Foundation of Social Studies

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Unit 2: Roles of Social Studies Education

and Common Problems in Teaching

Group 5
Advincula, Jerahmeel
Borreo, Tim
Borreo, Joyce
Buerano, Jocelle
Dimatera, Reyaneth
Mortiz, Darell
Romano, Justin
Roles of Social Studies: How does Social Studies Education
For individuals • Through subjects in Social
Studies like Economics,
1.Helps the individual to Political Science, and History,
become better citizen. the individuals educate on
Citizenship Rights and Duties
as well as laws, morals, and
virtues. They will be aware of
their roles and responsibilities
and know on how they
perform these roles and
responsibilities correctly.
2. Helps to develop critical • Social studies helps individual
thinking abilities. to enhance their Higher Order
Thinking Skills/Abilities
(HOTS) like comprehension,
application, analysis,
evaluation, and creativity of
an individual.
3. Awareness
• It is a must for us as a social
studies students to be aware
of what is really happening in
the world around us and to
the society where we belong.
For Community

1. Promote social cohesion • All the members of society voluntarily

“play by the roles of the game”.
• The quality of being honest and fair.
2. Integrity • The state of being complete or whole.
• Without Social Studies our community is
• It attempts a logical organization of
knowledge which seeks to help the child
determine the theories, insights, and
3. To produce citizenship growth by principles which govern life before the
making people erudite. person has ever become appointed with
the problems with which such organized
knowledge and ideas.
For Society

1.Human-environment interaction • It helps to examine the interaction

of human beings and their physical
2. It helps to work independently
and cooperatively to accomplish • It helps to build a nation with
goals. solidarity in solving different
problems that exist in the society.
3. It helps to observe and speculate
about social and economic effects of • Social Studies helps the society to
environmental changes. understand the factors that affects
in environmental changes and
what solution may need to be
made to reach a desire outcome.

According to Ezegbe (1994), Social Studies

Education has a lot of contributions towards the
attainment of national objectives. It involves the
adult and the young within the society to develop
their competencies to enable them solve and manage
the socio-economic and physical forces arising in
their midst.
Abubakar (2013) stated that Social Studies
Education contribute in achieving national objective
by relying on its peculiar methodology using inquiry,
topical problematic, project activities and other
approaches to expose the children to pros and cons of
various situation, so that they can arrive at their own
independent conclusions based on reason judgement.
Questions Answers

1. What is the problem? The way of teaching because it can affect

the attention of the students to listen in
the discussion. If the teacher is just only
giving an exam or quizzes without
explaining the topic clearly. And also its
necessary to give some activities to take
the attention of the students. and also
having favoritism the teacher must be
blind and she or he must be equal to
his/her students

2. What are the effects? The students will become unfocused and
uninterested to the class and it may also
lead to absenteeism.
3. What are the causes? • Because of the unhealthy ways of
teaching and unequal treatment of

4. . What are the solutions? • Be transparent and improve their

method of teaching so that it will
help to open up the mind of the
students to reality of life and it
will also help to raise the
AWARENESS of the students of
what is really happening in the
world around him or her and to
the society where he or she
My Realization
Being a future teacher it is a must to fulfill
our duties but it will become more meaningful
if we can expand the knowledge of our students
through our different teaching methodologies,
and those knowledge they been learned is
applicable in their everyday life. And what
matters most is we are the one who shape and
guide them into the right path and lead them
for their future self.

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