OD Intervention, Type of Intervention
OD Intervention, Type of Intervention
OD Intervention, Type of Intervention
1. Survey feedback
2. Process Consultation
3. Sensitivity Training
4. The Managerial grid
5. Team Building and management by objectives
6. Job enrichment, changes in organizational
structure and participative management and
7. Quality circles
8. TQM
Survey feedback:
• The intervention provides data and information to the
managers. Information on Attitudes of employees
about wage level, and structure, hours of work,
working conditions and relations are collected and
the results are supplied to the top executive teams.
They analyse the data, find out the problem, evaluate
the results and develop the means to correct the
problems identified. The team are formed with the
employees at all levels in the organization hierarchy
i.e, from the rank and file to the top level.
Process Consultation :
• The process consultant meets the members of
the department and work teams observes the
interaction, problem identification skills,
solving procedures etc. He feeds back the
team either the information collected through
observations or coaches and counsels
individuals and groups in moulding their
Sensitivity training
• Sensitivity training attempts to teach people
about themselves and why and how they
relate to, interact with, impact on, and are
impacted upon by others. Essentially, this is
accomplished by having trainees observe and
analyze their own, actual, "here and now"
behaviour in groups.
Managerial grid
• This identifies a range of management
behaviour based on the different ways that how
production/service oriented and employee
oriented states interact with each other.
Managerial grid is also called as instrumental
laboratory training as it is a structured version
of laboratory training.
• It consists of individual and group exercises with
a view to developing awareness of individual
managerial style interpersonal competence and
group effectiveness. Thus grid training is related
to the leadership styles. The managerial grid
focuses on the observations of behaviour in
exercises specifically related to work.
Participants in this training are encouraged and
helped to appraise their own managerial style.
There are 6 phases in grid OD:
• First phase is concerned with studying the grid
as a theoretical knowledge to understand the
human behavior in the Organization.
Second phase is concerned with team work
development. A seminar helps the members
in developing each member’s perception and
the insight into the problems faced by various
members on the job.
• Third phase is inter group development. This
phase aims at developing the relationships
between different departments
• Fourth phase is concerned with the creation of
a strategic model for the organization where
Chief Executives and their immediate
subordinates participate in this activity.
• Fifth phase is concerned with implementation
of strategic model. Planning teams are formed
for each department to know the available
resources, required resources, procuring them
if required and implementing the model.
• Sixth Phase is concerned with the critical
evaluation of the model and making necessary
adjustment for successful implementation.
Team Building and Management by
• Management by Objectives (MBO) is a
successful philosophy of management. It
replaces the traditional philosophy of
“Management by Domination”. MBO led to a
systematic Goal setting and Planning. Peter
Drucker the eminent management Guru in
1959 has first propagated the philosophy since
then it has become a movement.
• MBO is a process by which managers at different
levels and their subordinates work together in
identifying goals and establishing objectives
consistent with Organizational goals and attaining