Customer Value Analysis
Customer Value Analysis
Customer Value Analysis
Nature of Customer Value Analysis
Service Attribute
Perceived Benefits Expected
Perceived Benefits
Transaction Cost
Attribute/Cost Models of Customer Value
Expected Benefits
Presale attributes – include all tangible product and search
attributes that the customer can evaluate before the purchase.
Postsale attributes – include the often intangible product and
service attributes that can only be evaluated postsale after
using the product or service for some time.
Extended postsale attributes – include those products and services
for which an evaluation of value can only be determined after
extended usage.
Service Quality (SERVQUAL) Model
Personal Needs Past Experience
Expected Service
Gap 5
Perceived Service
Desired product
attributes and attribute Attribute-based satisfaction
Goal/Motivation Model of Customer Value
It begins where attribute/cost models end.
It focuses more on the motivations for customer purchases as
opposed to attribute models that analyze only the manifestations
of these motivations.
It is guided by the following principles
o Customer value (product quality, service quality, and price) is
defined by the customer
o Customer value is defined relative to rival offerings
o Customer value will change over time
o Customer value is created throughout the entire value chain
o Customer value is a cooperative effort involving everyone in the
Goal/Motivation Model of Customer Value
It begins where attribute/cost models end.
It focuses more on the motivations for customer purchases as
opposed to attribute models that analyze only the manifestations
of these motivations.
It is guided by the following principles
o Customer value (product quality, service quality, and price) is
defined by the customer
o Customer value is defined relative to rival offerings
o Customer value will change over time
o Customer value is created throughout the entire value chain
o Customer value is a cooperative effort involving everyone in the
Major stages in Customer Value Analysis
Customer Intimacy
o Customer surveys – this involves mail or telephone interviews of
current or potential customers to measure the firm’s effectiveness in
delivering value at key product and service quality attributes
o Focus panel groups – this presents a prototype of a planned product
or service to a group of target customers and asks for their feedback
o Conjoint analysis – this present focus groups with several different
options, each incorporating a different set of quality attributes.
o Price sensitivity analysis – this is similar to conjoint analysis except
that quality attributes and features are compared to price and vice
o Motivation analysis – this is best performed through one-on-one
interviews, motivation analysis seeks to uncover the underlying
psychological reasons driving customer purchase criteria.
Major stages in Customer Value Analysis
Customer Intimacy
o Unmet needs analysis – best performed through in-depth
personal interviews which seeks to define motivations,
needs, or attributes not currently satisfied by existing
o Lead user interviews – it focuses on lead users who are
excellent partners in new product development and most
receptive to a mutual search for solutions.
Major stages in Customer Value Analysis
Formal Customer Value Analysis
o Market perceived quality profile – this examines the key
purchase criteria of customers for the product or service under
o Market perceived price profile – this is similar to market
perceived quality profile except that customer perception of
total cost of ownership is used instead of perceived quality
o Win/loss analysis – this analyzes the core reasons for recent
gains or losses n market share
o What/who matrix – it is a tactical implementation tool designed
to track progress toward meeting the firm’s customer value
improvement objectives.
Major stages in Customer Value Analysis
Strategic management of customer value
o After performing step 1 and step 2, the firm will start
implementing the customer value analysis.
o After having completed the customer value analysis, the firm
will determine which product and service attributes provide
superior customer value.