319892main Space-Based Astronomy A Brief History PDF
319892main Space-Based Astronomy A Brief History PDF
319892main Space-Based Astronomy A Brief History PDF
The early successes of Sputnik and the Explorer series spurred the
United States to develop long-range programs for exploring space. Once
the United States became comfortable with the technical demands of
spacecraft launches, NASA quickly began scientific studies in space
using both crewed and non-crewed spacecraft launches.
Teams of scientists began their studies in space Australia. After launch, scientists
close to home by exploring the Moon and the chase the balloon in a plane as the
solar system. Encouraged by those successes, balloon follows the prevailing winds,
they have looked farther out to nearly the begin- traveling thousands of kilometers
ning of the universe. before sinking back to Earth. A typ-
ical balloon launch yields many
Observing the heavens from a vantage point hours of astronomical observations.
above Earth is not a new idea. The idea of plac-
ing telescopes in orbit came quite early—at least Rocket research in the second half of
by 1923 when Hermann Oberth described the the 20th century developed the tech-
idea. Even before his time, there were a few nology for launching satellites.
attempts at space astronomy. In 1874, Jules Between 1946 and 1951, the U.S.
Janseen launched a balloon from Paris with two launched 69 V-2 rockets. The V-2
aeronauts aboard to study the effects of the rockets were captured from the
atmosphere on sunlight. Astronomers continue Germans after World War II and
to use balloons from launch sites in the used for high altitude research.
Antarctic; Palestine, Texas; and Alice Springs, Several of those flights studied ultra- U.S. V-2 rocket launch
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Black Brandt sounding rocket ready for launch to study Final inflation of an instrument-carrying helium balloon before
Supernova 1987A launch from Palestine, TX
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Top: Thermal background radiation measured by the COBE The Hubble Space Telescope attached to the Space Shuttle
spacecraft Endeavour during the 1993 service mission
Bottom: Image of the Milky Way taken by the COBE spacecraft astronomer of the 17th century) took pictures of
several asteroids. The Galileo spacecraft was
Shuttle’s payload bay or the satellite is lofted designed to study Jupiter’s atmosphere, satellites,
with one of several different kinds of non- and surrounding magnetosphere. The spacecraft
crewed launch vehicles. For example, the is currently orbiting Jupiter and performing an
Geostationary Operational Environmental extended study of the planet’s moons.
Satellite (GOES) orbits about 40,000 kilome-
ters above Earth’s surface. A Delta rocket was Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)
used to put GOES into high orbit. The choice Just a month later, in November 1989, the
of altitude—high Earth orbit or low Earth Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) was
orbit—depends on the data to be measured. launched from a Delta rocket. This satellite sur-
veyed the entire sky in microwave wavelengths
Recent and Multi-Mission Programs and provided the first precise measurement of
variations in the background radiation of the uni-
Magellan verse. The distribution of this radiation does not
In May 1989, the Magellan spacecraft was follow the predictions of the Big Bang Theory.
released from the Space Shuttle and sent on its
way to orbit Venus. The atmosphere of Venus is The Hubble Space Telescope (HST)
unfriendly to humans with its thick sulfuric acid In April 1990, the crew of the Space Shuttle
clouds, high pressures, and high temperatures. Discovery launched the HST. This telescope
Magellan used radar to penetrate Venus’s dense combines ultraviolet and optical imaging with
atmosphere and map the planet’s surface. spectroscopy to provide high quality data of a
variety of astronomical objects. Although the
Galileo primary mirror aboard the satellite was later dis-
In October of that same year, another Shuttle covered to be slightly flawed, astronomers were
mission launched Galileo on its way to visit the able to partially compensate for the slightly out-
planet Jupiter. On its way out to Jupiter, Galileo of-focus images through computer processing. In
(named after Galileo Galilei, an Italian December 1993, the Hubble servicing mission
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Chandra X-ray Observatory the Explorer program has a long history of pro-
Launched in July of 1999, Chandra is the third viding scientific instruments as part of other
of NASA’s Great Observatories, after the HST nations’ missions. Current Explorer missions
and CGRO. It is performing an exploration of include:
the hot turbulent regions in space and has 8- • Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite
times greater resolution than previous x-ray tele- (SWAS)
scopes enabling it to detect sources more than • Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE)
20-times fainter than previous observations. • Transition Region and Coronal Explorer
Chandra’s improved sensitivity will make possi- (TRACE)
ble more detailed studies of black holes, super- • Fast Auroral Snapshot Explorer (FAST)
novas, and dark matter and increase our under- • Solar Anomalous and Magnetospheric Particle
standing of the origin, evolution, and destiny of Explorer (SAMPEX)
the universe. • Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE)
• Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global
The Discovery Program Exploration (IMAGE)
Discovery represents the implementation of • High Energy Transient Explorer-2 (HETE-2)
“Faster, Better, Cheaper” planetary missions. The • High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager
philosophy of Discovery is to solicit proposals (HESSI)
for an entire mission, put together by consortia • Microwave Anisotropy Probe (MAP)
comprised of industry, small businesses, and uni- • Cooperative Astrophysics and Technology
versities. The goal is to launch many, smaller Satellite (CATSAT)
missions that do focused science with fast turn- • Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX)
around times and for which the entire mission • Cosmic Hot Interstellar Plasma Spectrometer
cost (design, development, launch vehicle, (CHIPS)
instruments, spacecraft, launch, mission opera- • Inner Magnetosphere Explorer (IMEX)
tions, and data analysis) is minimal. Discovery • Two Wide-Angle Imaging Neutral-Atom
missions selected to date include: Spectrometer (TWINS)
• Swift
• Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) • Full-Sky Astrometric Mapping Explorer
• Mars Pathfinder (FAME)
• Lunar Prospector • Coupled Ion-Neutral Dynamics Investigations
• Stardust (CINDI)
• Genesis
• Comet Nucleus Tour (CONTOUR) The Mars Surveyor Program
• ASPERA-3 The Mars Surveyor program reflects a long-term
• Deep Impact commitment to the exploration of the Red
• Mercury Surface Space Environment Planet. NASA intends to launch one or two
Geochemistry and Ranging mission (MES- spacecraft to Mars whenever Mars’ orbit allows,
SENGER) approximately every 26 months. The first space-
craft in this series was the Mars Global Surveyor
The Explorer Program in 1996. The Mars ‘98 Orbiter and Lander were
The Explorer Program began with the launch of launched in December 1998 and January 1999
Explorer 1 in 1958, and became a sustained pro- but were lost during their journey to Mars. The
gram beginning in 1961. Over 70 “Explorer” 2001 Mars Odyssey orbiter is scheduled to arrive
missions have been launched successfully, pio- at Mars in late 2001 and is expected to produce
neering space research on micrometeoroids, the exceptional science mapping the mineralogy of
Earth’s magnetosphere, x-ray astrophysics, the the Martian surface. Currently under develop-
cosmic microwave background and many other ment are twin scientific exploration rovers sched-
fields of space science investigation. In addition, uled for launch in 2003. Each of the rovers will
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Technologies such as solar electric propulsion and the coupled Sun-Earth system that directly affect
artificial intelligence promise a great leap forward life and society on Earth. LWS missions include:
in terms of future spacecraft capability, but they
also present a risk to missions that use them for the • Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
first time. Through a series of deep space and Earth • Sentinels
orbiting flights, NMP will demonstrate these • Radiation Belt Mappers (RBM)
promising but risky technologies in space to prove • Ionospheric Mappers (IM)
that they work. Once validated, the technologies
pose less of a risk to missions that would like to use Scientific Balloon Program
them to achieve their scientific objectives. Balloons offer a low-cost, quick response method
for doing scientific investigations. Balloons are
International Solar Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) mobile, meaning they can be launched where the
Program scientist needs to conduct the experiment, and can
Collaborative efforts by NASA, the European be readied for flight in as little as six months.
Space Agency (ESA), and the Institute of Space Balloon payloads provide us with information on
and Astronautical Science (ISAS) of Japan led to the atmosphere, the universe, the Sun, and the
the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics pro- near-Earth and space environment. NASA launch-
gram, consisting of a set of missions being carried es about 30 scientific balloons each year.
out during the 1990’s and into the next century.
This program combines resources and scientific Sounding Rocket Program
communities on an international scale using a Experiments launched on sounding rockets pro-
complement of several missions, along with com- vide a variety of information, including chemical
plementary ground facilities and theoretical makeup and physical processes taking place in the
efforts, to obtain coordinated, simultaneous inves- atmosphere; the natural radiation surrounding the
tigations of the Sun-Earth space environment over Earth; and data on the Sun, stars, and galaxies.
an extended period of time. Missions include: Sounding rockets provide the only means of mak-
ing in-situ measurements at altitudes between the
• Wind maximum altitudes for balloons (about 30 miles
• Polar or 48 kilometers) and the minimum altitude for
• Geotail satellites (100 miles or 161 kilometers).
• The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
(SOHO) Using space-borne instruments, scientists now
• Ulysses map the universe in many wavelengths.
• Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) Satellites and telescopes provide data in radio,
• IMP-8 microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-ray,
• EQUATOR-8 and gamma ray. By comparing data from an
object in the sky, in all wavelengths,
Living With A Star (LWS) astronomers are learning more about the history
Living With A Star (LWS) is a NASA initiative of our universe. Visit http://spacescience.nasa.gov,
that will develop the scientific understanding for more information about NASA Space
necessary to effectively address those aspects of Science missions and programs.
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