Dakota Office Products

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Dakota Office Products

Anurag Agarwal
Abin Joy
Nidhi Bhartia
Rahul Mittal
Case Facts
Regional distributors of office supplies
Activities involved in Distribution Centres:
 Process cartons in and out
 Desktop delivery services
 Order Handling
 Data entry- Manual entry & Electronic data interchange
Two types of Customers:
 Customer A: Commercial freight & EDI
 Customer B: Desktop Delivery & Manual orders
Calculating ACDR
Activity Activity Activity cost Cost Driver Activity Cost
Expense driver Quantity Driver Rate

Warehousing 2,000,000 No. of cartons 80000 25

(excl Personnel)
Commercial 450,000 No. of cartons of 75000 6
Freight non desktop
Delivery truck 200,000 No. of cartons of 5000 40
expenses Desktop deliveries

Order Entry 800,000 Data Entry 10000 80

Expenses operators time
Apportionment of Order entry
Activity Activity Activity cost Cost Driver Activity Cost
Expense driver Quantity Driver Rate

Set up manual 80*2000 No. of manual 16000 10

customer order =160000 orders
Enter 80*7500 No. of order lines 150000 4
individual =600000
order lines in
an order
Validate 80*500 No. of EDI orders 8000 5
internet orders =40000
Apportionment of Warehouse Personnel

Activity Activity Activity cost Cost Driver Activity Cost

Expense driver Quantity Driver Rate
Desktop deliveries .10*2400000 No. of cartons 5000 48
=240000 of Desktop
Preparation for non .90*2400000 No. of cartons 75000 28.8
desktop deliveries =2160000 of Desktop
Customer profitability Report- Customer A
Particulars Current method Acc to ABC Costing
No. of Cartons 200 200
Sales 103,000 103,000
Cost of Items 85000 85000
Gross Margin 18000 18000
Warehousing 5000 (200*25)
Distribut Personnel Expenses 5760 (200*28.8)
ion 12750
Commercial Freight 1200 (200*6)
Order Entry 330 (6*10+60*4+6*5)
Total Warehousing, Distribution, 12750 12290
order entry Cost
Contribution to general & selling 5,250 5710
expenses and Profit
Customer profitability Report- Customer B
Particulars Current method Acc to ABC Costing
No. of Cartons 200 200
Sales 104,000 104,000
Cost of Items 85000 85000
Gross Margin 19000 19000
Warehousing 5000 (200*25)
Distribut Personnel Expenses 6720 (50*48+150*28.8)
ion 12750
Commercial Freight 2900 (50*40+150*6)

Order Entry 1720 (100*10+180*4)

Total Warehousing, Distribution, 12750 16340
order entry Cost
Contribution to general & selling 5,250 2660
expenses and Profit
Comparing Customer A &B
Particulars Customer A Customer B

Contribution to general & selling 5710 2660

expenses and Profit

Interest Cost 10% of 9000 10% of 30000

(10% of Average A/C Receivable) =900 =3000

Net Contribution to General & Selling 4810 (340)

Expenses and Profit
Desktop Deliveries Vs. Commercial
Particulars Commercial Desktop Incremental Cost
Truckers Deliveries

Personnel 28.8 48 19.2

Expense per

Delivery cost per 6 40 34


Total 34.4 88 53.2

System Recommendation
 Use of ABC Costing
 Encourage use EDI system by the customers
 Desktop deliveries to be provided not without an incremental
price of $53.2 per carton

Customer Recommendation:
 Customer A has higher contribution and should be preferred
over Customer B
 Customer B should be encouraged to use EDI. This will
reduce the cost by $1120 (1720-600) and increase its
contribution to 780

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