02 Internal Expanding Brake
02 Internal Expanding Brake
02 Internal Expanding Brake
In braking systems, the internal-shoe or drum brake is used mostly for automotive
(Exaggerated) Deformation
of the friction material
The frictional effect would
produce due to normal force O A
The frictional force on the shoe acts x
in the tangential direction c 1
We find the normal force dN on a r
a Ry
differential element (d) at an angle
dN = pbr dθ
where b is the face width (┴ to the
paper) of the friction material
p br sin d The support reactions will be Rx and Ry
dN a
sin a
Lecture Notes ME308 Dr. Sulaiman Pashah 8
Force Analysis and Braking Capacity
Moment of frictional force asi
y n
The frictional forces have a moment arm
about A of (r − a cos θ)
M f f dN r a cos
fpa br 2 F
sin r a cos d 2
sin a 1
Moment of normal force O A
The normal forces have a moment arm
c 1
about A of a sin θ
a Ry
2 2 r
pa bra
M N dN a sin d sin 2
1 sin a 1
Actuating Force F
The actuating force F must balance
these moments MN M f
Lecture Notes ME308 Dr. Sulaiman Pashah 9
Force Analysis and Braking Capacity
Self energizing Condition asi
y n
For self energizing condition:
MN M f fdNcos
brake shoe is: Fy 2
2 2 2
p fbr
T f r dN a sin d O
sin a 1 Rx
1 c 1
pa f b r 2
cos 1 cos 2 r
a Ry
sin a
Support Reactions:
The support reactions can be obtained by
resolving forces into orthogonal components
and considering static equilibrium.
B sin d sin 2
1 2 1 1 2 4 1
Reference Axes System:
The reference system always has its origin at the center of the drum.
The positive x axis is taken through the hinge pin.
The positive y axis is always in the direction of the shoe, even if this should result in
a left-handed system.
Lecture Notes ME308 Dr. Sulaiman Pashah 11
Example 16-2
The brake shown is 300 mm in diameter and is actuated by a mechanism that exerts the
same force F on each shoe. The shoes are identical and have a face width of 32 mm.
The lining is a molded asbestos having a coefficient of friction of 0.32 and a pressure
limitation of 1000 kPa. Estimate the maximum:
(a) Actuating force F. (b) Braking capacity. (c) Hinge-pin reactions
Given: r = 300/2 = 150 mm, b = 32 mm, f = 0.32,
pa = 1000 kPa
Reqd: Maximum values for (a) F, (b) T (c) Rx , Ry
The right-hand shoe is self-energizing, and so the
force F is found on the basis that the maximum
pressure will occur on this shoe
Here θ1 = 0o, θ2 = 126o, θa = 90o, and sin θa = 1
fpa br 2
sin r a cos d
sin a 1
M N R pa R M f R pa R
The reactions at the hinge pin of the left-hand shoe are found using equations for
counter clockwise direction with a pressure of 443 kPa
They are found to be Rx = 0.678 kN and Ry = 0.538 kN. The resultant is:
The reactions for both hinge pins, together with their directions, are shown in the
following figure:
(a) Actuating force F. (b) Braking capacity. (c)
Hinge-pin reactions for either direction of rotation
Given: r = 200 mm, b = 75 mm, f = 0.24, pa = 1000 kPa
Reqd: (a) F, (b) T (c) Rx , Ry
For a particular direction of rotation two shoes
(placed diagonally) will be self energizing (or
primary shoes) and other two self de-energizing
(or secondary shoes). The primary shoes would
have the maximum pressure. So the force F
must be found on the basis of primary shoes.
Equations for Mf and MN indicate that the frictional and normal moments are
proportional to the maximum pressure; i.e.:
M N S pa S M f pa
Similarly S
M N P pa P f P pa P
Lecture Notes ME308 Dr. Sulaiman Pashah 22
Example 16-2
Given: r = 200 mm, b = 75 mm, f = 0.24, pa = 1000 kPa
θ1 = 10o, θ2 = 75o, θa = 75o
a = 150 mm, c = 165 mm, d = 50 mm
Reqd: (b) T
Solution (continued):
M f MN
Now for the secondary shoe: F
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