Program Sources:: Tape and Playback
Program Sources:: Tape and Playback
Program Sources:: Tape and Playback
Tape and
P l ayb ac k
In 1932, a tape recorder that The first wired recorder was the
used a low-cost chemically Telegraphone invented by
treated paper tape was invented Valdemar Poulsen in the late
by Merle Duston. It was called 1890s.
the Photoelectric Paper
Tape Recorder.
• Type 0 - This is the original ferric-oxide tape. It is very rarely seen
these days.
• Type 1 - This is standard ferric-oxide tape, also referred to as "normal
• Type 2 - This is "chrome" or CrO2 tape. The ferric-oxide particles are
mixed with chromium dioxide.
• Type 4 - This is "metal" tape. Metallic particles rather than metal-
oxide particles are used in the tape.
Tape Type
Compact Cassette
Videotape and Home Video
Quadruplex Videotape
Tapes C and B
Professional Cassette Formats
Tape Type
Tape Type
Tape Type
Tape Type
Tape Type
Tape Format