Toggle Positions
Toggle Positions
Toggle Positions
Toggle positions
Toggle positions
• O2C2D2 Link 2 & Link 3
become collinear
• C1O2D1
• The toggle positions are determined by the collinearity of two of the moving
• when the crank O2C (link 2) is collinear with the coupler CD (link 3), either extended
collinear or overlapping collinear . It cannot be back driven from the rocker (link 4)
through these collinear positions, but when the crank (link 2) is driven, it will carry
through both toggles because it is Grashof.
• These toggle positions also define the limits of motion of the driven rocker
Crank angles corresponding to the toggle positions ?
To find the maximum and minimum values of input angle θ, above expression can be
differentiated w.r.t to θ and setting to 0
−2𝑎𝑑 −𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃𝑑𝜃 = −2𝑏𝑐(−sinμ𝑑𝜇) 2
Foutput Finput
Stone crusher
Punch press
truck tailgate