Writing A Literature Review: Derek Davies University Language Centre

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Writing a Literature Review

Derek Davies
University Language Centre
What is a literature review?
 The 'Literature Review' is the part of the dissertation
where there is extensive reference to related research
and theory in the field
 It is where connections are made between the source
texts that you draw on and where you position yourself
amongst these sources
 It is your opportunity to engage in a written dialogue
with researchers in your area whilst at the same time
showing that you have engaged with, understood and
responded to the relevant body of knowledge
underpinning your research.
Where does a literature review appear in
the dissertation?

 It may occur in a chapter entitled Literature Review.

This chapter is likely to be divided into topic-related
 The literature review may occur in a chapter or
series of chapters with topic-related titles.
 The literature review may be interwoven throughout
the whole dissertation. This is common in library-
based research which focuses on a theoretical
analysis of texts.
Structuring your literature review
What are the multiple purposes of a
literature review?

 to provide a historical context for your research

 to give an overview of the current context in which
your research is situated
 to show relevant theories and concepts for your
 to provide definitions and relevant terminology for
your research
 to describe related research in the field and how
your work extends this or addresses a gap in
previous work in the field
 to provide supporting evidence for a practical
problem which your research is addressing
Integrating sources:
integral and non-integral references.

Integral references:
 According to Chen (1997), ...
 Chen (1997) points out that ...
 As shown by Chen (1997) ...
 Chen (1997) argues that ...
 Research by Chen (1997) suggests that ...

Non-integral references:
 Increased awareness of the dangers of a high fat diet
has led to a rise in the sale of fresh vegetables in the
local supermarkets (Chen 1997; Swindon 2000).

 Chen (1997) has argued that there should be

awareness raising campaigns in local supermarkets
regarding the dangers of a high fat diet.
 Changes in the purchasing habits of customers were
noted after awareness raising campaigns took place
(Chen 1997).
Direct quotation

 According to Ely et al. (1997, p160), 'interpretation means

drawing meanings from the analyzed data and attempting to see
these in some larger context'.

 Longer quotations:
Secondary Referencing
Bridge management has been defined as a ‘structured
process that begins with the identification of problems
(diagnosis) and progresses into the assessment of risk
and the prediction of future conditions (prognosis)’
(Jones and Smith, 1998 as cited in Brown et al., 2002: 112).
Using appropriate reporting verbs
 Walker (1980) adopted a system viewpoint and
defined a model which is client oriented and common
to all projects.

 Noum (2001) breaks down the building process into

three main subprocesses:

 Carlson (2002) found that managers work long hours,

mix trivial and important work, have short periods of
time alone, and suffer many interruptions.
Definitions for Reporting Verbs

 Argue to say that something is true or correct and give

reasons for this

 Mention to refer briefly to something or somebody, in

spoken or written text

 Conclude to decide that something is true using the facts you

have as a basis

 Point out to draw someone’s attention to a fact or a mistake

 Suggest to offer a plausible explanation for something

Showing connections between sources in your

 There are various interpretations of new urbanism with the difference

largely being between those who regard the city as an organic entity
(Jacobs 1994) and those that appeal back to the garden-city movement,
focusing on large-scale spatial change (Rouse 2003). However, all have
a certain commonality. They had an underlying conviction that creating
a vibrant city based upon a diverse community, a mix of building
functions, urban regeneration (physical), high densities and good urban
design would lead to an improved quality of life (Harvey 2000; Hospers
2003). This may have seemed like a desirable and ‘good’ solution and
was certainly proving persuasive in planning practice. However, on
closer inspection and a consideration of the underlying values, (i.e. what
is new urbanism trying to achieve?) the ‘good’ solution could be
questioned reiterating the importance of considering alternatives.
 Coveney, E. (2003) A reassertion of value: a study of value as illustrated by
conservation and regeneration in historic urban quarters: the Birmingham
jewellery quarter and the Nottingham lace market University of Sheffield:
Unpublished MA dissertation
How to be critical in a literature review:
The difference between critical reading and critical

Being a critical reader means evaluating everything you

read. This means considering the following:

 the authors’ underpinning assumptions

 their central arguments
 the evidence they put forward to support their arguments and
 their research methodology and findings.
Question to ‘open up ‘ a research text:

 How are knowledge claims established and defended?

 How does the text try to make itself believable?
 How does the text persuade?
 Does anything appear to be ‘taken for granted’ in the text?
 Where are there gaps or inconsistencies in the text?
General principles: How to 'be critical' when
writing your literature review

 be selective about the literature you cite.

 make connections between authors that have written
about related ideas.
 make connections with your own work: for example...
- how your work is different or an extension of another researcher's
- indicate how your work is addressing a weakness, gap or limitation
in previous research.
- explain why particular concepts, theories, definitions or models from
the literature are useful for your own research.
Making connections between sources of
 a) Identifying when different authors are discussing the
same phenomenon or concept

 b) Identifying whether the different authors are

presenting the same or different perspectives

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