02 Internal Expanding Brake

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Internal Expanding Rim Clutches and Brakes

 The internal-shoe rim clutch shown in the

figure consists essentially of three elements:
 The mating frictional surface,
 The means of transmitting the torque to and
from the surfaces,
 The actuating mechanism

 In braking systems, the internal-shoe or drum brake is used mostly for automotive


Lecture Notes ME308 Dr. Sulaiman Pashah 2

Static Analysis Steps for Brake and Clutch (Recap):
Many types of clutches and brakes can be analyzed by following a general procedure
through the following tasks:
1. Estimate, model, or measure the pressure distribution on the friction surfaces.
2. Find a relationship between the largest pressure and the pressure at any point.
3. Use the conditions of static equilibrium to find the braking force or torque and the
support reactions.
Assumptions: y
The following assumptions are made for the analysis
1. The pressure at any point on the shoe is
assumed to be proportional to the angular F
distance  from the hinge pin A 
2. The effect of centrifugal force has been x
neglected because shoe is not rotating.
3. The shoe is assumed to be rigid
4. The coefficient of friction that does not
vary with pressure
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(Exaggerated) Deformation
of the friction material

 Pressure distribution will be directly proportional to the deformation of

the friction material
 The deformation of the friction material is function of
 Angle of rotation ∆ϕ
 Angular position 
Pressure Distribution
h∆ϕcos( /2) h∆ϕ
Note:  /2
The deformation B
F h
is exaggerated
2 r

 /2
O x From isosceles
A  /2
r a h = 2rsin(θ/2) O r A

If the shoe deforms by an infinitesimal

rotation ∆ϕ about the point A, deformation
 The shoe is hinged at pin A perpendicular to AB=h is h∆ϕ :
 The drum has radius r h∆ϕ = 2 r sin(θ/2) ∆ϕ
 The activation force F acts at other
Now the radial deformation (i.e.
perpendicular to the rim) is:
 The shoe ends at an angular position  2
 Consider the point B at an angle  h∆ϕcos( /2) = 2 r ∆ϕ sin(θ/2)cos(θ/2)
 We would estimate the pressure = r ∆ϕ sin(θ)
distribution from radial deformation
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Pressure Distribution
h∆ϕcos( /2) h∆ϕ
Note:  /2
The deformation B
F h
is exaggerated
2 r
 h∆ϕcos( /2) =  /2
O x r ∆ϕ sin(θ)
A  /2
r a O r A

 The radial deformation, and thus the

pressure, is proportional to sin θ.
 Therefore for the point B and the point
 The shoe is hinged at pin A
where the pressure is maximum:
 The drum has radius r
 The activation force F acts at other p p
 a
end, sin  sin  a
 The shoe ends at an angular position  2 Rearranging gives
 Consider the point B at an angle  p  a sin 
 We would estimate the pressure sin  a
distribution from radial deformation
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Pressure Distribution
The maximum pressure location:
B  For short shoe (i.e.  2 90o ); the largest
pressure on the shoe would occur at the end
F of the shoe i.e θa = θ2. Otherwise θa = 90o
 p
O x pa

r a
θa = θ2 90o 180o

 The shoe is hinged at pin A
θa = 90o 2 180o
 The shoe ends at an angular position  2
 Point B is at an arbitrary angle   When θ = 0, p =0. The frictional
 The pressure distribution is sinusoidal material does not contribute to the
with respect to the angle θ. braking action and might be omitted.
p  Similarly more material must be put in
p  a sin 
sin  a neighborhood of θa
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Force Analysis and Braking Capacity
 The drum has center at O and have a
radius r y

 The shoe is hinged at pin A dN

 The friction material is between the
angular positions  1 &  2
 The activation force F acts at (c, 2 ); F

 2
 The frictional effect would
produce due to normal force O A
 The frictional force on the shoe acts x
in the tangential direction c 1
 We find the normal force dN on a r
a Ry
differential element (d) at an angle 
dN = pbr dθ
where b is the face width (┴ to the
paper) of the friction material
p br sin  d  The support reactions will be Rx and Ry
 dN  a
sin  a
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Force Analysis and Braking Capacity
Moment of frictional force asi
y n
The frictional forces have a moment arm
about A of (r − a cos θ)

M f   f dN  r  a cos  
 d
fpa br 2 F

 sin   r  a cos   d 2
sin  a 1 

Moment of normal force O A

The normal forces have a moment arm

c 1
about A of a sin θ
a Ry
2 2 r
pa bra
M N   dN  a sin   d   sin 2
 d
1 sin  a 1

Actuating Force F
The actuating force F must balance
these moments MN  M f
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Force Analysis and Braking Capacity
Self energizing Condition asi
y n
For self energizing condition:
 dN
MN  M f fdNcos

The dimension a governs self energizing. 

Braking Torque dNcos
fdNsin d
The torque T applied to the drum by the F

brake shoe is: Fy  2
2 2 2
p fbr

T   f r dN  a  sin  d O

sin  a 1 Rx

1 c 1
pa f b r 2
  cos 1  cos 2  r
a Ry
sin  a
Support Reactions:
The support reactions can be obtained by
resolving forces into orthogonal components
and considering static equilibrium.

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Force Analysis and Braking Capacity
The direction of the frictional forces is reversed if the rotation is reversed, therefore the
expressions are obtained for both clockwise and counterclockwise directions.
Clockwise rotation Counter clockwise rotation
pa b r pa b r
Rx   A  f B   Fx Rx   A  f B   Fx
sin  a sin  a
pa b r pa b r
Ry   B  f A  Fy Ry   B  f A  Fy
sin  a sin  a
MN  M f M f  MN
F F
c c
For self energizing M N  M f Self Energizing does NOT exist.
2 2 2 
A   sin  cos  d   sin 2  
1   1 

B   sin  d    sin 2 

1 2 1 1 2 4 1
Reference Axes System:
 The reference system always has its origin at the center of the drum.
 The positive x axis is taken through the hinge pin.
 The positive y axis is always in the direction of the shoe, even if this should result in
a left-handed system.
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Example 16-2
The brake shown is 300 mm in diameter and is actuated by a mechanism that exerts the
same force F on each shoe. The shoes are identical and have a face width of 32 mm.
The lining is a molded asbestos having a coefficient of friction of 0.32 and a pressure
limitation of 1000 kPa. Estimate the maximum:
(a) Actuating force F. (b) Braking capacity. (c) Hinge-pin reactions
Given: r = 300/2 = 150 mm, b = 32 mm, f = 0.32,
pa = 1000 kPa
Reqd: Maximum values for (a) F, (b) T (c) Rx , Ry
The right-hand shoe is self-energizing, and so the
force F is found on the basis that the maximum
pressure will occur on this shoe

Here θ1 = 0o, θ2 = 126o, θa = 90o, and sin θa = 1

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Example 16-2
Given: r = 300/2 = 150 mm, b = 32 mm, f = 0.32,
pa = 1000 kPa
Reqd: Maximum values for (a) F, (b) T (c) Rx , Ry
Solution (continued):
F   MN  M f  c Therefore we find Mf and MN

fpa br 2
 sin   r  a cos   d

Mf 
sin  a 1

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Example 16-2
Given: r = 300/2 = 150 mm, b = 32 mm, f = 0.32, pa = 1000 kPa
Reqd: Maximum values for (a) F, (b) T (c) Rx , Ry
Solution (continued):
 The actuating force is:
pa bra 2 2
MN  
sin  a 1
sin  d

(b) Braking capacity

The total braking capacity will be:
The torque applied by the right-hand shoe is

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Example 16-2
Given: r = 300/2 = 150 mm, b = 32 mm, f = 0.32, pa = 1000 kPa
Reqd: Maximum values for (a) F, (b) T (c) Rx , Ry
Solution (continued):
The torque contributed by the left-hand shoe cannot be obtained until we learn its
maximum operating pressure pa
Equations for Mf and MN indicate that the frictional and normal moments are
proportional to the maximum pressure; i.e.:
 M N  L  pa  L Similarly
 M f   pa 
 
  L L

 M N  R  pa  R  M f  R  pa  R

Now: 

Then, the torque on the left-hand shoe is:

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Example 16-2
Given: r = 300/2 = 150 mm, b = 32 mm, f = 0.32, pa = 1000 kPa
Reqd: Maximum values for (a) F, (b) T (c) Rx , Ry
Solution (continued):

(b) Support Reactions:

First we find the parameters A and B.

with pa = 1000 kPa for the

right-hand shoe
Then, for clockwise rotation:

Lecture Notes ME308 Dr. Sulaiman Pashah 16

Example 16-2
Given: r = 300/2 = 150 mm, b = 32 mm, f = 0.32, pa = 1000 kPa
Reqd: Maximum values for (a) F, (b) T (c) Rx , Ry
Solution (continued):

The reactions at the hinge pin of the left-hand shoe are found using equations for
counter clockwise direction with a pressure of 443 kPa
They are found to be Rx = 0.678 kN and Ry = 0.538 kN. The resultant is:

The reactions for both hinge pins, together with their directions, are shown in the
following figure:

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Example 16-2
 This example shows that benefit may be
gained by arranging the shoes in self-
energizing configuration:
 The hinge pin of the left-hand shoe
could be placed at the top, it would
then apply the same torque as the
right-hand shoe.
 The capacity of the brake would be
(2)(366) = 732 N · m instead of the
present 528 N · m, i.e. a 30 percent
 Some of the friction material at the heel
could be eliminated without seriously
affecting the capacity
 The change might actually improve
the overall design because the
additional rim exposure would
improve the heat-dissipation
Lecture Notes ME308 Dr. Sulaiman Pashah 18
Example 16-2

(a) Actuating force F. (b) Braking capacity. (c)
Hinge-pin reactions for either direction of rotation
Given: r = 200 mm, b = 75 mm, f = 0.24, pa = 1000 kPa
Reqd: (a) F, (b) T (c) Rx , Ry
For a particular direction of rotation two shoes
(placed diagonally) will be self energizing (or
primary shoes) and other two self de-energizing
(or secondary shoes). The primary shoes would
have the maximum pressure. So the force F
must be found on the basis of primary shoes.

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Example 16-2
Given: r = 200 mm, b = 75 mm, f = 0.24, pa = 1000 kPa
Reqd: (a) F, (b) T (c) Rx , Ry
Solution: Here θ1 = 10o, θ2 = 75o, θa = 75o
We start with some preliminary estimations;

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Example 16-2
Given: r = 200 mm, b = 75 mm, f = 0.24, pa = 1000 kPa
θ1 = 10o, θ2 = 75o, θa = 75o
a = 150 mm, c = 165 mm, d = 50 mm
Reqd: (a) F
For the case of self energizing shoe:
F   M f  MN  c Therefore we find Mf and MN


Lecture Notes ME308 Dr. Sulaiman Pashah 21

Example 16-2
Given: r = 200 mm, b = 75 mm, f = 0.24, pa = 1000 kPa
θ1 = 10o, θ2 = 75o, θa = 75o
a = 150 mm, c = 165 mm, d = 50 mm
Reqd: (b) T
The total braking capacity will be: T= TP+TS

Equations for Mf and MN indicate that the frictional and normal moments are
proportional to the maximum pressure; i.e.:
 M N  S  pa  S  M f   pa 
  Similarly S
 S

 M N  P  pa  P  f  P  pa  P
Lecture Notes ME308 Dr. Sulaiman Pashah 22
Example 16-2
Given: r = 200 mm, b = 75 mm, f = 0.24, pa = 1000 kPa
θ1 = 10o, θ2 = 75o, θa = 75o
a = 150 mm, c = 165 mm, d = 50 mm
Reqd: (b) T
Solution (continued):
M f  MN
Now for the secondary shoe: F 

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Example 16-2
Given: r = 200 mm, b = 75 mm, f = 0.24, pa = 1000 kPa
θ1 = 10o, θ2 = 75o, θa = 75o
a = 150 mm, c = 165 mm, d = 50 mm
Reqd: (c) Rx and Ry
At each hinge (i.e. A and B) the total reaction forces
will be the resultant of primary and secondary shoe.

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Example 16-2
Given: r = 200 mm, b = 75 mm, f = 0.24, pa = 1000 kPa
θ1 = 10o, θ2 = 75o, θa = 75o
a = 150 mm, c = 165 mm, d = 50 mm
Reqd: (c) Rx and Ry
Solution (continued):

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Example 16-2
Given: r = 200 mm, b = 75 mm, f = 0.24, pa = 1000 kPa y
θ1 = 10o, θ2 = 75o, θa = 75o
a = 150 mm, c = 165 mm, d = 50 mm
Reqd: (c) Rx and Ry
At each hinge (i.e. A and B) the x-axis will be the
same for both primary and secondary shoed whereas
the y axes will be in opposite directions.

(primary shoe y-direction) x


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