Chaptersix: Microwave Resonators
Chaptersix: Microwave Resonators
Chaptersix: Microwave Resonators
Microwave Resonators
• Microwave resonators are used in a variety of
applications, including
frequency meters, and
tuned amplifiers.
• Because the operation of microwave resonators is
very similar to that of lumped-element resonators of
circuit theory, we will begin by reviewing the basic
characteristics of series and parallel RLC resonant
• then discuss various implementations of resonators at
microwave frequencies using distributed elements
such as transmission lines, rectangular and circular
waveguides, and dielectric cavities.
• We will also discuss the excitation of resonators using
apertures and current sheets.
• At frequencies near resonance, a microwave
resonator can usually be modeled by either a
series or parallel RLC lumped-element
equivalent circuit, and so we will now review
some of the basic properties of these circuits.
Series Resonant Circuit
• A series RLC resonant circuit is shown in Figure
(6. 3b)
(6. 3c)
• Resonance occurs when the average stored
magnetic and electric energies are equal, or
Wm = We. Then from (6.5) and (6.3a), the input
impedance at resonance is
• Thus Q is a measure of the loss of a resonant circuit—lower
loss implies a higher Q.
• Resonator losses may be due to
conductor loss,
dielectric loss, or
radiation loss, and are represented by the resistance, R, of the
equivalent circuit.
• An external connecting network may introduce additional
• Each of these loss mechanisms will have the effect of
lowering the Q.
• The Q of the resonator itself, disregarding external loading
effects, is called the unloaded Q, denoted as Q0.
• For the series resonant circuit of Figure 6.1a,
• Wm = We at resonance,
FIGURE 6.2 A parallel RLC resonator and its
response. (a) A parallel RLC circuit.
FIGURE 6.2 A parallel RLC resonator and its
response. (b) Input impedance magnitude
versus frequency.
• where IL is the current through the inductor.
Then the complex power of (6.13) can be
rewritten as
• Pin = Ploss + 2 jω(Wm − We), (6.15)
which is identical to (6.4).
• Similarly, the input impedance can be
expressed as
• As in the series case, resonance occurs when the
average stored magnetic and electric energies
are equal, or Wm = We. Then from (6.16) and
(6.14a), the input impedance at resonance is
• Resonance in the case of a parallel RLC circuit
is sometimes referred to as an anti-resonance.
• the unloaded Q of the parallel resonant circuit
can be expressed as
• Q0 = ω0 2Wm / Ploss = R /ω0L = ω0RC (6.18)
• then the loaded Q can be expressed as
• where the last result was obtained by
multiplying both numerator and denominator
by −j cot β. Now assume that = λ/4 at ω = ω0,
and let ω = ω0 + ω. Then, for a TEM line,
and so
• Also, as before, tanh α α for small loss. Using
these results in (6.28) gives
• The resonator of Figure 6.4 therefore has a
parallel-type resonance for l = λ/4, with an
input impedance at resonance of
• Zin = R = Z0 /α l.
• From (6.18) and (6.30) the unloaded Q of this
resonator is
• Q0 = ω0RC = π /4α l = β /2α , (6.31)
since = π/2β at resonance.
Open-Circuited λ/2 Line
• A practical resonator that is often used in
microstrip circuits consists of an open
circuited length of transmission line, as shown
in Figure 6.5. This resonator will behave as a
parallel resonant circuit when the length is
λ/2, or multiples of λ/2.
• The input impedance of an open-circuited
lossy transmission line of length is
• As before, assume that l = λ/2 at ω = ω0, and
let ω = ω0 + ∆ω. Then,
• β = π + π ∆ ω /ω0
FIGURE 6.5 An open-
circuited length of lossy
transmission line, and
the voltage distributions
for n = 1 ( l = λ/2) and
n = 2 ( l = λ) resonators.
• Consider a microstrip resonator constructed from a λ/2 length of
50Ω open-circuited microstrip line. The substrate is Teflon (εr =
2.08, tan δ = 0.0004), with a thickness of 0.159 cm, and the
conductors are copper.
• Compute the required length of the line for resonance at 5 GHz,
and the unloaded Q of the resonator.
• Ignore fringing fields at the end of the line.
• Solution
• From (3.197), the width of a 50Ω microstrip line on this substrate
is found to be W = 0.508 cm, and the effective permittivity is εe =
1.80. The resonant length can then be calculated as
• Microwave resonators can also be constructed from closed
sections of waveguide. Because radiation loss from an open-ended
waveguide can be significant, waveguide resonators are usually
short circuited at both ends, thus forming a closed box, or cavity.
• Electric and magnetic energy is stored within the cavity enclosure,
and power is dissipated in the metallic walls of the cavity as well as
in the dielectric material that may fill the cavity.
• Coupling to a cavity resonator may be by a small aperture, or a
small probe or loop. We will see that there are many possible
resonant modes for a cavity resonator, corresponding to field
variations along the three dimensions of the structure.
• We will first derive the resonant frequencies for
a general TE or TM resonant mode of a
rectangular cavity, and then derive an
expression for the unloaded Q of the TE10
• A complete treatment of the unloaded Q for
arbitrary TE and TM modes can be made using
the same procedure, but is not included here
because of its length and complexity.
Resonant Frequencies
A rectangular cavity
resonator, and the
electric field
variations for the
TE101 and TE102
resonant modes.
• From Table 3.2 the transverse electric fields (Ex ,
Ey) of the TEmn or TMmn rectangular waveguide
mode can be written as
• E̅t (x, y, z) = ē (x, y) ( A+e−jβmnz + A−e jβmnz ) (6.36)
• where ē (x, y) is the transverse variation of the
mode, and A+ , A− are arbitrary amplitudes of the
forward and backward traveling waves. The
propagation constant of the m, nth TE or TM
mode is
• where k = ω √εμ, and μ and ε are the permeability and permittivity of the
material filling the cavity.
• Applying the condition that Ēt = 0 at z = 0 to (6.36) implies that A+ = −A− (as
we should expect for reflection from a perfectly conducting wall). Then
the condition that
• Ēt = 0 at z = d leads to the equation
• Ēt (x, y, d) = −ē(x, y)A+ 2 j sin βmnd = 0.
• The only nontrivial (A+ = 0) solution occurs for
• βmnd = l π, l = 1, 2, 3, . . . , (6.38)
• which implies that the cavity must be an integer multiple of a half-guide
wavelength long at the resonant frequency. No nontrivial solutions are
possible for other lengths, or for frequencies other than the resonant
• A resonance wave number for the rectangular
cavity can be defined as
• Letting E0 = −2 j A+ and using (6.38) allows
these expressions to be simplified to
• A rectangular waveguide cavity is made from a
piece of copper WR-187 H-band waveguide,
with a = 4.755 cm and b = 2.215 cm. The cavity
is filled with polyethylene
• (εr = 2.25, tan δ = 0.0004). If resonance is to
occur at f = 5 GHz, find the required length, d,
and the resulting unloaded Q for the l = 1 and
l = 2 resonant modes.
• A cylindrical cavity resonator can be constructed
from a section of circular waveguide shorted at
both ends, similar to rectangular cavities.
• Because the dominant circular waveguide mode
is the TE11 mode, the dominant cylindrical cavity
mode is the TE111 mode.
• We will derive the resonant frequencies for the
TEnml and TMnml circular cavity modes, and an
expression for the unloaded Q of the TEnml mode.
• Circular cavities are often used for microwave
frequency meters. The cavity is constructed with
a movable top wall to allow mechanical tuning of
the resonant frequency, and the cavity is loosely
coupled to a waveguide through a small aperture.
• In operation, power will be absorbed by the
cavity as it is tuned to the operating frequency of
the system; this absorption can be monitored
with a power meter elsewhere in the system. The
• The mechanical tuning dial is usually directly
calibrated in frequency, as in the model shown
in Figure 6.7.
• Because frequency resolution is determined by
the Q of the resonator, the TE011 mode is often
used for frequency meters because its Q is
much higher than the Q of the dominant
circular cavity mode. This is also the reason for
a loose coupling to the cavity.
Resonant Frequencies
• The geometry of a cylindrical cavity is shown in Figure
6.8. As in the case of the rectangular cavity, the
solution is simplified by beginning with the circular
waveguide modes, which already satisfy the necessary
boundary conditions on the wall of the circular
• From Table 3.5, the transverse electric fields (Eρ, Eφ) of
the TEnm or TMnm circular waveguide mode can be
written as
• E̅t (ρ, , z) = ē (ρ, ) ( A+e−jβnmz + A−e jβnmz ) (6.50)
• where e̅ (ρ, φ) represents the transverse
variation of the mode, and A+ and A− are
arbitrary amplitudes of the forward and
backward traveling waves.
• The propagation constant of the TEnm mode is,
from (3.126),
FIGURE 6.8 A cylindrical resonant
cavity, and the electric field distribution
for resonant mode with l = 1 or l = 2.
• While the propagation constant of the TMnm
mode is, from (3.139),
• where k = ω √ με.
• In order to have E¯t = 0 at z = 0, d, we must
choose A+ = −A−, and A+ sin βnm d = 0,
• or βnmd = l π, for l = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . , (6.52)
• which implies that the waveguide must be an
integer number of half-guide wavelengths
long. Thus, the resonant frequency of the TEnml
mode is
FIGURE 6.9 Resonant
mode chart for a
cylindrical cavity.
Adapted from data
from R. E. Collin,
Foundations for
Engineering, 2nd
Wiley–IEEE Press,
Hoboken, N.J., 2001.
Used with permission.
Unloaded Q of the TEnml Mode
• From Table 3.5, (6.50), and the fact that A+ = −A−, the
fields of the TEnm mode can be written as
• where η = √μ/ε and H0 = −2 j A+.
• Because the time-average stored electric and
magnetic energies are equal, the total stored
energy is
• The power loss in the conducting walls is
• the unloaded Q of the cavity with imperfectly
conducting walls but lossless dielectric is
• To compute the unloaded Q due to dielectric
loss, we must compute the power dissipated
• in the dielectric. Thus,
• Then (6.8) gives the unloaded Q due to dielectric
loss as
where tan δ is the loss tangent of the dielectric.
This is the same as the result for Qd of (6.48) for
the rectangular cavity. When both conductor and
dielectric losses are present, the total unloaded
cavity Q can be found from (6.49).
• A circular cavity resonator with d = 2a is to be
designed to resonate at 5.0 GHz in the TE011
mode. If the cavity is made from copper and is
Teflon filled (εr = 2.08, tan δ = 0.0004), find its
dimensions and unloaded Q.
• The surface resistivity of copper at 5 GHz is Rs =
0.0184 Ω . Then from (6.57), with n = 0, m = = 1,
and d = 2a, the unloaded Q due to conductor
losses is