Chapter 03 Effective Leadership Behavior

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Effective Leadership Behavior

Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership In Organizations 3-1

Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be
able to:
 Understand why so many taxonomies have
been proposed for leader behavior.
 Understand what research methods have been
used to study leader behavior.
 Understand how leader behavior can be
described with either broad or specific

Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership In Organizations 3-2

Learning Objectives (Cont.)
 Understand why task and relations behaviors
are important for leadership effectiveness.
 Understand why change-oriented behaviors
are important for effective leadership.
 Understand how specific types of tasks and
relations behaviors can be used effectively.

Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership In Organizations 3-3

Understand why so many
taxonomies have been proposed
for leader behavior

Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership In Organizations 3-4

Why Leadership Behavior Taxonomies are
so Diverset\f

 Behavior categories are abstractions

 Different levels of abstraction

 Diverse development methods

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Broad Behavior Categories
The Three Broadly Other Broad Behavior
Defined Behavior Categories

 Task Behavior  Participative

 Relations Behavior Leadership
 Change-Oriented  Transformational
Behavior Leadership

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Understand what research
methods have been used to study
leader behavior

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Methods for Studying the Effects of
Leader Behavior
 Survey

 Experiment
 Field Experiment

 Behavior description methods

 Diaries
 Critical incident reports
 Interview

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Understand how leader behavior
can be described with either
broad or specific categories

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Understand Different Ways to Classify
Leader Behavior
 Broad Category  Specific Category
Examples: Examples:
 Task  Planning Work
 Relations Activities
 Transformational  Supportive

Leadership Leadership
 Developing
Subordinate Skills

Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership In Organizations 3-10

Understand why task and
relations behaviors are important
for leadership effectiveness

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Task and Relations Behaviors
 Task Behaviors
 Accomplishing a task efficiently

 Relations Behaviors
 Increasing mutual trust and relationship

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Importance of Task and Relations

 Survey research findings

 Experiment and descriptive research findings

 Importance of the Situation

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Guidelines for Using Specific Task and
Relations Behaviors

Task Behaviors Relations Behaviors

 Planning  Supporting
 Clarifying  Developing
 Monitoring  Recognizing

Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership In Organizations 3-14

Understand why change-oriented
behaviors are important for
effective leadership

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Change-Oriented Behaviors

 Understanding the environment

 Adapting to the environment

 Implementing change

Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership In Organizations 16

Understand how specific types of
tasks and relations behaviors can
be used effectively

Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership In Organizations 3-17

Effective Use of Specific Task and
Relations Behaviors

 Planning Work Activities

 Clarifying Roles and Objectives
 Monitoring Operations and Performance
 Supportive Leadership
 Developing Subordinate Skills
 Providing Praise and Recognition

Copyright© 2013 Pearson Education Leadership In Organizations 3-18

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