SSNS-Spring 20-Negotiation Skills
SSNS-Spring 20-Negotiation Skills
SSNS-Spring 20-Negotiation Skills
Negotiation Skills
Strategic Sourcing and Negotiation kills by Sheikh Irfan ([email protected])
What is Negotiation anyway?
“Process whereby two or more parties decide what each will give and take in
an exchange between them”
“Bargaining (give and take) process between two or more parties (each with
its own aims, needs, and viewpoints) seeking to discover a common ground
and reach an agreement to settle a matter of mutual concern or resolve
a conflict”
Characteristics of all negotiations:
1. Two or more parties
Stages in negotiation Process
Stage 1: Plan- who, with whom, where, timings, etc.
Being assertive means asking for what you want and refusing to take NO for an answer. Practice
expressing your feelings without anxiety or anger. Let people know what you want in a non-
threatening way. Practice 'I' statements. For example, instead of saying, "You shouldn't do that," try
substituting, "I don't feel comfortable when you do that."
Note that there is a difference between being assertive and being aggressive. You are assertive
when you take care of your own interests while maintaining respect for the interests of others. When
you see to your own interests with a lack of regard for other people's interests, you are aggressive.
Being assertive is part of negotiation consciousness.
"Challenge" means not taking things at face value. It means thinking for yourself. You must be able to
make up your own mind, as opposed to believing everything you are told. On a practical level, this
means you have the right to question the asking price of that new car. It also means you have an
obligation to question everything you read in the newspaper or hear on a TV Channel. You cannot
negotiate unless you are willing to challenge the validity of the opposing position.
You can become an effective listener by allowing the other person to do most of the talking. Follow
the 70/30 Rule – listen 70 percent of the time, and talk only 30 percent of the time. Encourage the other
negotiator to talk by asking lots of open-ended questions
3. Do your homework. This is what detectives do. Gather as much pertinent information prior to your
negotiation. What are their needs? What pressures do they feel? What options do they have? Doing your
homework is vital to successful negotiation. You can't make accurate decisions without understanding the
other side's situation. The more information you have, the stronger you will be.
5.Don't be in a hurry. Being patient is very difficult. We want to get it over with. They know that if you
rush, you are more likely to make mistakes and leave money on the table. Whoever is more flexible
about time has the advantage. Your patience can be devastating to the other negotiator if they are in a
hurry because they start to believe that you are not under pressure to conclude the deal. So what do
they do? They offer concessions as a means of providing you with an incentive to say YES.
6. Aim high and expect the best outcome. Successful negotiators are optimists. If you expect more,
you'll get more. A proven strategy for achieving higher results is opening with an extreme position.
Sellers should ask for more than they expect to receive, and buyers should offer less than they are
prepared to pay. People who aim higher do better. Conversely, if you have low expectations, you will
probably wind up with a less satisfying outcome.
10. Don't take the issues or the other person's behavior personally. All too often negotiations fail
because one or both of the parties get sidetracked by personal issues unrelated to the deal at hand.
Successful negotiators focus on solving the problem, which is: How can we conclude an agreement
that respects the needs of both parties? Obsessing over the other negotiator's personality, or other
issues that are not directly pertinent to making a deal, can sabotage a negotiation.