How The New Skillset Will Affect Labour and Its Impact On Learning

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How the new skillset will affect

labour and its impact on learning

Labour Condition and skillset required

A recent note from the UN body — titled ‘Covid-19 and the world of work: Impact and policy responses’
— says the coronavirus crisis will have far-reaching impact on labour market outcomes and could hit
anywhere between five million and 25 million jobs
While skilling in the technology and virtual space is important in order to capitalise on the predicted digital boost, it is important to
address the lack of digital access for a large portion of the Indian population. Vocational courses through skill development
missions must account for the future of work. According to the India Skills Report 2019, 40-50 percent of “existing jobs which are
transaction heavy will get automated” – these include, financial services, manufacturing, transportation, packaging, and shipping.
These numbers may grow larger due to the trial digital runs that the pandemic has prompted. Existing companies, to prevent job
loss, must initiate mandatory programs to help employees acquire new digital skills. According to the Human Development Report
2019, however, inequality in terms of technology is immense, where number of households with access to digital devices are still
very low - only 32 percent households have access to computers. This divide in skilling and access must be bridged for India to
be able to partake in the digital revolution that has begun.
Its impact on learning

• Universities are trying to focus on including

• Technology literacy (AI,IoT and blockchain)
• Organisation development (emotional intelligence and instructional design )
• Consultative skills( story telling and business presentation)
• People analytics(excel modelling , basic analytical tools )
These are the competencies that they will try to focus on in the new normal era of

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