Entrepreneurship: Dr. Lilli Ann Santiago-Emaas

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Dr. Lilli Ann Santiago-Emaas

• 1. Business Plan (Written Output/Actual
Application in the form of a Group Activity
with Documentation)
• 2. Exams (Midterm and Final)
• 3. quizzes, worksheet activities
(group/individual), assignments,
recitations, role play, walk-in gallery,
• 4. Portfolio
Aling Merly shares her secret to success.mp4
The entrepreneur always
• “

searches for change, responds to

it and exploits it as an opportunity

Peter Drucker
• “What is emerging today is a
class of professional
entrepreneurs who rely more
upon their brains than their
guts--- and who have been
trained to use both methods
and technology to analyze
the business environment”
• Dollinger
• Entrepreneurship is the
best means for youth to
adapt to a changing and
highly competitive job
market in both rural
and urban areas around
the world”
definition of an entrepreneur

• 1. From an economist's point of

• it is someone who brings resources,
labor, materials and other assets into
combinations that make their value
greater than before
• it is also someone who introduces
changes, innovations and a new
• 2. From a psychologist's point
of view
• a person who is typically driven
bycertain forces such as the need
to obtain or attain something, to
experiment, to accomplish or
perhaps to escape the authority of
• 3. From a management
• it is someone who identifies
opportunities, plans, mobilizes
resources, manages and
assumes the risks f a business
to have a positive impact on

• facilitate opportunity recognition

• help adapt rapidly to changes
• enhance business performance
• strengthen the firm's competitive
• stir the achievement of
organizational success
• the sum total of the personality, skills,
and knowledge that the entrepreneur
processes which are necessary to
effectively perform their functions and
• according to Lau, Man and Chan
(1999), entrepreneurial competencies
are considered a higher level
characteristics encompassing traits,
skills and knowledge.
• can be seen as the total
ability of the entrepreneur to
perform a job role
career opportunities

• 1. Business Consultant- people who can

go to a client site, identify problems and
fix them
• 2. Sales - knows how to represent a
company, manage accounts and follow up
on leads
• 3. Research and Development- the need
to understand business concepts,
systems, procedures and practices
• 4. Not-for-profit-fundraiser-
understanding the importance of business
and networking relationships
• 5. Teacher- teach students how to
increase their entrepreneurial intention
through acquiring the attitude towards
• 6. Talent recruiter- someone not just
being people savvy but having an in-depth
business sense as well
• 7. Business reporter - one can write
articles is in a prime position to take the
lead on covering a local business beat.
• 8. New Venture Creation- launching a
company, buying a business or franchise,
starting a new venture in a famoly
enterprise or commercializing a
• 9. Careers in existing entrepreneurial
ventures - working for a start -up, small

• 1. Write down all the emerging

characteristics of an entrepreneur
from an entrepreneurial dimension
to the past and from today (Present
it on a Table)
• 2. Long coupon bond, encoded
• 3. Indicate the reference used
• I learned that....

• I like the best part of the lesson which


• I would like to learn about.......


• Knight 1921 – having profits from bearing

uncertainty and risk
• Schumpeter 1934 – carrying out of new
combinations of firm organization—new products,
new services, new sources of raw material, new
methods of production, new markets, new forms of
• Hoselitz 1952 – uncertainty bearing… coordination
of productive resources… introduction of
innovations and provision of capital.
• Cole 1959 – purposeful activity to initiate and
develop a profit oriented business.
• McClelland 1961 – taking moderate risk
• Shapero 1975 – a kind of behavior that
includes : initiative taking, organizing or
reorganizing of social economic
mechanisms to turn resources and
situations to practical account and the
acceptance of risk failure
• Casson 1982 – decisions and
judgements about the coordination of
scarce resources.
• Ronstadt 1984 – dynamic process of
creating incremental wealth. This wealth is
created by individuals who assume the
major risks in terms of equity, time and/or
career commitment of providing value for
some product or service. The product or
service itself may or may not be new or
unique, but value must somehow be
infused by the entrepreneur by securing
and allocating the necessary skills and
• Confidence
• Flexibility
• Need to achieve
• Responsibility
• Commitment
• Creativity
• Persevering
• Goal-oriented
• Realistic
• Sincere
• Hardworking
• Visionary
• Disciplined
• Feedback seeking
• Moderate risk-taker

• 1.Create employment
• 2.Develop new markets
• 3.Introduces innovation
• 4.Generates new sources of materials
• 5.Stimulates investment interest in the new
business ventures being created
• 6.Improves the quality of life
• 7.Serves as role models
• 8.Brings social benefits to the people
• 9.Utilizes and mobilizes indigenous resources
• 10. Provides more alternatives for consumers
group activity
• Instruction:
• 1. Make a Group of 5 members each.
• 2. Choose any of the entrepreneurial
contributions and portray it as ROLE
PLAY. Each group will be given a 5-min
• Presentation 50% Relevance 50%

– total 100 %
• 1. Get a feature story of a successful
Filipino Entrepreneur (with picture of the
person) and write (cut and paste) it on a
long Coupon Bond.
• 2. Write the reference.
• 3. Present it on the class.
bring the following next meeting (same
1 whole Illustration Board
Cellophane Cover
art materials and assorted colored papers
double-sided Tape
scotch Tape
pentel Pens
• 1. Opportunity Competencies- related to
recognizing and developing market
opportunities through various means.
• 2. Relationship competencies- related to
person to person or individual to group
based interactions. e.g., building a
context of cooperation and trust, using
contacts and connections, persuasive
ability, communication and interpersonal
• 3. Conceptual Competencies- related
to different conceptual abilities which
are reflected in the behaviors of the
entrepreneur, i.e. decision skills,
absorbing and understanding complex
information, risk taking and
• 4. Organizing competencies- related to
the organization of different internal
and external human, physical,
financial, and technological resoures,
including team building, leading
• training and controlling
• 5. Strategic competencies- related to
setting, evaluating, and implementing
the strategies of the firm
• 6. Commitment competencies-
competencies that drive the
entrepreneur to move ahead with the
• instruction: With the same group,
choose from the six competencies
and illustrate it on the illustration
• criteria for grading:
– graphics (50%)
– content (50%)
– total: 100 %
• Executive Summary
• Vision Statement and Mission
• Business Description
– Products
– Services
– Organization
– Location/Premises
Industry Background
Competitor Analysis
• Marketing Plan
– Market Condition
– Product Distribution
– Marketing Strategies
Operations Plan
Purchasing Process
Machines & Equipment
• Management and Organization
• Business Structure
• Organization Chart
• Qualifications of the Management
• Roles and Responsibilities of all
involved in the business
Financial Plan
Appendices and Milestones
• How to write the Business Plan
• Executive Summary
• presents the highlights and
essential points of the
various parts of the
feasibility study. It contains
the conclusions and
recommendations of the
Vision Statement and Mission
• The vision statement
describes where the business
is headed and the future state
that it plans to be. The mission
statement describes what the
business does, or what the
business is all about.
Business Description
• This provides a complete
description of the business--its
products or services and
organization. It can also
include the registrations,
loation, and premises
Industry Background
• This portion describes the
business environment and
mentions the industry where
the business is ccategorized,
as well as how this industry is
performing in the present and
the projections for the future.
Competitor Analysis

• This is the identification and

analysis of the various
competitors of the business
Marketing Plan
• The market analysis describes the
market conditions and the
marketing plan that the business
will deploy, including how the
products and services will be
priced, promoted and distributed. It
contains key marketing targets and
strategies for delivering on these
Operations Plan
• The operations plan discusses
how the products and services
will be produced, as well as
the personnel, purchasing,
processes, machines, and
equipment to be used.
Management and Organizational
• The management and organizational
plan describes the business
structure, the organization chart, the
qualificcations of the management
and the responsibilities of all
involved in the business.
Financial Plan
• The financial plan contains the
financial statements that will show
the profitability, liquidity, and
stability of the firm, as well the
sources of funding. It contains
costing and financial projections.
Appendices and Milestones
• The appendices are additional
information that provide support to the
information presented in the business
plan. These may include resumes,
maps, and financial tables.
• The milestones are a schedule which
identifies important dates or deadlines
for the business.

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