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The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership

with focus on the Philippine TVET System



Year & Course: 3RD YR. BTLED

Instruction: Read, analyze and answer each question carefully. You will be scored based on
the given rubrics below.

The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
with focus on the Philippine TVET System

5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points

Addresses the specific
Does not directly
Answers the central question
answer the specific
specific central asked in part, but
central question
question asked, but does not relate
Answers the specific asked.
not as well as the 5 directly to the
central question that Has significant
points. question or does not
was asked problems with
Presents address all required
Presents all clarity, concision,
information fairly elements.
information clearly and and organization,
clearly and Presents information
concisely and in an making the
concisely, and may in a manner that is
organized manner information
have minor sometimes unclear,
presented difficult
organization and/or has significant
for the reader to
problems organization
1. Explain in a sentence why each education philosopher was associated with these given
a) John Locke – the empiricist
John Locke is related with the word empiricist because he is an empiricist educator who
believes that knowledge is achieved via experience and observation by employing our senses in
our interactions with our environment. Because the learner is an active agent of his own

The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
with focus on the Philippine TVET System

b) Spencer – the utilitarianist

Because he was a utilitarian educator and felt that we should fit in with our society, Spencer is
linked to the term utilitarianist. His primary areas of interest are professional and vocational
programmes with a practical and scientific foundation.
c) John Dewey – experience
Because he thought that learning is an ongoing process and that we learn from our
experiences, John Dewey is linked to the phrase "learning through experience." The saying
"experience is the best teacher" is one I've included in this quote because no matter what
challenges we face—positive or negative—we can't deny that they affect our life and the way we
see the world.
d) George Counts – Building a new social order
George Counts is linked to the phrase "building a new social order" because he thinks that
educators may make a significant impact on society by teaching and educating pupils, which in
turn transforms society.
e) Theodore Brameld – the Social Reconstructionist
Because of his emphasis on social reformation—in which schools have a duty to assess the
culture and educate students about social issues so they may become involved in finding
solutions to improve society—Theodore Brameld is linked to the term "social reconstructionist."
f) Paulo Freire – Critical pedagogy vs. Banking method
Paulo Freire is associated with the term "critical pedagogy vs. banking method" because he
suggests a critical pedagogy in which the teacher uses his knowledge to enlighten the students

The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
with focus on the Philippine TVET System

and challenge the inequality in their society because he believes that instead of teaching as
banking, teachers see themselves as sole possessors and their students as empty receptacles.

2. Make a table summery of the philosophies of education.

Philosopher Philosophy on Aim/s and Classroom/School

Methods of Education Application

1. The Lockean The instructor needs to

The goal of education was to comprehend his students.
The Empirism create a person who could Teachers can gain insight
better serve his country by into their students'
having a sound body and perceptions of their
sound mind. According to behaviour by knowing the
Locke, the purpose of reasons behind their
education was to prepare behaviour.
students for life.

2. Spencer Herbert It is action, not information, Incorporating science into

that is the ultimate goal of the curriculum, as science

The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
with focus on the Philippine TVET System

Rational Thinking education. He promoted has greatly contributed to

student-based automatic the development of our
learning and highlighted the country as we all know. Do
importance of interest in the an experiment with the
teaching process. class, especially if the topic
is science.

3. John Dewey Learning needs to be done or The instructor works hard to

experienced. You have to enhance the learning
Learning through encounter reality. The way environment for each
experience the school is set up should student and foster a passion
reflect the goings-on in the for the subject. Including
outside world. them in the learning
activities that are performed.
4. George Counts He wished for educators to The instructor challenged
teach students directly about and changed the social order
Building new social order power and injustice, moving in the classroom. When it
beyond ethereal, intellectual comes to making critical
notions of democracy. He decisions about social
desired the creation of a issues, teachers have a
better social order to be one major role.
of the main objectives for

The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
with focus on the Philippine TVET System

educators and learners.

5. Theodore Brameld He concentrates on a Encourage pupils to think

curriculum that highlights critically about social issues
Social reconstructionism education's ultimate goal of in order to improve society.
social reform. He thought Since education is an
that education could usher investigative process in
in a new social order. which students create and
reimagine the world through
the illumination provided by
their professors, social


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