Sedative Hynotics

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Sedative Hypnotics

• Sedative : dose that reduces excitement,

physical activity and calms the person.

• Hypnotic : dose that produces sleep that

resembling with normal sleep.

• Sleep - Phases
Non Rapid Eye Movement (NREM )
Rapid Eye Movement (REM )
Sedative Hypnotics
1.Benzodizepines 2.Barbiturates
Long acting:
Long acting: Phenobarbitone
Diazepam, Flurazepam
Nitrazepam Short acting:
Short acting: Butobarbitone
Alprazolam, Triazolam, Ultra short acting:
Temazepam Thiopentone

3. Non benzodizepines: Zolpidem,Zopiclone,Zaleplon

Benzodizepines: Commonly used
Wide safety / High therapeutic index

Mech. of action /(M.O.A) BZDs

Bind to GABAA receptor Cl Channel

Increase frequency of opening of Cl Channels

Increase Cl ion conductance

Membrane hyperpolarization and CNS depression

Pharmacological actions:

CNS: Sedation– Hypnotic– Anaesthesia- Coma

Reduce anxiety, Skeletal muscle relaxation
Anticonvulsant and Amnesia.

CVS: decrease B.P & H.R (higher dose)

Resp. System: depress respiration

Gastric gland: decrease nocturnal acid secretion

prevent stress induced ulcers.
PK: Given orally, intravenously (IV) and rectal (Children)
IM rarely used.
undergoes enterohepatic circulation (Diazepam)
cross placental barrier
(R.S depression & Hypotonia- Floppy Baby syndrome)
secreted in milk

A/E: Drowsiness, confusion, blurred vision, amnesia

Vertigo, Weakness, urine retention, dry mouth
sometimes paradoxical effects – anxiety
Tolerance & Dependence: less with BZDs (Short term )
1.Insomnia : i) Transient (1-3 days) Environmental or
situational change
ii) Short term(3-21days) Emotional problem
Physical illness
iii) Chronic insomnia( >21 days) COPD
severe pain, GERD, CHF, Psychosis.

2. Antianxiety /anxiolytic effect :Act on limbic system and

relieve anxiety (at low dose)
3. Skeletal muscle relaxant : inhibit polysynaptic
reflexes at spinal and supra spinal level.
Useful in spinal injury, tetanus, cerebral palsy, and

4. Preanaesthetic medication : Sedation, Hypnotic,

Anaesthesia, Reduce anxiety, Skeletal muscle
relaxation, Amnesia (Pt cant recall preoperative event)

5. Anticonvulsant : Diazepam used in status epileptics,

tetanus, febrile convulsions (IV)
Clonazepam used in the absence seizure
6. Gen. anaesthesia : Midazolam / Diazepam used to

7. Diagnostic & minor operative procedures:

Endoscopies, before ECT, in Obstetrics

8. To control alcohol withdrawal symptoms : anxiety,

nausea, vomiting, palpitation etc.

9.Conscious sedation : pt is able to communicate &

co-operate during procedure.

10. Along with analgesics and antiulcer agents.

Barbiturates : derivatives of barbituric acid
low therapeutic index
M.O.A : Barbiturates

Bind to GABAA receptor Cl Channel

Prolong the duration of opening of Cl Channels

Increase Cl ion conductance

Membrane hyperpolarization and CNS depression

High dose : GABA mimetic effect, decrease Ca++ and

glutamate activity
Pharmacological actions:

CNS: Sedation– Hypnotic– Anaesthesia- Coma- death

Skeletal muscle relaxation, Anticonvulsant

CVS: decrease B.P & H.R (higher dose)

Resp. System: depress respiration (medullary paralysis)

GIT: decrease tone & motility

GUT : increase release of ADH (decrease urine output)

PK: Given orally, intravenously (IV)
hepatic microsomal enzyme inducers
cross placental barrier, secreted in milk.

A/E: Headache, Drowsiness, confusion, nausea,

Vomiting, vertigo, ataxia, hypotension.
Megaloblastic anaemia (on prolong use)
Precipitation of porphyria (Induce ALA synthase)
Hypersensivity reaction.
Physical & psychological dependence develops on
repeated use
1.Insomnia :not recommended (low therapeutic index)

2. Preanaesthetic medication : were used for sedation,

Hypnotic effect.

3. Gen. anaesthesia : Thiopentone or Methohexitone

used for induction of GA

4. Anticonvulsant : Phenobarbitone used in GTCS,

Status epileptics, eclampsia,
Febrile convulsions (IV)
5.Neonatal jaundice of non haemolytic type &
Kernicterus : Phenobarbitone accelerate metabolism
of bilirubin (enzyme induction- glucuronyl transferase)

6. Diagnostic aid in psychiatry : low dose of thiopentone

facilitate verbal communication. (mainly in hysteria)

Acute barbiturate poisoning: rare

mostly accidental or suicidal
Symptoms: Resp. depression, HypoTN, CVS collapse,
Renal failure, and skin eruptions.

Treatment : maintain airway, breathing, circulation

Gastric lavage – after stomach wash
activated charcoal prevent absorption

Alkaline diuresis: IV Sod. Bicarbonate

(facilitate elimination of acidic drugs)

Haemodialysis & haemoperfusion

(through column of activated charcoal / other adsorbant )
Non BZDs

Bind to GABAA receptor Cl Channel

Facilitate GABA mediated neuronal inhibition

CNS depression

 Used for short term treatment

 Rapid & Short acting agents
 Minimal A/E
 Don’t produced dependence/withdrawal effects
Ramelteon: agonist of melatonin receptor
(MT1 & MT2)
reduces sleep latency period
no - rebound insomnia
withdrawal symptoms.
undergoes first pass metabolism.
half life: 2-5 hrs.
S/E : dizziness, drowsiness, ↓testosterone,
↑ prolactin level.
Buspirone: partial agonist of 5 HT1a receptors.
inhibit further release of serotonin.
Benzodizepines Barbiturates

• High therapeutic index • Low therapeutic index

• Commonly use • Restricted use
• Increase frequency of • Prolong duration of opening
opening Cl Channel Cl channel
• No GABA mimetic effect • GABA mimetic effect
• Don’t affect RS & CVS • Can affect
• Low abuse liability • High abuse liability
• No enzyme induction • Enzyme inducers
• Antidote – Flumazenil • No antidote available in
Used in overdosage poisoning

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