Writing A Literature Review: Derek Davies University Language Centre
Writing A Literature Review: Derek Davies University Language Centre
Writing A Literature Review: Derek Davies University Language Centre
Derek Davies
University Language Centre
What is a literature review?
The 'Literature Review' is the part of the dissertation
where there is extensive reference to related research
and theory in the field
It is where connections are made between the source
texts that you draw on and where you position yourself
amongst these sources
It is your opportunity to engage in a written dialogue
with researchers in your area whilst at the same time
showing that you have engaged with, understood and
responded to the relevant body of knowledge
underpinning your research.
Where does a literature review appear in
the dissertation?
Integral references:
According to Chen (1997), ...
Chen (1997) points out that ...
As shown by Chen (1997) ...
Chen (1997) argues that ...
Research by Chen (1997) suggests that ...
Non-integral references:
Increased awareness of the dangers of a high fat diet
has led to a rise in the sale of fresh vegetables in the
local supermarkets (Chen 1997; Swindon 2000).
Longer quotations:
Secondary Referencing
Bridge management has been defined as a ‘structured
process that begins with the identification of problems
(diagnosis) and progresses into the assessment of risk
and the prediction of future conditions (prognosis)’
(Jones and Smith, 1998 as cited in Brown et al., 2002: 112).
Using appropriate reporting verbs
Walker (1980) adopted a system viewpoint and
defined a model which is client oriented and common
to all projects.