Tax Planning

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Tax Planning

 Tax planning is the arrangement of financial activities

in such a way that maximum tax benefits are enjoyed
by making use of all beneficial provisions in the tax
laws. It entitles the assessee to avail certain
exemptions, deductions, rebates and reliefs, so as to
minimize his tax liability.

 Tax planning imply compliance with the taxing

provisions in such a manner that full advantage is
taken of all exemptions, deductions, concessions,
rebates and reliefs permissible under the Act so that
the incidence of tax is the least.
Tax Avoidance
 Tax avoidance is minimizing the incidence of tax by
adjusting the affairs in such a manner that although it
is within the four corners of the taxation laws but the
advantage is taken by finding out loopholes in the
laws. The shortest definition of tax avoidance is that
it is the art of dodging tax without breaking the law.

 In the case of tax avoidance, the tax payer apparently

circumvents the law, without giving rise to a criminal
offence, by the use of a scheme, arrangement or
device, often of a complex nature but where the main
purpose is to defer, reduce or completely avoid the tax
payable under the law.
Tax Evasion
 Unscrupulous citizens evade their tax liability by
dishonest means. Some of which are:
 Concealment of income;
 Inflation of expenses to suppress income;
 Falsification of accounts;
 Conscious violation of rules

 These devices are unethical and have to be

condemned. The courts also do not favour such
unethical means. Evasion, once proved, not only
attracts heavy penalties but may also lead to
Legal Legal Illegal
Ethical Unethical Unethical
No intention to defeat legal Intention to defeat legal spirit Intention to defeat legal spirit
By taking legitimate benefits of By taking benefit of loopholes Misstatement and falsification
Income tax law of law of accounts, incomes and
No Litigation in courts Leads to litigation in courts Leads to litigation in courts
No Penalty/ Prosecution No Penalty/ Prosecution Attracts penalty/prosecution
Good for National It is evil for Nation/Society It is evil for Nation/Society
Development/ Society…creates
employment etc
Promotes professionalism and Encourages bribery and Encourages bribery and
strengthens economic and weakens economic and political weakens economic and political
political situation situation situation

Planning before tax liability Planning for avoidance before Tax evasion involves avoidance
arises tax liability arises of payment of tax after the
liability of tax has arise.
Tax Management
 Tax management refers to the compliance with the
statutory provisions of law.

 While tax planning is optional, tax management is

mandatory. It includes maintenance of accounts, filling of
return, payment of taxes, deduction of tax at source, timely
payment of advance tax, etc.

 Poor tax management may lead to levy of interest, penalty,

prosecution, etc. In some cases it may lead to heavy
financial loss if proper compliance is not made, e.g. if a loss
return is not filed in time it will result in a financial loss
because such loss will not be allowed to be carried forward
Objectives of Tax Planning
 Reduction of tax liability
 Minimization of litigation
 Productive investment
 Healthy growth of economy
 Economic stability
Factors on the basis of which Tax
planning is done
 The following factors are helpful for effective tax
 Residential status and citizenship of the assessee.
 Heads of income/Assets to be included in
computing net wealth.
 Latest legal position.
 Form v Substance
Specific Management Decisions
1. Capital Structure
 While selecting a particular capital structure the
entrepreneur has to keep in view the following
 serving the capital base with consistent dividend
 cost of capital to be raised from the market
 chargeability or otherwise of taxes, i.e., direct and
indirect taxes
 keeping a margin for ploughing back of profits for
future plan towards diversification, expansion,
modernization and other development aspects.
 Means of financing:
Generally, the following means of finance are
available for a new project:
 Equity share capital,
 Debentures/Loans and borrowings/Lease Finance
 Capital mix:
A capital structure is said to be optimum when it
has a mix of debt and equity that will yield the
lowest weighted average cost of capital. At the
same time, a capital mix should not have high
debt equity ratio. A high debt/equity ratio has its
own advantages and disadvantages.
Lease or buy decisions:
 In recent years, leasing has become a popular
source of financing in India. From the lessees
point of view, leasing has the attraction of
eliminating immediate cash outflow, and the
lease rentals can be claimed as admissible
expenditure against the business income. On the
other hand, buying has the advantages of
depreciation allowance and interest on borrowed
capital being tax-deductible. Thus, an evaluation
of the two alternatives is to be made in order to
take a decision.
Make or buy decision
 Now a decision regarding the manufacturing of
these components is to be taken. It is decided
whether the product/part/component of product
should be bought from the market or should be
manufactured by having necessary
manufacturing facilities. The main consideration
affecting such a decision is cost. In a make or buy
decision, the variable cost of making the product
or part/component of product is compared with
its purchase price prevailing in the market.
Repair/Renewal or Replacement
of an asset:
 Repairs/Renewal: Deduction for expenditure on
repairs/renewal will be allowed as revenue expenditure in
computation of business income as under:-
 If the building is a rented building, any expenditure on repairs shall
be allowed as deduction.
 It may be noted that if the repairs expenditure are of capital nature
it shall not be allowed as deduction either under section 30, 31 or 37.

 Replacement of assets: If the asset has to be replaced, the

expenditure incurred on replacement shall be capital expenditure
and the assessee shall only be entitled to depreciation on such
assets and as such, the entire expenditure cannot be claimed as
deduction which was allowed in case of repairs.
Tax planning in case of employee’s
 This requires consideration from the point of view of –

 Employer: While calculating the business income of

the employer, the remuneration payable to the
employee, in whatever form, should be fully
deductible otherwise the employer will have to pay tax
on such remuneration also as the same will not be
allowed as deduction while computing his business
income. In some cases, the employer shall have to pay
fringe benefit tax on certain benefits given to the
 Employee: The salary received by the employee, whether in
cash or kind, should attract minimum income-tax liability.
He should be in a position to avail maximum
exemption/concession in respect of such salary received by
him. Some of the exemptions/concessions available to
employee under Income-tax Act are as under:

 Section 10(10) exemption in case of death-cum-retirement gratuity.

 Section 10(10A) exemption of commuted pension.
 Section 10(10B) exemption of retrenchment compensation.
 Section 10(10C) exemption of compensation on voluntary retirement.
 Section 10(13A) exemption of House rent allowance.
 Section 10(14) exemption of specified/notified special allowance.
 Tax free perquisites, like medical facility, reimbursement of medical expenses,
telephone at the residence of employee, free lunch or dinner/free refreshment,
leave travel concession, etc.
 Contribution by the employer to the provident fund or other welfare fund of the
 Perquisites taxable at concessional rate, like rent free accommodation,
motorcar, etc.
Inflation of expenses to suppress income is an act of
(A) Tax Planning
(B) Tax Avoidance
(C) Tax Evasion
(D) Tax Management
The filing of return of loss u/s 139(3) to avail benefit of
set off and carry forward of loss is called …………….
 (A) Tax Planning
 (B) Tax Avoidance
 (C) Tax Evasion
 (D) Tax Management
Mr. Aditya, an employee of Shri Ram Krishna Seva
Mandal, stays in housing facility provided by the trust.
This is an act of …………..
 (A) Tax Planning
 (B) Tax Avoidance
 (C) Tax Evasion
 (D) Tax Management
Mr. Yash, a businessman, purchases National Saving
Certificates of Rs.50,000, so as to reduce his income
chargeable to tax from Rs.4,00,000 to Rs.3,50,000. This
is an act of ……………..
 (A) Tax Planning
 (B) Tax Avoidance
 (C) Tax Evasion
 (D) Tax Management
An assessee cannot claim the benefit of …………. for the
purpose of tax deduction if the ‘Own’ the asset.
A. Depreciation on asset
B. Repair expenses of revenue nature
C. Interest on money borrowed to purchase the asset
D. None of the above
When the asset is owned by the assessee, he can claim
benefit of ………… for tax deduction.
(A) Lease rental
(B) Repair and Maintenance expenses of capital nature
(C) Depreciation
(D) Cost of Asset
Which of the following will be not be allowed as
deduction in case of ‘Lease’ of an asset?
(A) Depreciation
(B) Cost of Capital
(C) Interest on loan borrowed for acquiring the asset
(D) Rental paid to lessor
Lease rental can be claimed as ________ against business
A. Admissible expenses
B. Inadmissible expenses
C. Both (A) and (B)
D. None of the above
Deduction for expenses on repair and renewal is allowed
as _________
A. Capital expenditure
B. Revenue expenditure
C. Differed Revenue expenditure
D. Both (A) and (C)
Remuneration paid to employee will be………
A. Fully deductible
B. Partly deductible
C. Non deductible
D. Depends on situation
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