Diass 3RD PT
Diass 3RD PT
Diass 3RD PT
General Direction: Read carefully the following items. In each type of test is a specific instruction. Write your answer
before the items. If in a correction is made, enclose it with parentheses and write the final answer above. Write legibly.
I. MODIFIED ANALYSIS. Below are the roles and functions of a counselor in the counseling process. All
of the statements are wrong. Underline the wrong phrase or word and write the correct answer before the
number. (2pts each)
1. Individual Counseling is a patient-centered process which demand confidentiality and establishing
relationship between the counselor and counselee
2. Individual Assessment identifies the character and potential of every client while promoting self-
understanding amongst clients and assisting counselors to understand the client better.
3. Counselors provide assistance through group counseling and therapy.
4. Counselees are called on to provide career planning and adjustment assistance to clients.
5. Placement and Assessment is a service of school counseling programs that gives emphasis on
educational placements in course and programs.
6. Referral is a practice of helping the client to find needed expert assistance that the referring
counselor can provide.
7. Referrals include the promotion of mental illness through primary prevention using a social –
psychological perspective
8. Group Counseling is considered as the core activity of the counseling process through which other
activities become meaningful.
II. TRUE or FALSE. Write IRUMA-CHI if the statement is true, and if the statement is false, write
IRUMA-KUN and underline the wrong word/phrase. The following items focus on the different
competencies of a counselor. (2pts each)
1. Competent counselors display ability to listen, communicate; empathize; be present; aware of non-
verbal communication; sensitive to voice quality; responsive to expression of emotion, turn taking;
structure of time and use of language
2. Counselors have the capacity to reject others, belief potential of awareness, change of ethical and
moral choices and sensitive to values held by client and self.
3. Counselors have the ability to understand and assess client’s problem; to anticipate present
4. Counselors must have a knowledge of why and where and who to carry out specific interventions,
understanding behind the rationale behind the techniques, possession of wide repertoire of
5. Counselors must have no irrational beliefs that are destructive to the counseling relationship; self-
esteem, capacity to tolerate strong and uncomfortable feelings in relation to the client, secure
personal boundaries.
6. Counselors extend its networks to the different functions and dysfunctions that would become
essential in the counseling practice.
7. Counselors must have the capacity to be intuitive about the client’s background and problems; being
open to new knowledge.
III. CASE ANALYSIS. Read the situation below. Identify what code or right is being portrayed or violated.
1. Before the counseling session, Mr. Dig Bick informed Camille of the entire process.
2. Jane was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Her counselor, Jay after their first session went to his friend
Rem and told him every detail of their session.
3. Lara is a Child Psychologist. Just this morning, PenPen, 16, was referred to her office for
4. Sean, a counselor, was asked to disclose some of the information about the condition of his client.
He refused to do so and asked the consent of his client.
5. Arnel was referred to Andrea, but so happen that Arnel was Andrea’s ex-boyfriend and they just
broke up last year.
IV. ENUMERATION. Enumerate what is being asked in the following items. Maximize the space at the
1. 7 Areas/Sections of the Code of Ethics for Counselors (APA)
2. 8 Sections of the Counseling Relationship
3. 3 Sections of Confidentiality
4. 2 Sections of Professional Responsibility
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
3rd Quarterly Assessment
General Direction: Read carefully the following items. In each type of test is a specific instruction. Write your answer
before the items. If any correction is made, enclose it with parentheses and write the final answer above. Write legibly.
I. MODIFIED ANALYSIS. Below are the roles and functions of a counselor in the counseling process.
All of the statements are wrong. Underline the wrong phrase or word and write the correct answer before
the number. Focus on the Theory of Forms by Plato(2pts each)
1. The Theory of Evolution states that everything has a Form- whether it is a chair, a bed, an animal
etc; absolutely everything has a Form.
2. The idea of the Forms is illustrated in the story of the 6 Blind men and the Elephant.
3. What we perceive around us is a reflection of this truth.
4. Plato says there are four Forms for ethical values; these are Truth, Justice, Beauty, and Brains.
5. Plato believed true reality co-existed beyond normal perceptions of the world.
6. This real world is unchanging and infernal.
7. According to Plato the world we live in is a poor limitation of the real world.
8. Plato believes there is a hierarchy of Forms, with the Form of Justice being at the top.
9. Our world is eternally changing and we rely on our senses to understand what is going on.
10. It is the world of ideas not senses where there are perfect forms of the things we know on earth.
II. TRUE or FALSE. Write TALA if the statement is true, and if the statement is false, write TAAL and
underline the word/phrase that makes the statement wrong. The following items focus on the different
competencies of a counselor. (2pts each)
1. Persistence Identity believes that we are a collection of changing parts, body, mind emotion and
even circumstances.
2. The soul is the essence of man’s humanity and the source of all his activities.
3. The soul is a chariot of two winged-horses. One is sensible and flies high to the heavens to reach the
light of truth and goodness.
4. In death the true man is freed from his imprisonment to see perfectly the pure light of absolute
5. Man is the half of his body and soul.
6. Man can be divided into body and soul, and no doubt the soul is more real and unimportant.
7. Man is the unity of body and soul, and he cannot only exist as this unity.
8. Although the body is not part of the presence of the body, nevertheless the very essence of the soul
inherently needs to be one with the body.
9. The body, the physical, emotional part of us and the mind, the conscious aspects has a complex
tangled relationship.
10. I am a Body with a mind or a mind with a body?
III. IDENTIFICATION. Identify whose ideology is the following. Write the letter only.
a. Gabriel Marcel c. St. Augustine e. Aristotle
b. St. Thomas Aquianas d. Rene Descartes f. Plato
1. The soul is the essence of man’s humanity and the source of all his activities.
2. The soul is a chariot of two winged-horses. One is sensible and flies high to the heavens to reach the
light of truth and goodness.
3. In death the true man is freed from his imprisonment to see perfectly the pure light of absolute truth.
4. Man is the half of his body and soul.
5. Man can be divided into body and soul, and no doubt the soul is more real and important.
6. Man is the unity of body and soul, and he can only exist as this unity.
7. Although the body is not part of the presence of the body, nevertheless the very essence of the soul
inherently needs to be one with the body.
8. The body, the physical, biological part of us and the mind, the conscious aspects has a complex
tangled relationship.
9. I am a Body with a mind or a mind with a body?
10. Even if all our physical sensations are were just an hallucinatory dream, our mind and thoughts will
still be there. That is the ultimate proof of our existence.
11. I place myself outside. I recognize that I am part of the thing I am investigating, and therefore, my
discussion is sub-jective (“thrown beneath”).
12. Cogito ergo sum
13. There is no sense in asking if body and soul are one.
14. The body and soul are one like the oneness of the ugly and his figure.
15. There is no matter that is not informed by form, and no form that is not the form of the matter.
IV. ESSAY. In four sentences, explain the complexity of the question WHO AM I.