Comparative Method in Sociology

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Comparative Methods in Sociology

Comparative methods – purpose

The purpose of comparative research is, as in the case of all

scientific research, to test hypotheses.

Hypothesis is a statement, stipulated within a given theory, about

the relationship between variables (constructs) defined on
some objects (units of observation) within a causal framework
(time and sequencing).

In comparative sociology hypotheses deal with space and/or time.

Space and time

Cross-national studies involve, explicitly or implicitly, nations
(states, countries, societies) as units of observation and at
least one variable is defined on the national (country, society)

In historical studies the same units of observations are compared
through time
Comparative methods

Comparative methods refer specifically to the methodology of

comparing “something” through space and/or time.

Generally, comparative methods for cross-national research and

historical research do not differ very much.
Comparative methods and comparative sociology

Most sociology is within-country, present-time sociology.

Comparative methods are specific in that they address

problems inherent in cross-national and/or historical studies.

Cross-national and/or historical studies constitute comparative

sociology. As it will be argued comparative sociology is a sub-
discipline of sociology as such.
Traditions of comparative sociology

Karl Marx (1818-1883) and his work (Capital, 1883) on

evolutionary processes of economic systems (cross-national
and historical).
Max Weber (1864-1920) and his work on The Protestant Ethics
and Spirit of Capitalism, 1905, (historical and cross-national).
Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) and his Suicide, 1897, as an example
of quantitative studies on nations' characteristics.

In his Rules of Sociological Methods, 1885, Durkheim insists that

comparative sociology is not a particular branch of sociology; it
is sociology itself.
Does comparative sociology constitute a paradigm ?
“A paradigm is a fundamental image of the subject matter within
a science. It serves to define what should be studied, what
questions should be asked, how they should be asked, and
what rules should be followed in interpreting the answers
obtained.” (Ritzer, Sociology: A Multiple Paradigm Science,
1980: 7)

Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolution (1962)

Comparative sociology

-- what should be studied?
-- what questions should be asked?
-- how they should be asked?
-- what rules should be followed?

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