The Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Childhood Tuberculosis: Ma. Cecilia G. Ama, MD National TB Reference Laboratory, RITM

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Ma. Cecilia G. Ama, MD
National TB Reference Laboratory, RITM
 Disclosure: No potential conflict of interest
 TB situation
 Targets and goals
 Global and Philippine situation

 Diagnosis
 Current approach
 New tools
Global TB Control Targets

• Millennium Development Goal 6 (Set for 2015):

• Target 6c: to have halted and begun to reverse the
incidence of TB (target 6C)

• Stop TB Partnership:
• 2015: 50% reduction in TB prevalence and deaths
from 1990 levels
• 2050: elimination (<1 case per million population)
How can the 2015 targets be
 The Stop TB Strategy
 Pursue high-quality DOTS expansion and
 Address TB/HIV, MDR-TB, and the needs of poor
and vulnerable population
 Contribute to HSS based on primary health care
 Engage all care providers
 Empower people with TB, and communities
through partnership
 Enable and promote research
Global, Philippine Situation
- Global, Philippine burden and trend
Global Burden of TB, 2010
Global TB Report/WHO/2011

Estimated number Estimated number of

of incident cases deaths
All forms 8.8 M 1.1 M*
(8.5 – 9.2 M) (0.9 – 1.2 M)
HIV-associated 1.1M 0.35 M
(1 – 1.2 M) (0.32 – 0.39 M)
MDR-TB 0.650 M *excluding HIV deaths

Children 0.968 M
Estimated TB rates ( / 105 pop.), 2010
Global TB Report/WHO/2011

Mortality Prevalence Incidence HIV-positive

incident TB
Global 15 178 128 13

HBC 20 231 166 12

WPR 7.5 139 93 2.1

PHL 33 (↑) 502 (↑) 275 (↑) 0.4 (↓)

Estimated rates of TB in children
INT J TUBERC LUNG DIS 8(5):636–647. © 2004 IUATLD; Global epidemiology of childhood tuberculosis.
L. J. Nelson, C. D. Wells
Case detection of all forms of TB
(2000 -2010)
Global trends
Philippine trends
Estimates of the CDR for all forms of TB,
1995-2010 Global TB Report/WHO/2011

70 35%
40 WPR

1995 2000 2005 2010
Global Situation
- Drug Resistant TB
Estimated proportion of TB cases
that have MDR-TB Global TB Report/WHO/2011

Estimated % of Confidence Estimated % of Confidence

new TB cases interval retreatment TB interval
with MDR-TB cases with MDR-
Global 3.4 1.9-5.0 20 14-25

HBC 3.8 2.0-5.7 21 14-28

WPR 4.9 3.6-6.1 23 20-27

PHL 4.0 2.9-5.5 21 14-29

(DRS, 2004)
No. of cases of MDR-TB estimated, notified
& expected to be treated in 2010 (Global TB Report/WHO/2011)

Estimated Expected number of

cases of cases of MDR-TB to
MDR-TB Notified B/A Cases be treated
among cases of enrolled on
(%) 2011 2012
notified MDR-TB (B) treatment in
cases of PTB 2010

Global 290 000 53 108 18 45 553 54 022 64 324

27 250 000 46 748 19 38 652 44 177 51 992
WPR 77 000 4 222 5.5 2 210 11 285 11 352
PHL 8 800 522 5.9 548 3 500 2 372
Philippines - number of laboratory
confirmed MDR/DR-TB cases detected

2009 2010

Indicator Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual

Number of laboratory 980 527 1529*

confirmed MDR-TB 1535 2490 3083
cases detected (64%) (21%) (50 %)

% of MDR-TB cases
enrolled for treatment
among those detected 83%

•Of the 1529 actual cases detected, 427 patients were detected by GeneXpert beginning 4 th quarter of 2011
Drug susceptibility test result of isolates from 91
pediatric cases <19 years old (2009 – 2011)

Patients with DST results1 Total number (%)

I Total susceptible to all first-line anti-TB drugs tested
29 (31.9%)
(H, R, E, S)2

II Any resistance to H 55 (60.4%)

Any resistance to R 51 (56.0%)
Any resistance to E 25 (27.5%)
Any resistance to S 28 (30.8%)

III Resistance to H only 4 (4.4%)

Resistance to R only 1 (1.1%)
Resistance to E only 0
Resistance to S only 3 (3.3%)
Total mono-resistance 8 (8.8%)
IV H+R 18 (19.8%)
H+R+E 9 (9.9%)
H+R+S 6 (6.6%)
H+R+E+S 14 (15.4%)
Total multi-drug resistance (MDR) 47 (51.7%)
V Total poly-resistance other than MDR 7 (7.7%)
NTP Roadmap
PhilPACT (2010 – 2016) –
NTP plan to for TB control
Objective Strategies
1. Reduce local variation in TB control 1. Localize implementation of TB control
program performance 2. Monitor health system performance
2. Scale up and sustain coverage of DOTS 3. Engage both public and private health
implementation care providers
4. Promote and strengthen positive
behavior of communities
5. Address MDR-TB, TB/HIV, and needs
of vulnerable populations

3. Ensure provision of quality TB services 6. Regulate and make available quality TB

diagnostic tests and drugs
7. Certify and accredit TB care providers
4. Reduce out of pocket expenses related 8. Secure adequate funding and improve
to TB care allocation and efficiency of fund utilization
Beneficiaries of PhilPACT by 2015
Indicator No. of beneficiaries

No. of symptomatics to be provided with 5 million


No. of adult TB patients to be provided 1 million


No. of children to be provided with 730,000

treatment and IPT

No. of MDR-TB patients to be treated 15, 500

No. of TB patients to be provided with 15,000

NTP Programs
 Programmatic Management of Drug-Resistant TB
 TB in children – started in 2008, nationwide
implementation (Public and PPMD)
 TB in jails/prisons – started in 2009 (BJMP and
BuCor); 130,000 inmates
 Hospital DOTS
Diagnosis of Childhood TB
 Tuberculosis in Infancy and
Childhood, 2010 (PPS)

 Evidence-based clinical practice

guidelines for childhood
tuberculosis, 2008 (PPS)

 Training modules for TB in

children, 2008 (DOH/NTP)

 Guidance for national

tuberculosis programmes on the
management of tuberculosis in
children, 2006 (WHO)
Risk for TB infection and disease

The diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis in low/intermediate burden settings Dr. Anne Detjen Desmond Tutu TB Centre, Cape Town
Dr. Klaus Magdorf Charite University Hospital, Berlin
The spectrum of childhood TB
 TB exposure: child with close contact with a
source case, no s/sx, (-) TST, no radiologic or lab
findings for TB

 TB infection: child with (+) TST, no radiologic or

lab findings for TB

 TB disease: child is TB symptomatic, with (+)

TST and/or positive radiologic or lab findings
suggestive of TB
Diagnosis of TB in children
 Children “< 15 years old”
 Culture = “gold standard”
 Difficult to confirm diagnosis:
 Few bacilli
 No specimen
 Current criteria rely on: history, chest X-ray, TST
 Not totally accurate
 15-20% may not have TB (Schaaf et al., 1995)
 Need to standardize diagnostic criteria
Approach to diagnosis of TB
in children (< 15 yrs)
1. Careful history and P.E.
• Signs and symptoms, history of contact
2. Tuberculin skin testing
3. Radiography
• Chest x-ray
4. Bacteriological confirmation whenever possible
Symptomatic child
(3 out of 6 criteria: PPS/ DOH / WHO
Cough or wheezing of ≥ 2 weeks / 21
TB symptomatic) days
Fever - >38 °C for 14 days

 Weight loss or failure to thrive

 Fatigue, reduced playfulness, or
 Failure to respond to 2 weeks of
appropriate antibiotic
 Failure to regain previous state of
health after 2 weeks of a
viral infection or exanthem

 Organ-specific symptoms (EPTB)

Exposure to a TB case
 Exposure?  Close contact - living in
 Does anyone in the the same household or
home have TB? in frequent contact with
a source case with
 Has your child been in smear-positive PTB.
contact with anyone
with TB?  Children are infectious
if smear (+) or with
cavitary TB
 Make an effort to find
the source case and
other undiagnosed
Tuberculin Skin Test
 TST interpretation depends on two factors:
 diameter of the induration;
 person’s risk of being infected with TB and risk of
progression to disease if infected.
Tuberculin Skin Test
 A positive TST has an induration of:
 ≥10 mm: in all other children (whether they have
received BCG vaccination or not)
 ≥5mm in immunocompromised individuals (HIV-
infected children and those severely malnourished; in
the presence of history of close contact, clinical
findings suggestive of TB, CXR suggestive of TB )


Chest Radiography and other
The commonest picture: persistent opacification in the
lung together with enlarged hilar or subcarinal lymph
A miliary pattern of opacification children is highly
suggestive of TB.
 large pleural effusions and apical infiltrates with cavity
formation being the most common forms of presentation
(similar to adults).
 may also develop primary disease with hilar adenopathy
and collapse lesions visible on CXR.
Bacteriological Confirmation
 Bacteriologic proof must be tried!
 3x sputum collection / gastric washing
 Suspected site of infection
 Microscopy – 2 positive out of 3 specimens
Gastric aspirate vs induced sputum

Gastric aspirate
 30% to 50% yield

 Stain and culture yield from 3 GW higher than


Induced sputum
 Inhalation of 3-5% hypertonic saline

 Bronchospasm possible side effect

 Yield of 1 induced sputum equivalent to 3 GW 2

1 Lighter Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 2009 2Zar Lancet 2005
Diagnosis of Pulmonary TB
in children
 3 of the following criteria:
 Symptomatic
 (+) exposure
 (+) TST
 (+) CXR findings
 Bacteriologic confirmation (positive smear or culture)
Diagnosis in Adolescents
 Follows that in adults  New strategies
 Sputum smear  1 positive smear out of
microscopy (2 positive 2 smears
smears out of 3)  Front-loading: same
 Spot, morning, spot day collection
 Chest radiograph
Drug - resistant TB

 Children are as susceptible to drug-resistant TB as to

drug-sensitive TB.

 Drug-resistant TB is a laboratory diagnosis

 Drug susceptibility test on a positive culture is required

 In cases of a negative culture look for risk factors for

Drug-resistant TB
 Drug-resistant TB should be suspected if any of the following are present.
1. Features in the source case suggestive of drug-resistant TB:
 contact with a known case of drug-resistant TB
 remains sputum smear-positive after 3 months of treatment
 history of previously treated TB
 history of treatment interruption.

2. Features of a child suspected of having drug-resistant TB:

 contact with a known case of drug-resistant TB
 not responding to the anti-TB treatment regimen
 recurrence of TB after adherence to treatment

 The diagnosis and treatment of drug-resistant TB in children is complex

and should be carried out in referral centers
International Standards for
Tuberculosis Care
International Standards for
Tuberculosis Care
Standards for Diagnosis
1 All persons with unexplained cough >2 wks should be evaluated for TB
2 All px suspected of PTB should have at least 2 sputum specimens
submitted for microscopy in a quality-assured lab.
3 EPTB: specimens from suspected site should be obtained for microscopy,
culture and histopath exam
4 All persons with CXR findings suggestive of TB should have sputum
specimens submitted for microbiologic exam
5 Dx of sputum smear (-) PTB: at least 2 (-) sputum smears (1 early morning
sp); CXR findings; and lack of response to antibiotics
6 All children suspected of having intrathoracic TB: confirmation through
sputum microscopy and culture (by expectoration, gastric washings, or
induced sputum). For negative results: Dx should be based on CXR
findings, Hx of exposure to infectious case, evidence of TB infection and
suggestive clinical findings.
Contact investigation –
Contact investigation
Policy recommendation: IGRAs
 Principle: T-cells of
individuals with TB
infection secrete IFN-γ
in response to re-
stimulation with M. tb-
specific antigens
Policy recommendation: IGRAs
Overall conclusions
Insufficient data and low quality evidence on the performance of
IGRAs in low- and middle-income countries, typically those with a
high TB and/or HIV burden
IGRAs and the TST cannot accurately predict the risk of infected
individuals developing active TB disease
Neither IGRAs nor the TST should be used for the diagnosis of
active TB disease
IGRAs are more costly and technically complex to do than the TST.

Given comparable performance but increased cost, replacing the TST

by IGRAs as a public health intervention in resource-constrained
settings is not recommended.
TB Serodiagnostic Tests
 Inconsistent and
imprecise findings
 No evidence of
improved patient
 High proportions of
false-positive and false-
negative results
 Very low data quality
 Recommendation: not
to be used for the
diagnosis of pulmonary
and extra-pulmonary
Rapid diagnostic tests
Molecular Line Probe Assay (LPA)

 Identifies M.tb and genetic mutations associated with

INH and RIF resistance
 Can be used directly on sputum specimens, or on
 results within 1-2 days
 Complex to perform

*GenoType MTDBRplus strips

(Hain Lifescience)
Line Probe Assay

- Rifampicin resistance: >97% sensitive and >98% specific
- INH resistance: >90% sensitivity, >98% specificity
- For rapid screening of MDR-TB
- Recommended for sputum smear (+) specimens

Considerations and requirements:

- Specificity is excellent for INH resistance but sensitivity
estimates are modest and variable
- Geographical variation in prevalence of mutations associated
with rifampicin and in particular INH resistance may result in
varying performance
Automated Detection for
MDR Screening : Xpert Mtb/Rif
 Rapid detection of M.tb and Rif resistance
 Sensitivity: 95-99.5%; specificity: 95%
 For sputum smear (+)/(-)
 Minimal training
 Minimal space requirements
 Fully automated
 Results in 2 hours
PMDT Treatment Center GX Center Culture Center DST Center

Ilocos Training and Regional

Medical Center Ilocos Training and Regional Ilocos Training and Regional
National TB Reference Lab.
Medical Center Medical Center
Region I Medical Center

De La Salle Health Sciences De La Salle Health Sciences De La Salle Health Sciences

Institute Institute Institute
National TB Reference Lab.
National TB Reference National TB Reference
Batangas Regional Hospital
Laboratory Laboratory
Sorsogon Medical Mission
Group Hospital and Health Sorsogon Medical Mission
Services Cooperative Group Hospital and Health CHD V TB Reference Lab. National TB Reference Lab.
Services Cooperative
Bicol Medical Center

Western Visayas Medical

Center Western Visayas Medical
Dr. Pablo O. Torre Memorial Center
Cebu TB Reference Lab. Cebu TB Reference Lab.
Eversly Child's Sanitarium Eversly Child's Sanitarium

Zamboanga City Medical Zamboanga City Medical

Center Center
PMDT Treatment Center GX Center Culture Center DST Center
Xavier University- Community
Xavier University- Community
Health Care Center (Committee
Health Care Center (Committee
of German Doctors)
of German Doctors)
Iligan Society of Internist National TB Reference
Southern Philippines Medical Laboratory
Center CHD XI TB Reference Lab.
Davao Regional Hospital
Koronadal City Health Office Koronadal City Health Office
Baguio General Hospital and Baguio General Hospital and Ilocos Training and
Medical Center Medical Center Regional Medical Center
National TB Reference
CARAGA Regional Hospital *CARAGA TB Culture Center
Lung Center of the Philippines National TB
Cainta Health Center Lung Center of the Philippines Reference
Lung Center of the
Super Batasan Health Center Laboratory
Dr. Jose N. Rodriguez Memorial Dr. Jose N. Rodriguez Memorial
Hospital Hospital
PTSI TAYUMAN PTSI- Quezon Institute
San Lazaro Hospital
Lagrosa Health Center
PTSI- Quezon Institute
Gat. Andres Bonifacio Medical Center
UP-PGH Medical Research
Tondo Foreshore Health Center Lab.
Grace Park Health Center
Lacson Health Center
National TB Reference
Moonwalk Health Center National TB Reference Laboratory
 TB incidence, prevalence and mortality rates show
decreasing trends globally and in the Philippines

 MDG and STOP TB goals for TB incidence and

mortality will likely be achieved but halving of
prevalence rate is unlikely by 2015

 There is greater attention to other populations /

forms of TB and not just smear (+) cases (TB in
children, in prisons and all forms of TB)
 Diagnosis of TB pulmonary disease in children still
relies on history, TST and radiologic findings

 Importance of contact investigation is highlighted

 LPA and GX are used to screen for MDR-TB in adults,

adolescents and older children

 Usefulness of rapid tests in childhood TB remains to be

 Dr. Woojin Lew – WHO, Country Office
 Dr. Rosalind Vianzon – NTP Manager
 Dr. Lorelai Averilla – WHO, CATCH TB
 Dr. Vivian Lofranco – PMDT Manager
 Dr. Anne Detjen - Desmond Tutu TB Centre, Cape
 Dr. Klaus Magdorf - Charité University Hospital,
Trends in incidence rates by WHO region –
decreasing trend
Trends in prevalence rates by WHO region –
decreasing overall
Trends in mortality
Other Investigations
Contact investigation

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