E-Commerce and E-Bidding: Dr. Kishor Adhikari
E-Commerce and E-Bidding: Dr. Kishor Adhikari
E-Commerce and E-Bidding: Dr. Kishor Adhikari
business-to-business, business-to-consumer,
consumer-to-consumer or consumer-to-
The terms e-commerce and e-business are often
The process of E-commerce
The process of E-commerce
A consumer uses Web browser to connect to
the home page of a merchant's Web site on the
The consumer browses the catalog of products
Business Consumers
And selling
Distinct Categories of E-
Business to Business (B2B) refers to the full spectrum of e-
commerce that can occur between two organizations.
This includes purchasing and procurement, supplier
management, inventory management, channel management,
sales activities, payment management &service and support.
Examples: FreeMarkets, Dell and General Electric
Distinct Categories of E-Commerce
E-commerce vs. E-business
E-commerce is about doing business electronically
E-commerce conducting financial transactions
E-business is conducting business on the Internet
E-business is the transformation of business
processes through the Internet
E-business conducting business on the Net, not only
buying and selling but also servicing customers and
collaborating with business partners often used
interchangeably, e-business is everything to do with
the back end.
Benefits of E-commerce
To consumers: 24/7 access, more choices, price
comparisons, improved delivery, competition
To organizations: International marketplace
Non-technical disadvantage
◦ Initial cost
◦ User resistance
◦ Security / Privacy
◦ Lack of touch or feel of products
◦ E-Commerce applications are still evolving and
changing rapidly
◦ Internet access not cheaper for many potential
customers living in remote villages
Traditional vs. New Business Models
Traditional New Business
◦ Confidentiality
◦ Integrity
◦ Availability
◦ Authenticity
Electronic payment procedures
◦ Non- Repudiabiity
◦ Encryption
◦ Auditability
Electronic payment procedures
Measures to ensure security
◦ Encryption
◦ Digital Signature
◦ Security Certificates
E-commerce Trends
E-commerce sell are growing by
>19% a year
E-commerce trends
Originally, electronic commerce was identified as the
facilitation of commercial transactions electronically
using technology such as Electronic Data Interchange
(EDI) and electronic funds transfer (EFT).
These were introduced in late 1970s.
The growth and acceptance of credit card, automate
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In 1994 first internet shopping started.
By end of 2000 many European and American
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Now it is getting globalized, globalized products are
being offered with a localized E-commerce
experienced, through local language, payment
options and marketing.
People does ticket booking like plane ticket, movies
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Trends of E-commerce in Nepal
Many companies have started the trend of
eCommerce in Nepal decade ago, but the
challenges are still the same.
The actual sales have not been able to start
8% 4%
E-bidding procedure in health
services management
◦ E-submission
◦ E-bidding
◦ E-bidding enhancement with Nepali script
E-bidding procedure in health
services management contd...
Developed e-submission system
◦ www.gepson.gov.np – used by 200+ government
◦ www.bolpatra.gov.np – used by 45 government
E-bidding procedure in health
services management contd...
Electronic Bidding in health sector –
◦ Logistic Management Division (LMD) under Department
of Health started e-submission in 2068/069
◦ Locally developed
◦ Scanned form submission feature
Why e-bidding in health?
◦ Need to purchase varieties of commodities
(equipments, drugs, vaccines) regularly
◦ Unhealthy competition
E-bidding procedure in health
services management contd...
E-submission – bidders submit bid
documents in scanned form on-line. It is
done electronically
◦ to increase transparency
◦ non-discrimination
◦ equality of access
◦ open competition.
E-bidding procedure in health
services management contd...
E-submission procedure
◦ On-line registration of company details
◦ Review by LMD
◦ Notification of acceptance
◦ Creates username, password by the company
◦ If interested to bid, pays registration fee in Nepal
Rastra Bank and gets the voucher
◦ Scan the voucher and send to LMD
E-bidding procedure in health
services management contd...
E-submission procedure contd...
◦ Encrypted voucher received by LMD
◦ Notification of voucher receipt to the company
◦ Company scans all necessary documents and sends
to LMD
◦ Before deadline, number of submissions appears.
After deadline ends, all companies’ name visible
E-bidding procedure in health
services management contd...
E-submission procedure contd...
◦ In opening time, three level of password used to
open bid documents
Officer, Procurement section
Director, LMD
Officer, IT section
◦ Regular bidding process begins
E-bidding Screenshots
E-bidding Screenshots contd...
E-bidding Screenshots contd...
E-bidding Screenshots contd...
E-bidding Screenshots contd...
E-bidding Screenshots contd...
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