1, NEW Introduction To Holy Qur'an
1, NEW Introduction To Holy Qur'an
1, NEW Introduction To Holy Qur'an
• Macro Study
Surah of Quran in chronological and
phenomenal approach
• Micro Study
Words of Quran in morphological
and epistemological approach
• Language of Quran
• Types of Arabic
• Understanding of Quran with
traditional Arabic Language
• Figurative speech in Quran
Word Quran in the Quran
• The word qurʼān appears about 70 times in the holy quran .
هّٰللا َ • اَفَاَل يَتَ َدبَّ ُر ْو َن ا ْلقُ ْر ٰا َن ۭ َولَ ْو َك
ان ِمنْ ِع ْن ِد َغ ْي ِر ِ ل َو َج ُد ْوا فِ ْي ِه
)4:82(اختِاَل فًا َكثِ ْي ًرا ْ
Will they not then ponder on the Qur'an? If it had been •
from other than Allah they would have found therein much
)56:77( اِنَّ ٗه ل َقُ ْر ٰا ٌن َك ِر ْيم
• that this indeed is a noble Qur'an
Quran The Truth!
ت َوآ َمنُوا بِ َما نُ ِّز َل َعلَى ُم َح َّم ٍد ِ صالِ َحا َّ ين آ َمنُوا َو َع ِملُوا ال َ • َوالَّ ِذ
)47:2( ه ْم ُ َصلَ َح بَالْ َسيِّئَاتِ ِه ْم َوأ
َ ق ِمنْ َربِّ ِه ْم َكفَّ َر َع ْن ُه ْم
ُّ َو ُه َو ا ْل َح