Fundamentals of Management Final Revision
Fundamentals of Management Final Revision
Fundamentals of Management Final Revision
Management Final
Chapter 01
3 Chapter 01
True / False
A measure of how well or how productively resources
are used to achieve a goal
A measure of the appropriateness of the goals an
organization is pursuing and the degree to which they
are achieved.
4 Chapter 01
The measure of how well (or how productively) an organization uses
its resources to achieve a goal is known as:
A) effectiveness.
B) role.
C) efficiency.
D) strategy.
E) organizing.
McDonald's developed a fat fryer machine that reduced the amount
of oil used to cook French fries by 30 percent over its current
cookers. This is an example of an attempt to improve the
A) effectiveness.
B) efficiency.
C) planning.
D) organizing.
E) low-cost strategy.
Chapter 07
6 Chapter 07
True / False
Organizational Learning
Managers seek to improve a employee’s desire and ability to
understand and manage the organization and its task
environment so as to raise effectiveness.
Learning Organization
Managers try to maximize the people’s ability to behave
creatively to maximize organizational learning.
7 Chapter 07
True / False
Nonprogrammed decision-making is required for routine
1. Programmed Decision
Routine, virtually automatic process
Decisions have been made so many times in the past that
managers have developed rules or guidelines to be applied
when certain situations inevitably occur.
2. Non-Programmed Decisions
Non-routine decision made in response to unusual or novel
opportunities and threats.
The are no rules to follow since the decision is new.
8 Chapter 07
True / False
14 Chapter 08
True / False
Identifying and selecting appropriate goals and courses of action
for an organization.
The organizational plan that results from the planning process details
the goals and specifies how managers will attain those goals.
The cluster of related managerial decisions and actions that
managers take to help an organization reach its goals
Chapter 08
True / False
Henri Fayol..decided that effective plans should have five
At any one time only one central, guiding plan is put into
Planning is an ongoing process in which managers build and
refine previous plans and continually modify plans at all levels
Managers need to make every attempt to collect and utilize all
available information at their disposal
Plans can be altered and changed if the situation changes
16 Chapter 08
True / False
There is only one type of plans which is standing plans
A. Standing Plans
Are used in situations in which programmed decision-making is
Standing Plans Include:
Policies - general guides to action
Rules - formal written specific guides to action
Standard operating procedures (SOP) - specify an exact series of actions
to follow
B. Single-Use Plans
Developed to handle non-programmed decision-making in one-of-a-
kind situations
Single use plans include:
Programs: integrated plans achieving certain goals.
Project: specific action plans to complete programs.
17 Chapter 08
The cluster of decisions that managers make to assist the
organization to achieve its goals is known as:
A) strategy.
B) scenario planning.
C) SWOT analysis.
D) diversification.
E) related diversification
A broad statement of the organization's purpose, products, and
customer base that differentiate the organization from its
competitors is known as:
A) a functional-level plan.
B) a mission statement.
C) a SWOT analysis.
D) a focused low-cost strategy.
E) a focused differentiation strategy
18 Chapter 08
Which plan of the organization contains top management's
decisions about the organization's mission, goals, strategy, and
A) Corporate-level plan
B) Divisional-level plan
C) Functional-level plan
D) Business-level plan
E) Departmental-level plan
General Electric Company sets a goal that every product line
of the company should be either first or second in its industry in
market share. What type of goal does this represent?
A) Corporate-level B) Divisional-level
C) Functional-level D) Business-level
E) Multidomestic-level
19 Chapter 08
Another name for the business level of the organization is the
__________ level of the organization.
A) functional
B) departmental
C) corporate
D) divisional
E) first-line
A functional-level plan spells out the goals of the __________
that are intended to assist the organization to achieve its
__________ goals.
A) division; corporate
B) department; corporate
C) business; divisional
D) division; business
E) none of the above
20 Chapter 08
The length of the plan, in terms of the number of months or years that
are included in the organization's plan, is known as the __________
of the plan.
A) rolling level
B) time horizon
C) mission
D) function
E) synergy
22 Chapter 10
True / False
The process by which managers establish working relationships among
employees to achieve goals efficiently and effectively.
Organizational Structure
Formal system of task and reporting relationships showing how
workers use resources to achieve goals.
Chapter 10
True / False
Increasing the number of different tasks in a job by changing
the division of labor of the job is known as job enrichment.
A. Job Enlargement
Increasing the number of different tasks in a given job by changing
the division of labor
B. Job Enrichment
Increasing the degree of responsibility a worker has over a job By:
1.Empowering workers to experiment to find new or better ways of
doing the job
2.Encouraging workers to develop new skills
3.Allowing workers to decide how to do the work
4.Allowing workers to monitor and measure their own performance
24 Chapter 10
True / False
When managers organize divisions according to the type of
product that they produce, this is known as a market structure.
Product Structure
Managers place each distinct product line or business in its own
self-contained division
Divisional managers have the responsibility for devising an
appropriate business-level strategy to allow the division to
compete effectively in its industry
Market Structure
Groups divisions according to the particular kinds of customers
they serve
Allows managers to be responsive to the needs of their customers
and act flexibly in making decisions in response to customers’
changing needs
25 Chapter 10
If the external environment of an organization is stable and if
uncertainty is low, then __________ coordination among workers is
needed to obtain resources and managers can bring __________
formality to the design of the organizational structure.
A) More; more
B) Less; more
C) Less; more
D) Less; less
In general, the more complicated the technology, the
__________ the need for a flexible organizational structure
and the __________ routine the technology, the __________
appropriate is the use of a formal organizational structure.
A) Greater; more; less B) Less; more; less
C) Greater; more; more D) Greater; less; less
E) None of the above
26 Chapter 10
__________ technologies are characterized by __________
task variety and __________ task analyzability.
A) Routine; low; high
B) Routine; high; low
C) Nonroutine; high; high
D) Nonroutine; low; low
E) None of the above
The process by which managers decide how to organize the
tasks that workers need to do into the jobs that are needed to
produce the organization's goods or services is known as:
A) Job design.
B) Continuous-process technology.
C) Small-batch technology.
D) Mass-production technology.
E) Job enrichment.
27 Chapter 10
A manager increases the number of tasks that a subordinate has to
perform in order to attempt to make the job more interesting for the
subordinate. This is called:
A) Job simplification.
B) Job enlargement.
C) Job enrichment.
D) A matrix structure.
E) A functional job structure
A manager can enrich the job of a subordinate by:
A) Empowering the subordinate to re-design his or her job.
B) Encouraging the subordinate to develop new job skills.
C) Giving the subordinate the responsibility to decide what to do
in an unexpected situation.
D) Allowing the subordinate to monitor his or her own job
E) All of the above
28 Chapter 10
The idea behind the concept of "job enrichment" is that __________
a worker's responsibility will __________ the worker's involvement in
his or her job and __________ the worker's interest in the quality of
the goods the worker produces.
A) Increasing; decrease; decrease
B) Decreasing; increase; increase
C) Increasing; increase; decrease
D) Increasing; increase; increase
E) None of the above
The relationship between the business units of the organization
is known as what type of structure of the organization?
A) Market structure
B) Product structure
C) Geographic structure
D) Functional structure
E) Divisional structure
Chapter 11
30 Chapter 11
True / False
Top-down change take place when top managers consult with
middle and first line managers, and then over time, managers
at all levels work to develop a detailed plan for change
38 Chapter 12
True / False
When managers look outside their organization and attempt
to hire new employees who have not previously worked for
their organization, this is known as internal recruiting.
Activities that managers engage in to develop a pool of
candidates for open positions.
The process that managers use to determine the relative
qualifications of job applicants and their potential for
performing well in a particular job.
40 Chapter 12
True / False
When managers look outside their organization and attempt to
hire new employees who have not previously worked for their
organization, this is known as internal recruiting.
External Recruiting
Looking outside the organization for people who have not
worked at the firm previously.
Newspapers advertisements, open houses, on-campus
recruiting, employee referrals, and through the Internet.
Internal Recruiting
Managers turn to existing employees to fill open positions
41 Chapter 12
When Microsoft Corporation interviews dozens of highly qualified
programmers before deciding on which ones to hire, this is an
example of which component of the HRM process?
A) Training
B) Development
C) Recruitment and selection
D) Performance appraisal
E) Performance feedback
When newly-hired programmers at Microsoft Corporation join small
work teams so that experienced workers can serve as mentors to
them while they are adjusting to their new job, this is an example of
which component of the HRM process?
A) Recruitment B) Selection
C) Performance appraisal D) Performance feedback
E) Training and development
42 Chapter 12
When managers attempt to estimate both the qualifications of
workers and the number of workers that their organization will
need in the future, this is known as:
A) Supply forecasting.
B) Recruitment.
C) Selection.
D) Demand forecasting.
E) Development.
When a large publishing company contracts with a freelance
writer for the task of copyediting a new manuscript instead of
hiring a full-time copyeditor, this is an example of:
A) A lateral movement. B) AN RJP.
C) Outsourcing. D) On-the-job training.
E) A 360-degree appraisal
43 Chapter 12
A written summary of the knowledge, skills, and abilities that
are needed to perform a specific job is known as:
A) Selection.
B) Performance appraisal.
C) Feedback.
D) The job specifications.
E) Development.
Advantages Disadvantages
External 1. Having access to a 1. Relatively high costs
Recruiting potentially large applicant 2. Candidates may lack
pool knowledge about the inner
2. Being able to attract workings of the
people who have the skills, organization
knowledge, and abilities an 3. May need to receive
organization needs more training
3. Bringing in newcomers 4. Uncertainty concerning
who may have a fresh whether they will actually
approach to problems and be good performers
be up to date on the latest
Chapter 09
48 Chapter 09
True / False
First step in TQM philosophy is Find ways to measure quality