Shop Thursday
Shop Thursday
Shop Thursday
per influencer
Min Max
customer online (2-4.5% of followers) 1,000 2,250
first-time purchase (2% of customer online) 20 45
second purchase (20% of fisrt purchase) 4 9
Sales from first purchase 4,140 9,315
Sales from second purchase 1,380 3,105
Total Sales 5,520 12,420
Cost of first purchase 2,343 5,271
Cost of second purchase 669 1,504
Total Cost 3,011 6,776
contribution 2,509 5,644
Min Max
Annually "Lunchtime" orders 1000 2000
Annually "After Work" orders 250 500
Min Max
online shop
Sales of online 650,000 850,000
first-time customer order comprised one shirt 207 117.14
Dress 126 65
Shirt 81 45
return customer comprised one pair of pants a 345 167.14
Non-Cashmere Lounge set 195 90
Pants 150 70
fee per order 7.14
orders year 2,512.08 3,285.02
104.52667 299.9235
1000 2250
20 45
4 9
1797.2 4043.7
711.44 1600.74
2508.64 5644.44
Online Store
Online Manager 40,000
Website Hosting Fees 13,100
Insurance 2,500
Warehouse Rent 28,000