Unit-7: National Nutritional Unit-8: National Strategic and
Unit-7: National Nutritional Unit-8: National Strategic and
Unit-7: National Nutritional Unit-8: National Strategic and
problem/ Programme
Unit- 8: National Strategic and
Prepared By: Ms. Shubheksha
Nutritional problems
• The main types of malnutrition seen in Nepal are:
– Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM)
– Iodine deficiency disorder (IDD)
– Iron deficiency anemia (IDA)
– Vitamin A deficiency (VAD)
• Seen mostly in children and women.
• Not only affect people’s health but also quality
of life and development of socio economic
situation in the county.
• 68% (more than two thirds) of disease burden in
Nepal due to infectious diseases, maternal and
prenatal disorders and nutrition deficiency.
• Nutrition intervention has been recommended
as priority element of essential health care
• Nepal Health Sector strategy 2004 and Nepal
Health Sector Implementation Plan-
recognized the problem and recommended
adopting a specific implementation strategy
with regards to nutrition.
Causes and consequences (PEM- children)
Problems Causes Consequences
Protein energy •Inappropriate •Failing to grow
Malnutrition breastfeeding (underweight, stunted and
(PEM)- •Inadequate wasted)
children complementary •Reduced learning ability
feeding practices •Reduced resistance and
•Insufficient health immunity against infection
services (Growth •Reduced productivity in the
monitoring and future
•Low birth weight
•Infectious diseases
•Inadequate energy
Causes and consequences (PEM- women)
Problems Causes Consequences
Protein energy •Inadequate energy •Low birth weight
Malnutrition intake •Increased risk of maternal
(PEM)- •Inadequate mortality and morbidity
WOMEN knowledge and •Reduced productivity
practice of maternal
•Heavy physical
•Lack of extra food
intake during
pregnancy and
Causes and consequences (IDA)
Problems Causes Consequences
Iron Deficiency •Inadequate intake of •Impaired human function
Anemia (IDA) iron from daily diets at all stages of life.
•Inadequate •Impaired work
absorption of dietary performances, endurance
iron and productivity
•Infestations such as •Increased risk of maternal
hookworms and morbidity and mortality
malaria •Increased risk of sickness
•High requirements of and death for the baby
iron particularly during
growth and pregnancy
•Blood loss
(menstruation and
•Vitamin A deficiency
Causes and consequences (IDD)
Problems Causes Consequences
Iodine •Lack of iodine in food •Cretinism
Deficiency •Goiter
Disorders (IDD) •Impaired cognitive function
•Increased prenatal
morbidity and mortality
•Reduced productivity
Causes and consequences (VAD)
Problems Causes Consequences
Vitamin A • low intake of Vitamin • Xerophthalmia (Night
deficiency A from daily diets blindness, Bitot’s spot,
(VAD) •Restricted Vitamin A corneal ulcer, Keratomalacia
(VA) absorption , Xerosis)
•Worm infestation •Increased risk of morbidity
•Increased Vitamin A and mortality
requirement resulting •Increased risk of anemia
from infectious
Current nutritional situation in
Problems Current nutritional situation
Protein •51% of children below 5 years of age are affected by
energy stunting (short for their age), which can be a sign of early
Malnutrition chronic under-nutrition.
(PEM) • 48% of the children are underweight (low weight for age).
• 10 % of the children are wasted (thin for their age), which
can be an indicator of acute under-nutrition.
• Stunting is more common in the Mountain areas than in
the Terai, but underweight and wasting are more common in
the Terai areas.
•27% of women fall below the cut-off point of BMI (<18.5)
• Prevalence of stunting, underweight and wasting tended to
increase after 6 months of age indicating that the practice of
complementary feeding was not appropriate for their
Current nutritional situation in
Problems Current nutritional situation
Iron •Higher in preschool children (78%) than in women (67%).
Deficiency •High rate found in infants (6-11 months old) i.e 90%
Anemia •Among women- distinct variation between ecological
(IDA) zones- highest levels in Terai followed by Mountains.
•Only Pre-school children (32%) and pregnant women
(29%) – consumed and adequate amount of iron to fulfill
their daily requirements.
•Prevalence of anemia- also high in high school
adolescents (64%) who attended Govt. girl’s high school in
KTM valley.
Current nutritional situation in
Problems Current nutritional situation
Iodine •Only 63% households in Nepal- using
Deficiency adequately iodized salt
Disorder (IDD) •Only 35% of the respondents had heard
educational messages about iodized salt and
very few of the respondents (19%) knew about
the importance of iodized salt for health
•39.1% (adult women and school- aged
children)- low UIE (Urinary Iodine Excretion)
•The prevalence of low UIE is highest among
women in the Terai zone.
Current nutritional situation in
Problems Current nutritional situation
Vitamin A •Over all prevalence- night blindness in
deficiency reproductive aged women (4.7%) and pregnant
(VAD) women (6.0%), while 16.7%- women reported
having night blindness during their last prenancy.
•12-59 mnths children- night blindness 0.27%
•6-59 mnths children- Bitot’s spot- 0.33%
•School aged children- night blindness- 1.2% and
Bitot’s spot-1.9%
•Serum retinol levels revealed 16.6% of women
and 32.2% of preschool children had subclinical
•Only 42% of pre-school children and 37% of
women consumed an adequate amount of vit. A.
Government action in Nutrition
Problems Action
well being should be a key objective for progress in
human development.
• PRIORITIZED GROUPS : Infants, young children,
pregnant and nursing women, disabled people and
the elderly within poor households are the most
nutritionally vulnerable groups.
•Develop •network
networks for
data collection,
processing and
Specific Strategy Activity Responsibi Indicator
objectives lity