Non Verbal Communication
Non Verbal Communication
Non Verbal Communication
Communication transmitted without the use of words
Words fail to convey meaning-therefore, pictures, drawings,
sounds are often used to convey messages-these means
(other than words) form part of non-verbal communication
Non verbal signals transmit the implied meaning
A more spontaneous form of communication as compared to
verbal communication
Includes kinesics, paralanguage, artifactual communication,
proxemics, chronemics and silence
(of non-verbal communication)
àack of secrecy
=ace-to-=ace interactions are essential
àack of written proof
More difficult to study
Useful for small messages only
Gestures may be misunderstood
It fails to reveal past events and ideas
Sign language: Kinesics
Audio Signals
Visual Signals
Para Proxemics
Language Non
Artifactual Silence
Audio Signals
equire greater skill and effort
People may misunderstand
n the spot correction is not possible
nly simple and elementary ideas can be communicated
Body àanguage (KINESICS)
Kinesics-the most important aspect of non-verbal
Artifactual Communication:Communication
Through Personal Appearance