Hugot Burger
Hugot Burger
Hugot Burger
Hugot Burger cater Millennial with an average of 13 years old and above.
Hugot burger cater both Male and Female.
Specific income of 3,000 and above.
Nowadays, consumers are really aware when it comes of choosing of Food that can
satisfy their craving in a way that also affordable when it comes of price. Many consumers also
prefer foods like Burgers who are also trend in the market.
2.2 SWOT Analysis
2.2.1 Strengths
Unique names of the product and unique colour of the buns that surely catch the eye
of the consumers.
Has their own way of sympathizing with the feeling with the feeling of their
costumers, through their “hugot wall”
Good ambience and designs of the store.
Affordable price with a good quality of Burgers, the reason why money is worth to the
2.2.2 Weaknesses
2.2.4 Threats
Increasing number of competitors.
Change in consumer preference.
New entrants of other burgers restaurants/store in close to the vicinity.
2.3 Competition