Basic Guide in Making Bonsai

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Basic Guide in Making

Taft Municipal Police Station
- Tree in a pot
- “bon” is a Japanese word means plant/tree
- “sai is a Japanese word means container/pot
• Bonsai is has long been originated first in China and then
spread east ward to Korea and Japan during 12th century
• Bonsai in China called “penjing or pensai”.
• Penjing are usually miniature landscape displaying a
combination of rocks and figures
• Bonsai in general symbolizes harmony, peace, order of
thoughts, balance and all that is good in nature.
• Bonsai signifies something different making this beautiful
and artistic trees.
Steps in making Bonsai
1. Prepare the tree
2. Remove the tree and clean the roots
3. Prepare the pot
4. Pot the tree
Prepare the Tree
• Before starting a Bonsai tree, make sure the species
you've chosen can live in your area - especially if you
plan on having an outdoor tree. 
• Indoor – ficus (dalakit), boxwood (bantolinao)
• Outdoor – tamarind, bayabas, hamurawon, etc
Remove the tree and clean the roots
• Carefully remove the plant from its current pot,
making sure not to break or tear its main stem. Most
of the roots will be cut before the plant is re-potted
into the Bonsai pot. Clean the roots using rakes,
chopsticks, tweezers, and similar tools are helpful for
this process.
Prepare the Pot
• Before placing the tree in the pot, ensure it has
a base of fresh new soil.
• At the bottom of your empty pot, add a layer
of coarse-grain soil as a base. Then, add a
finer, looser growing medium or soil. Use a soil
that drains well. Leave a small amount of
space at the top of your pot so that you can
cover your tree's roots.
Pot the Tree
• Position the tree in your new pot in the desired orientation.
Finish adding your fine, well-draining soil or growing
medium to the pot, making sure to cover the tree's root
system. If desired, you may add a final layer of moss or
gravel. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, this can
help hold the tree in place.
Thank you!!!
Bonsai is not a race, nor is it a
It is a never-ending journey.
Bonsai is a living art.

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