Title: - ZOMATO: An Indian Start Up Acquiring The World
Title: - ZOMATO: An Indian Start Up Acquiring The World
Title: - ZOMATO: An Indian Start Up Acquiring The World
Title – ZOMATO: An Indian start up acquiring the
Company. Customer looks up the menus at the lunch hour then then
the entreprenuer scan the menus on the websites and the websites
have lots of the traffic and was lauched publicly in 2008.
The websites cover the delhi NCR restaurants, kolkata and Mumbai.
In november 2010 the company renamed as ZOMATO and covers
the world.
In 2011, Zomato started to cover in Banglore, pune, chennai,
hyderabad and Ahmedabad and they launched applications for
ios, android, Window phone, and blacberry devices.
Zomato expand most of the contries that is the world in 2012 –
In 15th October, 2015 Zomato changed business strategies from a
Full-Stack market to an enterprise market. This led to Zomato firing
10% of its workforce which equals about 300 people.
Zomato covers over a million restaurants across 10,000+ cities in 23
Reasons for upliftment of their business:
.The key factor for Zomato success is its marketing strategy and in-
depth knowledge of their competitors. Zomato aims to be a place
where the
foodies hangout.
4. Marketing Strategy
Zomato started with direct marketing techniques like SMS and
Direct mailers. Through direct SMS, Zomato targeted six lakh
unique customers as a first stage. Irrespective of users’ responses
Zomato blasted them with 6 SMS per day for one month. Zomato
believes it increased their reach with this technique. Next is direct
email, where they effectively reached corporate in bulk and hence
reached the professional employees which are their primary target.
They distributed pamphlets in specific areas. The pamphlets were
very specific to their business. They were attractive, colorful and of
good quality to customers.
5. Online Food Delivery
The next food order that you place from your favorite
restaurant online might be delivered to your doorstep by
Zomato itself.
Right now Zomato promotes itself as Food Network. On Social
Media, they follow simple strategies of always be there for
your customer and only best content needs to be sent to
customers. They treat Face book and Twitter as two different
platforms. Twitter is more used .
For interaction and conversations and Face book is primarily
used to push their content and to reach more people.
Once a user logs into Zomato with the help of Face book or
Google account, his/her friends will be automatically
identified on the site and they can easily follow their friends.
As the friends’ ratings are more trusted by users when
compared to Zomato’s influencing factor is much higher
the help of social media.
Challenges faced in online food
1. Being in the daily meals market, they have to work with very low ticket
sizes starting at Rs 50/- with no minimum order requirements or
delivery cost. Considering the costs associated with food production,
packaging and delivery, maintaining a strong unit margin is the
biggest challenge.
2. A very high competition is already present in the market, who have
the parameters to be a successful among customers.
3. Confusion may happen between the restaurant and Zomato which
may effect the end customer and the customer has to suffer.
4. Brand Zomato puts its name on stake if anything gone wrong because
of restaurants or the delivery will surely effect its image .
5. Keeping track of their competitors.It is always important to know
what other brands in the same space are doing since there is a
strong overlap in target audience.
1. Relevant & Constantly updated information needs hiring the skilled
local people, in more numbers at ground level.
Efficient employees
Yearly Revenues:
In 2008-0.06 crores
2011-11.3 crores