Im 12

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Chapter 12

Channels of
Chapter Outline

 Direct and Indirect Selling Channels

 Types of Intermediaries: Direct Channel
 Types of Intermediaries: Indirect Channel
 Channel Development
 Channel Adaptation
 Channel Decisions
Chapter Outline
 Determinants of Channel Types
- Legal Requirements
- Product Image
- Product Characteristics
- Middlemen's Loyalty and Conflict
- Local Customs
- Power and Coercion
- Control
Chapter Outline

 Distribution in Japan
 Selection of Channel Members
 Representation Agreement and Termination
 Black Market
 Gray Market
 Distribution of Services
Direct & Indirect
Selling Channels


- selling through home-country intermediaries
- simple and inexpensive
- lack of marketing control
Direct & Indirect
Selling Channels


- direct contact with overseas intermediaries or
- requiring more time and cost
- better control
Agent vs. Merchant

 Taking possession vs. taking title (ownership)

 Compensation: profit/loss vs.
 Employee vs. independent contractor

 may or may not take possession

 never taking title
 compensation: commission
 more difficult to terminate relationships

 may or may not take possession

 always taking title
 compensation: profit/loss
 easier to terminate relationships
Types of Intermediaries:
Direct Channel

 Foreign Distributor
 Foreign Retailer
 State-Controlled Trading Company
 End User
Types of Intermediaries:
Indirect Channel

 Export Broker
 Manufacturer's Export Agent or Sales
 Export Management Company (EMC)
 Cooperative Exporter
 Purchasing/Buying Agent
 Country-Controlled Buying Agent
Types of Intermediaries:
Indirect Channel

 Resident Buyer
 Export Merchant
 Export Drop Shipper
 Export Distributor
 Trading Company
Channel Decisions

 Channel length
– Number of times a product changes hands among
 Channel width
– Number of middlemen at a particular point in the
 Number of channels
– Single channel vs. dual/multiple channels
Determinants of Channel Types

 Legal Requirements
 Product Image
 Product Characteristics
 Middlemen's Loyalty and Conflict
 Local Customs
 Power and Coercion
 Control
Representation Agreement and

 paying attention to agency termination laws

 having agreements in writing
 avoiding evergreen contract
Gray Market

 Causes
– Price differential
 Legal Dimension
– Protecting independent U.S. trademark owner
 Ethical Dimension
 Product Quality
Gray Marketing: Manufacturers’

 Identifying and punishing offenders

 Educating consumers
 Standardized worldwide price
 Multiple brands

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