Cyanide Poisoning
Cyanide Poisoning
Cyanide Poisoning
427-431, 1998
Copyright © 1998 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins for SOM
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
Cyanide poisoning:
pathophysiology and treatment
D. M. G. Beasley* and W. I. Glass**
Formerly** University of Otago School of Medicine, Dunedin,
New Zealand*
This paper aims to assess and compare currently available antidotes for cyanide poisoning.
Such evaluation, however, is difficult. Thus, extrapolation from the results of animal studies has
potential pitfalls, as significant inter-species differences in response may exist, and these
experiments often involve administration of toxin and antidote almost simultaneously, rather
Key words: Cyanide poisoning; oxygen and amyl nitrite; pathophysiology; treatment
INTRODUCTION one country to the next, which has influenced the pattern
of clinical use and experience in different nations,
Hydrogen cyanide was first isolated from Prussian blue and their current licensing arrangements, which tend to
dye in 1786, and cyanide was extracted from bitter favour some antidotes over others. For this reason alone it
almonds around 1800, although the poisonous properties is not practical to recommend universal use of a single
of these had been recognized since antiquity. Today there antidote regimen unless it is clearly superior.
are a range of cyanide compounds encountered in such
industries as electroplating, metal cleaning, gold extrac-
tion, and as rodenticides, fumigants or as raw materials MECHANISM OF POISONING
including in the plastics industry. Many are rapidly ab-
sorbed through the skin as well as the respiratory and The primary effect of cyanide poisoning is impair-
gastrointestinal tracts. Inhalation of airborne concentra- ment of oxidative phosphorylation, a process whereby
tions in excess of 100 ppm can be fatal within an hour, oxygen is utilized for the production of essential cellular
and concentrations above 300 ppm are generally fatal energy sources in the form of ATP (adenosine triphos-
within several minutes. phate). A necessary part of this process is transfer of
Investigation into antidotes, including studies of both electrons from NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleo-
cobalt compounds and nitrites, had begun by the late tide, supplied via the Kreb's Cycle) to oxygen, via a series
nineteenth century. Research emphases have varied from of electron carriers. This is catalyzed by the cytochrome
oxidase enzyme system in the mitochondria, and the
Correspondence and reprint requests to: D. M. G. Beasley, University of
impairment arises from the inhibition by cyanide of cyto-
Otago School of Medicine, Dunedin, New Zealand. chrome oxidase a3.'"6 This in turn arises from the high
428 Occup. Med. Vol. 48, 1998
binding affinity of cyanide to the ferric ion found in has been the administration of exogenous rhodanese as
the haem moiety of the oxidized form of this enzyme. well as a sulphur-donating compound,8 so that the whole
The resulting chemical combination results in loss of reaction can take place readily within the blood, reducing
the structural integrity and, hence, effectiveness of the need for thiosulphate access into the mitochondria.
the enzyme. As a result tissue utilization of oxygen is However this has not progressed beyond the experi-
inhibited with rapid impairment of vital functions. Other mental stage. Similarly the use of B-mercaptopyruvates
metabolic processes continue and the rate of glycolysis is or similar sulphur donors, interacting with sulphur trans-
increased markedly; however the pyruvate so produced ferase enzyme systems which are not intra-mitochondrial,
can no longer be utilized via the impaired Kreb's Cycle, has not progressed to the clinical stage.
and is reduced to lactate, resulting in a metabolic acidosis.
Thus it has been shown that cyanide significantly de-
creases brain ATP and increases brain lactate levels.3
Methaemoglobin formation
The cytochrome oxidase aa3 complex is not the only
enzyme affected,1 and other mechanisms are con- Various methaemoglobin formers have been tested as
sidered significant, particularly in severe poisoning. Thus antidotes since it was observed that cyanide interacts with
it is postulated that pulmonary arteriolar and/or coronary met-Hb. In the conversion of oxy-Hb to met-Hb, the iron
artery vasoconstriction can occur, decreasing cardiac out- atoms in the haem groups are oxidized from the ferrous
put, and in extreme cases resulting in cardiac shock.7 It is (2 + ) to the ferric (3 + ) state and it is the high affinity
possible that the release of biogenic amines may also between cyanide and iron in the trivalent ferric state
contribute. Pulmonary oedema has also been observed. It that is exploited. Methaemoglobin formation provides
well-established cases and not in equivocal cases where This implies that there is no single best antidote for all
exposure seems just a possibility.29 This requires clinical situations. Thus nitrites or other metHb formers cannot
experience and strict criteria for the diagnosis, as anxious be recommended for fire victims, young children or those
patients involved in 'scares' over possible exposures may with certain enzyme (e.g., G6PD) deficiencies which in-
exhibit signs and symptoms resembling mild or early crease susceptibility. On the other hand Kelocyanor is not
poisoning. Administration of Kelocyanor in such cases recommended for equivocal or mild cases.
would not be warranted and is more likely to result in
toxicity. While good judgement has generally resulted in Mild poisoning
few adverse effects in industrial settings, inappropri-
ate use with adverse consequences remains a possibility.29 Where symptoms suggest mild poisoning, rest and
Furthermore, toxic reactions have been described even in oxygen treatment may be all that is required. Any deterio-
cases of unequivocal cyanide poisoning.30 The toxicity is ration is an indication for amyl nitrite treatment
considerably reduced by co-administration of glucose (0.2-0.4 ml via Ambu bag) and arrangement for transfer
(mechanism uncertain), which is thus incorporated into to hospital. Symptoms may be somewhat delayed with
the formulation. However the recommendation not to use some compounds (e.g., acetonitrile) which only release
in doubtful or mild cases still stands. cyanide on metabolism and judgement is required on if
The relatively low toxicity of hydroxocobalamin com- and when to transfer. While amyl nitrite has been found
bined with its rapid action are major advantages of its use. (at least in inhalation and self-administration) to produce
However a practical inconvenience is that large volumes only very modest metHb levels (up to 7%) which are
of the commercial preparation are required to deliver insufficient to bind a potentially lethal dose of cyan-
Table 1 . Recommended cyanide antidote dosage regimens* 4. Berlin C. Cyanide poisoning — a challenge [Editorial]. Arch Inl
Med 1977; 137: 993-994.
Sodium thiosulphate 50 ml of 25% solution (12.5 g) IV 5. Which antidote for cyanide? [Editorial]. Lancet 1977; ii: 1167.
over 10 min 6. Holland MA, Kozlowski LM. Clinical features and manage-
Sodium nitrite 10 ml of 3% solution (300 mg) IV ment of cyanide poisoning. Clin Pharm 1986; 5: 737-741.
over 5-20 min 7. Meredith TJ, Jacobsen D, Haines JA, Berger JC, Van Heijst
4-DMAP 5 ml of 5% solution (250 mg) ANP, eds. IPCS/CEC Evaluation of Antidotes Series. Vol. 2.
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Dicobalt edetate 20 ml of 1.5% solution (300 mg) University Press, 1993.
IV over 1 min 8. Marrs TC. Antidotal treatment of acute cyanide poisoning.
Hydroxocobalamin 10 ml of 40% solution (4 g) Adv Drug React Acute Pois Rev 1988; 4: 179-206.
IV over 20 min 9. Chen KK, Rose CL. Nitrite and thiosulfate therapy in cyanide
poisoning. JAMA 1952; 149: 113-119.
* Recommended initial doses may be somewhat higher in chil-
dren,7 e.g., sodium thiosulphate: 300-500 mg/kg; sodium nitrite:
10. Chen KK, Rose CL. Treatment of acute cyanide poisoning.
4-10mg/kg. JAMA 1956; 162: 1154-1155.
11. Kiese M. Methemoglobinemia, A Comprehensive Treatise. Cleve-
land, OH (USA): CRC Press, 1974: 55-124.
oxygen has specific antidotal activity.33 It can accelerate
12. Kiese M, Weger N. Formation of ferrihaemoglobin with amino-
the reactivation of cytochrome oxidase and may have phenols in the human for the treatment of cyanide poisoning.
other modes of action. Artificial ventilation with 100% Eur J Pharmacol 1969; 7: 97-105.
oxygen is recommended, though for no longer than 13. Way JL. Cyanide antagonism. Fundam Appl Toxicol 1983; 3:
12-24 hours at this concentration. Monitoring of ar- 383-386.
terial blood gases, fluid and electrolyte balance, level of 14. Holmes RK, Way JL. Mechanism of cyanide antagonism by