use resources now and
cater for future

They practice what

was preciously
theoretically taught
in class Inclusive to all
learning styles

Make learning Skills that they are going to use after

love what they school, outside in society; Team-building
are learning and cooperation promotes tolerance,
compromise (acceptance in difference of
See they do not just learn from books, the activities enables
thoughts and friendship) and problem
them to practice the good use of natural resources and solving
discourage environmental damage
These children take ownership
of their learning and their lives
for these days; they become The supports each and
every learning abilities
They share responsibility for e.g. low, high,
daily domestic tasks which intermediate.
promotes self-confidence/self-
esteem skills.
They model healthy and
They also promote healthy sustainable ways of living
food (preventing illnesses) as
so that the young learns
they plant their own food. This
also points at sustainability. can get inspired by them.

The facilities about The activities are tailored

accommodation according to the mission
of the school. E.g if a
school’s mission is to
promote friendship, the
activities will aim at
promoting friendship.

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